• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D (2024) YOU are in charge of the next PHB! What do you change?

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I think that the bard and the ranger both have been hit hard by 5E’s ”everybody’s got a little skill in all areas”. While it’s great that 5E characters can better cover gaps from missing classes in a party, both the ranger and the bard weren’t given abilities to keep them relevant and distinct.

I really think the bard’s Bardic Performance needs a boost - and should be able to be taken in a direction that augments their own actions or gives a party-wide boost; and that the bard can switch between the two as much as the rogue is expected to sneak attack.

The ranger is really hurt by the underdeveloped exploration tier. Their “wilderness” skills just don’t cut it in 5E, and they need more non-spell abilities so they aren’t the Two-weapon or Bow Fighter in Studded Leather With Awesome Hair.

Also, I think it’s a pity Rangers and Paladins didn’t get cantrips, if they’re going to be given spells. Lay on Hands and Smite really seem like they ought to be transferred to cantrips. Favored Foe and other wilderness tricks (Unerring Track? Swift Pursuit? Hunter’s Eye?) might help the ranger as cantrips.

I’m in charge! Personally I don’t change anything.
But I will use the old way: survey, play test, interview with popular streamer and content producer, all the answers are there!


New Publisher
Not sure what ALL I'd do....but I'd start with this:

A very small set of spells every spellcasting class had access to (different for each class). Sub classes would add to that, so that different flavors of wizards were actually different from each other. I understand this would likely not be popular, btw.

I'd put A LOT more into clerics being different depending on what they worshipped. Why do they all kind of get the same powers? Again, this might not be popular, but I think moreso than the above.

I'd convert the paladin into a holy warrior class whose powers were, again, dependent on what they worshipped. Holy warrior is probably not the right name, more like "idea warrior"....this class does what it does for reasons, not for fame/fortune/whatever.

All fighters would have access to some set of cool things the rules say they can do.

I'd do something with the old skills thieves used to have, seems all jumbled now.

I'd go with lineage, culture, background. Background would be the most important thing for what skills you start with. I'm not sure how the heck I'd handle how an orc is different from a dwarf. Like, I think they are all people, but is appearance really the only difference? So complex...so complex. Culture would be where you grew up....like the city? or tribe? or underground? background is what you did there. Culture also gives you some skills (did you grow up travelling a lot? or in a farming area even if you didn't farm?).


But like I said, I'm not an FF expert. Does the FF Red Mage also focus on mind/illusion spells?
Nah, you got it in one. The Red Mage is a hybrid class. Can equip better weapons and armor than a dedicated spellcaster, and generally have stuff for quicker spellcasting, plus can learn a hybrid of spells from both black and white magic, but make up for it with lower stats and not being able to get the higher end magic the specialists get.


Ohhhh wow interesting. I always heard FF was based on early D&D but I didn't know it was that direct!
Oh, goodness, is it ever blatant. That wasn't super-odd at the time, the whole JRPG scene, which predates Final Fantasy by a bit, was doign it.

The original Final Fantasy has monsters like Mindflayers, Beholders, Tiamat, Bulettes, etc. The big baddies are the Princes of Elemental Evil.

The English version...changed a few names.

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