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(IR) The 5th IR - 3rd OOC Thread (OPEN)

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William Ronald

Hepmonaland Populations and other map matters

I did promise to post something on Hepmonaland. I will be posting earlier in the day in the near future.

Most of the inhabitants of Hepmonaland are humans of Olman or Touv descent. I will list the total populations for each, based on TSR's Scarlet Brotherhood Greyhawk Supplement, as well as those of other populations. Note that some populations of humans are mixed groups. The Suel of Hepmonaland have some admixture with other human ethnic groups on Oerth, such as the Olman. As such, the Scarlet Brotherhood classifies them as sub-citizens. (Those without Suel blood are considered slaves or potential slaves.)

Whoever takes the Olman and Touv should likely be working against the Scarlet Brotherhood. It might be part of a faction for a new player to claim. Note that these figures are the total for all populations. I have included humanoids and other creatures in the totals. In the Yuan Ti areas, the bulk of the population are humans who are slaves to the Yuan Ti.

Olman populations
Original As per Serpenteye's population adjustment rules
21,600 43,200

Touv populations
Original As per Serpenteye's population adjustment rules
201,400 402.800

Suel (Really partly-Suel)
Original As per Serpenteye's population adjustment rules
53,300 106,600

Yuan Ti areas (Mostly humans ruled by Yuan Ti)
Original As per Serpenteye's population adjustment rules
49,500 99,000

A player taking the Touv and Olman may want to take a demideity or hero deities. The Touv demigoddess Brenna, CN (N) is the demigoddess of passion and forgiveness, being an originally evil deity who reformed herself. As previously stated, the Touv are inspired by traditional African cultures and the Olman are much like such cultures as the Maya and the Aztecs.

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William Ronald

Kalanyr: One thing on your description. The humans of the Celestial Imperium of Tsian are more culturally akin to the Chinese than the Suel who are more Northern European. So, Suloise really does not work. Maybe something closer to some of the Siberian languages, like Kalmuk, Tunguska, or other cultures.

Also, as I recall, the Faerie category of elves is the same as gray elves. Known elven subraces are the gray elves, the high elves, the wood elves, aquatic elves (no one has claimed the good and neutral aligned sea creatures like elves, tritons, and mermen), and wild elves. The Valley Elves are limited to the Valley of the Mage and have human height.

Dwarven subraces include the common hill dwarf, the mountain dwarf, the deep dwarf, and the duergar.

Halfling subraces include the common lightfoot halfling, deep jhalflings, and tallfellow halflings.

Incidentally, gnome subraces include the common Rock Gnome subrace, the Deep Gnomes,and the Forest Gnome. (No, there are no Garden Gnomes on Oerth. :D )

Rikandur, don't worry. I missed a post by the Wanderer in the IR, because Archcleric Hazen was busy. I invited the ambassador back, and I imagine the succubus is trying to figure out why she is still alive. She expected to find a man and ran into a demigod. I figure that Al'Akbar is much more patient than Iuz as he is at least five times older. (I don't think Iuz has even hit age 160 yet.) Also, I don't know if many people have looked at NPCs. I presume you have the old TSR supplement Iuz the Evil but many people may want to know about name NPCs in their area for their characters to intereact with or to send to others as representatives. I did compile a list from the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer and will attach it as Nobles and Notables of the Flanaess. People, consider these name NPCs you can interact with. All but one or two are from the book, although I did create one in an area that probably gives Iuz a laugh -- the Grand Theocracy of Dimre. He has to consider it almost like a comedy network as you have a renegade cult of Pholtus in a mutual defense pact with Iuz. Might be good propaganda for Iuz to use against the Theocracy -- look, they worship Pholtus and live in peace with me. Why can't you? (By the way, Rikandur, would you like some information on Tuerny the Merciless? I can e-mail it to you. At least he fits in as another person for Iuz to have around as on the team. Hey, he's worked with Iggwilv, so he has to be competent. Iuz's mom is not exactly tolerant of incompetence -- however, I understand she makes great cookies. Just don't ask about the ingredients!:lol: )


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James Heard

Hi all, I've been busy over here and just thought I'd drop another preview image (with color, because no one would enjoy the black and white version without the faction lines drawn in and it's nicer) of my Oerth map. I was kind of hoping I would get it done before William Ronald's posts so I could get his commentary - It still doesn't make much sense to me to have a full continental area between Miranda and the Flanaess, so I broke it up. "Aquaria" in this case is the series of islands stretching down from the far western edge of Hyperboria. I'm tentatively designating Anakeris as the Aussie looking continent off the Tharquish coast, and "my Aquaria" claimed is some large portion of the bit stretching off of Polaria - or perhaps you'd simply call it Polaria, but the climate is quite different. I'm still debating on if I'm going to dirty up the map with anymore islands than I already have, but there should be a substantial amount of them falling in line with the geography I suppose. The good news for me is that my current strategy for making these maps makes revisions really simply. Anyways, I finished roughing in a coastal line and moving the continents to where they should (I hope) make a little more sense in the way they're packed around.

