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TSR Companies & Freelancers Distance Themselves From The New TSR

The new TSR (which I refer to as TSR3 to avoid confusion) has doubled down on its stance--which has been widely condemned online--via an ongoing series of tweets and replies from its TSR Games, Giantlands, and Dungeon Hobby Museum social media accounts (possibly operated by Justin LaNasa) in an astonishing PR campaign which makes the original interview which sparked off the controversy look...

The new TSR (which I refer to as TSR3 to avoid confusion) has doubled down on its stance--which has been widely condemned online--via an ongoing series of tweets and replies from its TSR Games, Giantlands, and Dungeon Hobby Museum social media accounts (possibly operated by Justin LaNasa) in an astonishing PR campaign which makes the original interview which sparked off the controversy look mild in comparison. Various entities are moving to distance themselves from the company and its activities, including TSR2, the company founded in 2011 by Jayson Elliot, which has now declared that it will not be using the name TSR any longer. Other companies including Gen Con and freelancers such as Jeff Dee have also made statements.

For reference -- TSR1 is the (no longer existing) company which launched D&D in 1974, TSR2 is the company founded by Jayson Elliot in 2011 to create Gygax Magazine and which currently publishes the Top Secret RPG, and TSR3 is the newly launched company.

Catch up on my previous coverage of this story:

TSR3's social media accounts initially sought to distance the company from Ernie Gygax's statements, but within a few hours had reversed course and doubled down on his stance. Note that there have been dozens of social media posts from the company over the last few days, and still continuing as I type this, and I don't intend to share them all here.

(Thanks to Daniel Fox for sharing screenshots below via Twitter).

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TSR2 -- "Update to our earlier tweet - we will NOT be licensing anything from the new company claiming rights to the TSR logos. We are not working with them in any fashion."

Gen Con -- "Gen Con is not associated with TSR Games and we don't support their recent statements. While the foundation of Gen Con is tied with the history of TTRPGs, our goal is to build off the good, acknowledge the bad, and work toward a present free from racism, misogyny, and homophobia."

Gen Con has also indicated that they do not intend to allow TSR3 at the convention.


GAMA (the Game Manufacturers Association) -- "We’re aware of the appalling statements published by TSR Games and their founder - GAMA does not condone nor agree with any part of it. We pride ourselves on supporting and promoting inclusivity always. Our motto is “A game at every table, a table for everyone”. Transphobia, racism, and sexism will not be tolerated. That means that TSR is not welcome at Origins Game Fair, GAMA Expo or any event affiliated with our organization."

Jeff Dee -- "There is a rumor going around that I am part of this new TSR company. That is not accurate. I have done some work for them as a freelance artist. That’s how I make my living, and spreading the misinformation that I’m now employed full-time by one particular client could stop other clients from approaching me and hurt my business. So, please do not spread that rumor. If I ever become a full-time employee anywhere again, I will announce that myself. Thanks. UPDATE: After investigating reports about statements made by representatives of this new TSR, I have determined that I can no longer do business with them in good conscience. I've returned their downpayment on the next piece of art I was scheduled to do for them. And yeah, I could sure use some new commissions to make up for this big hit on my cashflow"

Jim Ward, an original TSR alumnus and who wrote Giantlands, TSR3's flagship product -- "At the present time I know little or nothing about the relaunch of TSR. Right now I don't see how anyone could pick up where the old company left off. Yes it's a name with some logos, that is all I know."

Luke Gygax -- "FYI- I am not involved with any TSR company nor is Gary Con nor anyone else in my family outside of Ernie. Full stop. That is all ... I have reasons for distancing myself. The way TSR treats people online in their public exchanges is rude. The museum is a for profit business and was asking for donations. Using names of people to promote without their knowledge. Going out of the way to talk gender/woke stuff ... Also basically jacking the TSR logo from Jayson Elliot. The bombastic press releases and claims to old IP. Making a quick nostalgia money grab based on my fathers name and not much else. So I’m making it clear I don’t like this style and I have ZERO to do with TSR"

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TSR3 responds to Luke Gygax

Tim Kask, an original TSR alumnus who worked at the company until 1980, spoke at length on this topic in a YouTube video (below). I've transcribed some bits, but he says a whole load more (ellipses represent sections I have not included, for reasons of brevity), so check out the video for the whole thing.

"There has been bandied about in social media over the last several days several claims about what's going on in Lake Geneva right now. Ernie Gygax made a most egregious mistake in an interview he did on a podcast. He basically waved his bare ass in front of everybody that's concerned about pronouns, and woke, and all that right now in the industry and thumbed his nose at them. The transcript of his podcasts are there for everyone to read. That they were men, and they didn't give a sh*t, and la la la.

