(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)


Dandin's profit on selling all the metal from the weapons and armour and stuff is 60gp and he has an unclaimed riverboat. (It must have belonged to the slavers, based on the manacles in the oarwells and its ramming prow)

The elves never asked for anything, but they replenished their arrows and ate, drank, and slept for free for a few days. No one complained.

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Had a poke around in Xanathar's and I'd like to go for a few of those rather than for a single uncommon item. Dandin has 274 gold ATM, though some of that should probably go to financing his trade business. 2 boats now?

Anyways, I'd like a Ruby of the War Mage (especially because a Shawn in one hand and a rapier in the other seems clunky) and crap, I actually need to buy a 100 GP pearl still, don't I?


Uncommon items cost about 400 gold according to Xanathars. Common items cost about 100.

Oh, I see what you mean. With your money, if I'm allowing magic item purchasing. I have to say, I find the weird downtime rules for trying to purchase magic items to be confusing. I'm fine with Dandin getting that ruby for 100gp (or any refluffed version that does essentially the same thing).


I’m going to play with some economics here. Hopefully, I’ll be able to use it to make some money. But we’ll see if the DM will let me.

How much would the people of this town people pay for Earrings that alert them when a goblinoid is nearby? Or any hostile person?Would they pay at least 20 gp each? Because I’d need that to make it worth it.

I’ve got 100 gp total from all that? If so, If like to buy a Spell Scroll with Magic Mouth and transcribe it in my Ritual book. It’s 50 gp to transcribe it, so I’m hoping it’ll be less than 50 gp to buy it.

If so, I will then be able to create earrings that whisper an alert whenever X happens within 30 ft, with, according to the description of the spell, no limit as to how general or detailed the trigger is, as long as it is an audial or visual stimulus, with no indications of light needed or line of sight. In other words, I can make an earring that whispers “On your six” and have the trigger be “when an enemy is behind me.” Or “Goblinoid spotted” with the trigger “When a Goblinoid comes within 30 ft”.

Also, they last until dispelled, and can repeat every time this occurrence happens. So it would just keep repeating “On your six” in my ear until I turned and faced the enemy.

Once I have enough gold, I can enchant a multistoned earring, with each stone set to detect an enemy in a different direction. So it would literally be whispering their direction in my ear.

There’s actually a whole list of things this can do, such as creating a telephone line and having a citywide alarm system, though that would take hundreds of tiny enchanted objects with some sophisticated programming. All a computer is is a “execute command when X happens”.

But I don’t have that kind of money. Each individual item costs 10 gp. An earring with 12 stones, set to detect enemies in every direction around me, would cost 120 gp by itself.

But a simple earring that warned of bad guys nearby is like the Alarm Spell, but permanent and 30 ft rather than 20. And I feel like the people would pay for that.

So I would like to buy that spell scroll and start taking commissions to build my wealth. Let’s see if we can create a new industry!

If possible.

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