The other attached image is a little heraldry to go with the formal proposal for my claim, which is a revision and addition of my old claim (and I hope that isn't too confusing). It's not finished either, but since people are now trying to send me ambassadors I thought it might be prudent to give people an idea of what they were trying to communicate with.

So, here's Aestia

Proper Name: Aestia Akalassa

Ruler: Aestem Raudex Merlend (Murlynd) at the behest of Ygravene Xagy (Zagyg), Perguine MLXI of Polaria, Duke of Askala and Irminsul, Ruler of the Malachite Throne, Keeper of the Vates of the Uttercold, Master of the Winds and Stars, Admiral of the Southern Seas, Chief of the White Hide Tribes, Lord of Illusion and Truth, Overking of the New Kingdom, Raud of the Srantovati, and Wind Duke of Aquaa.

Government: Meritocratic Monarchy overseeing a bizarre variety of governmental systems

Capital: Masyus (26,000)

Major Towns: Friesland (4,000), Ganna (limited to 436 permanent residents), Askala (4,000), Moren (41,800), Jelling (11,600), Stetten (22,700), New Roland (36,000)

Provinces: Many semi-independent nations of which Aestia, Askala, Arrona, Curonia, Dacia, Epirus, Ezra, Suomi, Pelegica, Paetrica, Vod, Levts, Vils, Sargynia, Mori, Raethra, and Rhaetia are all some particulars of.

Resources: Ships and seafaring technology, fish and fish products, reindeer, ivory, Gems (I-III), rare lichens, novelty goods and products

Coinage: Narwhal (10pp), Pelican (pp), Crown (gp), Noble (ep), Penny (sp), Common (cp)

Population: Awaiting Fair Serpenteye's scrutiny

Languages: Old Oeridian, Gnome, Draconic, Aquan, Common, Askalan (a secret tongue taught to the priests of the Askala), and many exprimental languages in this time of change - including at least one that involves flash cards and another that requires a trombone and pantomime.

Alignments: N, CN*, LG, LN, NG, CG

Religions: Alci* (The Twins, with both Gnomish and Aestian versions being popular), Alia, Bleredd, Boccob, Celestian, Daern, Delleb, Fharlanghn, Johydee, Lirr, Murlynd, Pholtus, The Zorya (The Fate Winds- Atro, Procan, Sotillon, Telchur, Velinius, & Wenta) Velnius, Xerbo, Zagyg, and Zilchus.

Allies: Various intelligent whales, ice elementals, lost seafarers, Akalan tradepriests

Enemies: The Man

Coming Soon

Aerdian domination of the Flanaess was an event that took place over hundreds of years, capped by the coronation of Overking Nasran in 1CY. By -213 CY though, the Aerdy had already began to show the fat complacency that would later lead to their downfall. A fleet of 437 ships full of stout adventurers and knights sailed south from the great ancient port of Roland, vowing to restore Aerdian honor and prestige to far away lands and to one day return with the secrets of making the Aerdy masters of their destinies eternally.

Unfortunately for those devout individuals, stalwart souls all, they had little comprehension of the task they had set for themselves. From the very start they encountered resistance to their cause. Sea monsters, hostile natives, and all manner of dire celestial portents all caused attrition amongst the crews and many ships were lost. Still they persisted, their fleet nearly halved and every person aboard (even the halflings) gaunt and starving, they finally found a land to claim for themselves - a paradise of rocks covered in lichens and desperate fur trees at the mouth of a tremendous river. Their leader Masyrus claimed land on the northern side across from that island and called it holy. So the first twin settlements of Masyrus and Ganna were founded and a new calendar was established in 1AR (-197CY).

Eventually those Aery explorers began to call themselves more properly the Aesti, or "Sea People." The harsh islands and coastlines of Aestia almost provided the final wave over into the bilge for the hapless settlers until they met with the indigenous tribes of the area - mostly gnomes, dwarves and kobolds - who they negotiated with and cajoled until those races joined them. Today, in some places at least, the societies are almost completely intertwined. In 102AR (-95CY) their alliances and agreements were settled into the forms that are recognizable today when they drove the last remnants of the hordes of the Ancient Green Dragon Mxaples from the Calnan Swamps and the leaders of all races involved were granted noble status in the great houses of Aestia. Also of noted presence was a great adventurer mage by the name of Ygravene Xagilvy, also promoted to nobility by the consensus of The House of Lords and Houses.

Over the years, Aerdian sensibilities ahve changed much in the Aesti with the Aestian culture now sharing many facets with their gnomish and other demihuman allies. The provinces of Aestia are known properly as Celestial Houses, the Overking of Aestia rules from a throne made of malachite and platinum, and the dream of finding the perfect political system is expressed at the county level with great latitude given to individuals and communities to persue different forms of government and expressions of provinence.