But right there they alienated three quarters of the gaming industry. Probably more than that, I don't believe that there's a quarter of the gaming industry that still are the neanderthals that he would make us out to be.

That's another thing. This whole thing has brought the OSR (the old school revival) into serious disrepute. Now there are some little Karens going on some of the social media and painting with the same brush all of us that were there back then based on the stupid ass sh*t that Ernie just said. No. We weren't all like that. And we aren't all like that now. He's a troll, a troglodyte, a neanderthal, if he really means that. It's a foolish person that doesn't wet his finger once in a while and feel the wind shift.

Now there've been claims in a couple of posts, one of which is by Ernie, about how the stalwarts, the old TSR are flocking to the banner. Bullsh*t....

... There is no one of the creative side of TSR from the early days involved with the Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum. No one. Not one creative person. No matter who might be claiming what, they simply do not have the credentials. Being named DiMaggio does not mean you can hit a lot of home runs. Or that you even hit any home runs ....

... Just because you say you're TSR doesn't mean you are."


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Podcast host, 6-edition DM, and guy with a pulse.
Georgia in the '80s and '90s. It didn't help that people recognized I was queer almost a decade before I did. I didn't find out that I was bisexual until I was 19 and didn't realize I was transgender until I was 24.

It made me an excellent target. The rich kids could look down on me, the jocks could look down on me, the bible thumpers could look down on me, and anyone who was remotely homophobic ( literally everyone ) could also look down on me for nebulous reasons that none of us actually understood.

I am damn lucky I was born white.
I can sympathize with this. My situation was different but probably similar; 80s/90s WI. The Milwaukee suburbs in Waukesha County are not known for their empathies towards others, to be nice. I was taught that great value of turn the other cheek and report it; all this did was make it worse. I couldn't turn to parents because they were very much against any fighting back. The school literally coddled and excused the behavior of the bullies because sports/toughness/Idontknow. So being backed into a corner with no support, I did what I had to do; internalize coping mechanisms, be the smoother-over-guy, and develop a serious self-deprecating humor problem.

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Mod note:
Strawman positions are inaccurate restatements of positions, usually depicting a more extreme position than the original speaker intended. This is a major way that internet discussions get driven to poles, and arguments are escalated.

You shouldn't use strawman arguments. If you do so accidentally, you should acknowledge the error, fix it, and move on. Getting in the face of someone who points out your error is NOT a constructive approach. Please abandon that approach now.
I will endeavor to be more aware of this. Thanks for the education. I'm still not sure I did such a thing, but that part of the discussion is not important enough for me to spend time defending my intent as being something else.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
As a rule, the "bullied nerd as school shooter" trope is mostly a myth. School shooters are far more likely to be bullies rather then bullied. The Columbine shooters were white supremacists who terrorized their classmates.
Bullied nerd trope, maybe. But research published within the last decade still shows that a substantial majority of school shooters leave evidence that they were bullied. Now, some of that may be based on skewed perceptions of the shooter, but I doubt all of it is. And being bullied is almost certainly more linked to suicidal thoughts and behavior than outwardly directed violence, but suicidal thoughts also tie in with school shooters.
In any event, dismissing the idea that school shooters are victims of bullying doesn't match available research.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Bullied nerd trope, maybe. But research published within the last decade still shows that a substantial majority of school shooters leave evidence that they were bullied. Now, some of that may be based on skewed perceptions of the shooter, but I doubt all of it is. And being bullied is almost certainly more linked to suicidal thoughts and behavior than outwardly directed violence, but suicidal thoughts also tie in with school shooters.
In any event, dismissing the idea that school shooters are victims of bullying doesn't match available research.
I mean, the fact is there haven't been enough school shooters to draw conclusions, but all the research I've been able to find state pretty definitively that there are plenty of conflating factors that are more common, including outward aggression.



Three words came to mind after reading this: unprofessional, clueless, inadequate

Unprofessional - It was a bit TMI. It's appears that he wore his heart on his sleeve when he wrote that (I hope no publicist did that), and while we're a small industry so some informality may be expected or accepted, I'm used to more polish. I do believe he is genuine i.e., he did not intend harm. But that brings me to my next point.

Clueless b/c he seems oblivious to the bigger picture. If he didn't know how his statements have hurt people, he should know by now. Like I said, I take him at his word that he did not intend harm but boy he's doesn't understand what it means to rectify it.

Inadequate, well, @Umbran said it best:

A real, functional apology has three parts at minimum:
1) I am sorry.
2) This is what I did wrong, and this is why it was wrong.
3) This is what I will do to make it better (or an offer to make it better if exactly how isn't known yet)

Sometimes called "acknowledgement, remorse, and restitution".

I don't see those things. Thus, this is what we might call a "non-apology". It reads like a statement to try to get us to sympathize with and pardon him without him acknowledging and owning the harm. Not an uncommon form after a flub, but not actually what we need.

