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Recent content by Kale78

  1. K

    Kensai Requirements

    Yeah, I know what you mean, I've seen other classes like that where you have to burn skill points or feat slots on stupid stuff, unfortunately that's how it goes. When it says "5 ranks" it means skill ranks only, no ability bonuses or feats count towards that.
  2. K

    Cheeky players.... what would you do?

    Are you serious? Players add little to the game? Then what is the point, play without players, or sit down and write a fantasy novel instead of running a campaign. And finding new players is not that easy, there's only 3.5 million of us scattered around the world, that's not terribly many...
  3. K

    No Multi-class Option Idea

    I suppose it could work. It would be good for people who saw wanted to play a fighter/mage type, but didn't want to play a straight mage a couple levels to get some decent spells, and then a straight fighter a few levels to get decent hit points. You just have to watch the power level on such a...
  4. K

    Using "Turning" slots to power PrC

    I don't see any problem at all. There are already feats out there that allow the use of the Turn/Rebuke ability to create special effects, so why not a class based on that?
  5. K

    [Epic Prestige Class Concept] Apocalyptic Warrior

    Adolf Hitler. Josef Stalin.
  6. K

    Epic Dwarven Defender - What feat?

    Isn't there an epic feat that increases the power of the Dwarf's Defensive Stance? I don't have a book in front of me... but that might be an idea. And also, this is non-epic, but an idea... since you're probably the tank... depending on the difficulty of what you are fighting you might want...
  7. K

    Alternate Bard, more fighter-like

    This is what I had tossed together........ not sure though if I prefer a prestige class, or Guilt Puppy's core class........ Champion Hit Die: d10 Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +8 Skills: Diplomacy 10 ranks Feats: Leadership Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int)...
  8. K

    Alternate Bard, more fighter-like

    The skills I was using for the prestige class I was working on were, perhaps it would work better for Guilt Puppy's class: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate..... any other suggestions for other skills?
  9. K

    Alternate Bard, more fighter-like

    Your class looks pretty good, pretty much what I was looking for. Thanks for all the posts.
  10. K

    Alternate Bard, more fighter-like

    well, no its not a bard=) but i don't want a bard exactly so that's ok, nice feats though, they might work, thanks!
  11. K

    Alternate Bard, more fighter-like

    I was wanting a class that is similar to the Bard, who inspires others to greatness. However, unlike the bard who uses music I want someone who inspires greatness by force of will and strength of character. Such as Paladin on the front line who energizes those around him. So, I was...
  12. K

    New Feat: Weapon Mastery

    Well, at first glance I would have to say it is overpowered when taken in context with the rules. Your feat accomplishes what it normally takes two Epic Level feats to accomplish (i.e. Epic Weapon Specialization, Epic Weapon Focus), and you can pick your feat up at 8th level. I too have toyed...
  13. K


    I think from a roleplaying standpoint a Forsaker/Psion is okay, because Forsakers focus on their own prowess and abilities and don't rely on magic, just as Psions use their own inner strength rather than the magic around them, However, as a rules issue it is serious powergaming and almost...
  14. K

    Strahd (From Ravenloft) as an Epic Level Villain...any ideas?

    I agree with MrFidgit, spell resistance would probably be good. And I forgot to give credit, the Ancient Vampire i gave is from Sword & Sorcery's Ravenloft D20 Campaign Setting, they converted Van Richten's Guide to Vampires (one of the best monster books ever) and used his advancement tables...
  15. K

    Strahd (From Ravenloft) as an Epic Level Villain...any ideas?

    Ok first off I think I would drop monk, I'm not a Strahd expert but from what I recall it doesn't really fit his character, he was more of a fighter, and I don't think 3 points of AC is worth it. Use the following template (Ancient Vampire) for Strahd: Str: +8 Dex: +8 Int: +4 Wis: +6 Cha...