Recently the Aestians have came under the curious rule of a descendant of the mage Xagilvy and his appointed Aestem Raudex Merlend. The two are a curious sort, coming from the sea from nowhere, pronouncing and proving their establishment as progeny of a Celestial House thought lost long ago, and besting every foe in almost every task and challenge until they won the seat of rulership. Their companion Jaldamee dead on the journey, the mage Xagy seems to be still mourning - tirelessly searching the icy frostfell wastes of Polaria for something. Merlend, on the other hand as his agent, seems bent on squeezing every last secret from the scrolls of technology and knowledge that mysteriously appeared in the nation just after the Gods stopped communicating with their priests. Already he and the seers of Askala have vetted out many missteps and inaccurancies that seem to have been placed within the manuscript, and the people of Moren cheered last fall when Merlend demonstrated the first steps of what he calls "aeronology" with a flight in a contraption he called "Pelican III." Unfortunately further experiments by other "aeronauts" have been less than successful.

Coming Soon
So, in synopsis, they're descendants of the Aerdy that spent several decades trying to find a new Aerdian homeland and finally found one. They think they're hardcore Oeridian culturalists...but they don't really know what that's all about in particulars because they've mixed culturally with a wide variety of cultures. I see them as being dark-skinned from Touvish influences, but with Oeridian features. Their homeland is mountainous and glaciated, and I shamelessly ripped a huge amount of stuff from a book on pagan europe I read last week :) Except they're not quite "pure", and they're were founded as an exercise in experimental government. And Zagyg's always had a soft spot in his heart for the nutjobs, and now he's stranded he decided to take charge. Murlynd, well he's trying to reign in Zagyg's excesses of course - while still letting the mad mage do whatever he does to fix this mess that things are in. Also in there is a bit suggesting Johydee got to be a deader in whatever calamity took place too, I could write that out pretty easily (I put it in mostly because it seemed like a good way to make even Zagyg sober and scared for a moment) or Johydee could very easily fake her own demise (she's the goddess of deception). They're even more off the beaten path than the Mirandians were, but thanks to their status as a sea power and gnomish merchantile greed they're bound to know quite a bit about the world around them. They're probably arrogant, loud and brash - with a positive obsession with new things and new ideas, as well as this mixed up notion that they're something like the Aerdian New World.


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James Heard

William : Re: Faerie elves- I think that's something I wrote up, and it's referring to the distinct eye color (violet) and not some distinct racial type. It's in the LGG, page 8, third paragraph. :cool: When trying to make one's elves less vanilla every bit helps, hey? I didn't even originally envision the elves of Miranda as subracially motivated at all- just rabid racists towards the other "bad" elves. And by that I figured all elves that didn't come across the Solnor in a boat would probably be fair game unless Ye'Cind reigned in the Elvanian Stormtroopers.

Kalanyr, of course, will choose to play them in any way he'd like. They'd already changed substantially by the time I added Lynn to the holdings (because otherwise the Lynndites would all be working in camps planting trees and exalting the greatness of the elves, until they starved to death and returned vital nutrients to the trees)


Yeah, the faerie elf is a subtype of grey elf based on eye and hair colour (its mentioned in the 2e Monster Manual).

I'll probably be somewhat less xenophobic I think, given the outsider influence.


First Post
I have made all the requested changes in the roster.

James, is Aquaria now Aestia?
Would you look at your roster, and tell me if I got it right?

Creamsteak, how many posts will you allow this thread to go for before you close it? I know 500 is the usual limit, but some threads don't make it that far.
I need this information in advance, so I can transfer the Megapost over while this thread is still open (transferring it after the thread is closed is much more work.)

EDIT: Kalanyr, can you put Queen Morwel up so I can recopy her to your roster? (sorry about that)
EDIT: Ok, got it.


William, I have put your information on Hempmonaland in the Megapost.
There will be an IC reaction from Eclavdra and the drow to that speech of Al'Akbars'. I just haven't decided what it will be. But one can't veritably verbally nuke the Queen of the Drow without something happening as a result. :)


The drow send a psionic message, offering a Non-Aggression Pact to the Illithid.
The drow inform everyone else that the Illithid have categorically rejected the TEC Pact.

The drow state they are willing to accept Aerdis' (Knight Otu) proposal of a Grand Alliance.
The drow ask Iuz (Rikandur) and the Wolf (Paxus) if they are interested in joining the Grand Alliance, since they have already signed the TEC Pact.

The drow maintain the TEC Pact offer to the Vampires (Melkor), the Psionics (Nac Mac Feegle), the Tharquish Empire (Uvenelei), Suhfang (Album X), and Acererak (Devilish)
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OOC - Edena, my prefered PC is Queen Morwel but we shall see which way Serpenteye rules before I finalize it.