Mind you, many, many people do not know that these are the things an apology needs to have. I hope someone tells him.

Bottom line: Appreciate making the effort. But I have not changed my position: your company does not support the values I support. More is needed before I even remotely consider supporting TSR3 or purchasing any of its products.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I mean, the fact is there haven't been enough school shooters to draw conclusions, but all the research I've been able to find state pretty definitively that there are plenty of conflating factors that are more common, including outward aggression.
About 50 or so since 2010. The Secret Service published analysis of 41 incidents of targeted school violence (stabbings and shootings) from 2008 to 2017. Being bullied tracks as a significant motive for about half. Links to outward aggression like sadism are significant, but typically behind being bullied.
There's little getting around it - bulling can lead to people lashing back out. It would be nice and tidy if deadly school violence was attributable to the same thugs who bully people on a routine basis, then we could neatly put them in a convenient classification box of terrible people. But the data don't seem to support those conclusions in any tidy fashion. Bullied people are a significant factor in the number of school shootings and stabbings that school kids experience.

None of this, of course, excuses Ernie's rambling, non-apology to people who are trans.


About 50 or so since 2010. The Secret Service published analysis of 41 incidents of targeted school violence (stabbings and shootings) from 2008 to 2017. Being bullied tracks as a significant motive for about half. Links to outward aggression like sadism are significant, but typically behind being bullied.
There's little getting around it - bulling can lead to people lashing back out. It would be nice and tidy if deadly school violence was attributable to the same thugs who bully people on a routine basis, then we could neatly put them in a convenient classification box of terrible people. But the data don't seem to support those conclusions in any tidy fashion. Bullied people are a significant factor in the number of school shootings and stabbings that school kids experience.

None of this, of course, excuses Ernie's rambling, non-apology to people who are trans.
At the very least, dropping "I fantasized about being a school shooter as a teenager" is massively inappropriate for a public apology in this context.

First, I want to say thanks @Rob Kuntz for reaching out to Ernie about these topics.

I've discovered this myself. Factors like YouTube algorithms were putting content in front of me that was getting more and more extreme, presumably to keep me watching.
So I started off watching videos about Star Wars, then that turned into watching videos about all the controversial takes on Star Wars, then linked to political and social theories that got more extreme. Then it began putting videos on my feed about anti-Semetic conspiracy theories that are too horrific for me to discuss.
That's when I turned it off, and started watching videos by content creators I could trust. It's a deep rabbit hole. So I can understand how this ideology spreads online and enrapts people.
It's important to have positive voices in gaming, even in the niche of the OSR. Not only are they welcoming marginalized groups, but they're also keeping people like me from extremist messages.
The algorithm is such a horrible trap. I don’t watch reactionary content at all. I do watch a lot of tabletop games related stuff. YT has been recommending the captcorajus (sp?) video on this subject to me for a few days now. I clicked through for less than a minute and the next refresh of the page had it recommending the freaking RPGPundit’s “ugh SJWs made me have to defend Ernie” video and I never deleted a video from my watch history so fast...

One time, back in the GamerGate days, I clicked in on a Milo livestream to watch and see what the train wreck was doing for like two minutes and it took weeks for my recommendations to purge themselves of reactionaries afterward. This was before I knew about deleting things from your watch history fixing that.

It really doesn’t wait at all before pushing you down that path if it thinks you’re even remotely adjacent to it rather than just idly curious and it’s terrifying.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
About 50 or so since 2010. The Secret Service published analysis of 41 incidents of targeted school violence (stabbings and shootings) from 2008 to 2017. Being bullied tracks as a significant motive for about half. Links to outward aggression like sadism are significant, but typically behind being bullied.
There's little getting around it - bulling can lead to people lashing back out. It would be nice and tidy if deadly school violence was attributable to the same thugs who bully people on a routine basis, then we could neatly put them in a convenient classification box of terrible people. But the data don't seem to support those conclusions in any tidy fashion. Bullied people are a significant factor in the number of school shootings and stabbings that school kids experience.

None of this, of course, excuses Ernie's rambling, non-apology to people who are trans.
Literally every article and expert I'm reading says the exact the opposite of that. Paraphrasing one expert: "whenever I hear that a school shooter has been bullied, I want to ask, what were the other factors". The FBI states that they cannot make a consistent profile for school shooters. The media latches on to "being bullied" because it's the easiest narrative to explain and understand, but it's as inaccurate a measure of predicting violence as mental illness (another school shooter bugaboo that's more myth than fact). People who are bullied (and suffer from mental illness) are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators, and when we focus on these simple narratives we avoid having conversations about much more significant risk factors.

You are correct though, in that we are veering far and far away from the point of this thread.

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