• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dwimmermount IC:


In progress map.png

OOC: Midgrim saw the movement somewhere towards the corridor leaving room 30 which is where I believe you were resting. Whatever it was it came from deeper in the dungeon.

Also, regarding the bodies, yes you had searched them. No treasure, and the brestplate of the plate armour worn by the man has been smashed in. The woman's chainmail would likely be salvageable though. No weapons, and the woman's shield has been smashed to pieces.

So... where to now?

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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
"Well... I didn't think anything would be more uncomfortable than the temple's beds. But it seems that I was wrong. I think I would have slept even less had I known we were being watched."

Jimi finishes off his breakfast, kneels down in a quiet corner of the room, and begins his daily prayers and meditations to Tyche. Having seen first hand the dangers that lurk within the Dwimmermount, and knowing that they are perhaps being watched or followed by persons with unknown motives, he asks his deity to grant him another spell of healing. His rituals complete, he touches his holy symbol and rises to his feet again, before stretching his arms and yawning loudly.

"So then. If we are all done here, shall we pack up camp and continue our explorations?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Let's do. Left this time?" proposes the fatter of the dwarven brothers, combing crumbs out of his wedge-shaped beard (and storing them for later) as he rolls himself up. "I've been thinking and: those kobs are a guarding something in these rooms back here, sure as sure... So what say yee we relieve them of it right quick, eh?"

OOC: If a go, let's head left at the first intersection, same walking order as yesterday please (Klyman in front, etc). Midgrim'll keep a wary eye out for any tracks or traces their night visitor might have left when they go over that bit.


Klyman Sylar

Klyman will take the lead reluctantly, "Okay, but you guys have to stay with me, I'd better not burst into a lair of orcs to find you all two miles behind and laughing at me."

That understood, Klyman will cautiously proceed, being alert to anything out-of-the-ordinary, and movements of any kind, sounds, and most of all making sure that the Dwarves are indeed following him about ten feet back.


Making your way back into the darkened corridor you creep carefully down the corridor to the left. It appears to be a small dead end room with a large number of fungi with riotous colours all over the floor, walls, and even the ceiling.

In Progress Map.png

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Well that shouts 'poison' if'n I know my fungi," whispers Midgrim. "Step yee back behind me, scout: this is why we dwarfs brought THIS along." And he unlimbers the 10' pole!

After everybody is in place, the fat dwarf will first use the pole to poke a bright red fungus at the 10' range, ready to quickly step back if need be...

OOC: He's expecting some sort of short range pollen spurt or contact poison or something. If that's what he gets, he'll begin exploring the room with the metal hooked end -- going slowly, carefully, to minimize pollen production (if any), and periodically pausing to allow it to fall back down to the ground. Looking for any hollows or valuables hidden underneath the growths...


Carefully edging into the room Midgrim begins poking at the fungi. Suddenly a horrendous, ear piercing, shriek emanates from one of the tall mushrooms that you hadn't noticed before. Now that you see it more clearly you recognize it as a shrieker. Often used by dwarves and other subterranean creatures as a sort of alarm system.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Problem- PROBLEM'S WHAT COMES WHEN THE DINNER BELL RINGS!" shouts Midgrim over the din, leaning close to his ear. His first instinct is to keep searching while his brother and companions guard the rear, but... "IF'N WE HEAD BACK NOW, WE MIGHT BE ABLE TA AMBUSH THEM!" He repeatedly points back with a gloved hand to make his meaning clearer, already trotting that way himself: if nothing else it'll be quieter back there!

OOC: Midgrim is suggesting they head back to the entrance room, hide there and then attack the back of whomever goes into the mushroom room to investigate, bottling them in.
OOC: Does it look like there's just the one shrieker, Imperialus, or are there more? Does Midgrim know what triggers them (light, movement, noise, sight)?

Voidrunner's Codex

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