Morwel, Queen of the Eladrin, Demipower of the Eladrin, Chaotic Good (pending Serpenteye's approval).


And now its my turn to post really long sblocky diplomatic posts. All posts are public unless otherwise noted. Entries are strictly by alphabetical order and indicate no favouritism.

Airwhale/Zelda (PC Unknown, Power: Greyspace Triple Alliance)
[sblock]An old elf with a small escort bearing various gifts approaches one of the Triple Alliances allied ports on Oerth, and asks the appropriate authorities if an audience with the leaders of the Triple Alliance or one of their delegates would be possible regarding a possible non-aggression pact or alliance with the peoples of Miranda, Jotunheim and Polaria.[/sblock]

Azmodean (PC N'Grath, Power: Emerald Order)
[sblock] A Nymph (properly clothed to protect others from harm) approaches a representative of the Emerald Empire and asks for an audience with N'Grath or a spokesperson regarding a non-agression pact or alliance with Miranda, Jotunheim and Polaria.[/sblock]

Bugbear (PC King Seth Rhynnon, Power: Greater Nyrond)
[sblock] A half-elven emissary and escort is sent to King Rhynnon's palace, and asks for an audience with the King regarding a non-aggression pact or alliance with Miranda, Jotunheim and Polaria. The half-elf and his escort will wait until the King returns.

Elluvan (PC King Arden Leonson, Power: The League of Athyr)
[sblock] An elven ambassador claiming to represent the peoples Miranda, Jotunheim and Polaria, enters into the League of Athyr and seeks an audience with King Arden Leonson or a representative of his with regard to a non-agression pact or possible alliance. [/sblock]

Festy Dog (PC Unknown, Power: Guardinals)
[sblock]An eladrin secretly approaches the guardinal to discuss a continuation of the alliance the celestials of the Upper Planes have long since shared.[/sblock]

James Heard (PC Unknown Power: Polaria)
[sblock] Would it be possible for Morwel or YeCind to trace Myrlund or Zagyg to Polaria ? If so an elven emmisary (actually an eladrin) claiming to be from YeCind asks for an audience with Aestem Raudex Merlend with regard to an alliance for the wellbeing of Oerth and possibly other matters.

If not an elven emmissary from Miranda still requests an audience with the ruler of Aestia with regards to a non-aggression pact or possible alliance with the peoples of Miranda, Jotunheim and Polaria.[/sblock]

Nac Mac Feegle (PC Sephir Power: Kabalim)
[sblock] An ambassador claiming to be from the lands of the far west, representing a loose alliance of elves, titans and others enters the Iron League and states that he represents these people of the Miranda alliance in desiring to open diplomatic relationships with the people of the Iron League and their allies. [/sblock]

Radiant (PC: Sanakan Power: Sikari/Celstial Imperium)
[sblock](I assume I have an ambassador in the Celestial Imperium already due to the trade relationship). The ambassador will continue to serve appropriate functions and attempt to maintain a trade relationship. (If my assumption is incorrect please let me know)[/sblock]

Thomas Hobbes (PC: Unknown Power: Aliador)
[sblock] Considering the formerly hostile attitude of the Miranda elves I'll save a formal approach until I'm sure you've actually returned.[/sblock]

Venus (PC: Ogrim Scarseer Power: Orcreich & The Khanate)
[sblock] A dwarven ambassador enters into the lands of the Orcreich and requests an audience with the King Scarseer or a representative with regard to opening diplomatic relationships with far western Miranda Alliance[/sblock]

William Ronald (PC: Al'Akbar Power: The Baklunish)
(PRIVATE unless William decides otherwise)
[sblock]Morwel accepts Azor'alq and his ambassadors request for an audience, and sees to it they are given comfortable and well-appointed rooms within her Court. After examing the missives Morwel agrees to Al'Akbar's proposals. And an ambassadorial group consisting of a ghaele eladrin, several Miranda elves and a dream dwarf from Gigantea and an arctic dwarf from Polaria will set up an embassy, they will carry gifts of ancient books, elven poetry, and rare celestial metals in return as gifts. (OOC- I'll write a more appropriate in character response tomorrow William I'm dead tired at the moment) [/sblock]

Xael (PC: Mordekainen Power: The Circle of Eight)
[sblock]An ancient appearing elven wizard enters into the lands held by the Circle of Eight and requests an audience on behalf of Miranda, Gigantea and Polaria. [/sblock]

(I'm waiting for more information on the following powers before I attempt diplomacy:
Album Cover X (Ta Neteru ), Sollir (Lynn), Dralonxitz (Unknown Power))

Edit- If you're a good power and I've missed approaching you my apologies I should have. I'm willing to consider approaches from other powers but will not approach them.
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