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Search results

  1. MoonSong

    D&D 5E Brainstorm Sorcerer upgrades. (+)

    Ok, the other threads are full of off-topic and sorcerer hate. So, let's open a thread to brainstorm ideas for sorcerer. This thread is a (+) thread, so no calls for erasure or merger please, and no derailing with whataboutism. Some venues of discussion I've gathered from the previous threads...
  2. MoonSong

    Post a character get a pic! (or 3d model, actual human artist)

    Ok, I know it won't be fancy beautifully rendered hyperrealistic pics, but I've decided to cast some resurrection on an old idea (here) Post a character get a pic is back. With some differences, now there are more options. You can now ask for more complex pictures and even have more than one...
  3. MoonSong

    Now that this is over (for now at least) What are you going to do?

    I'm so watching a movie in March.
  4. MoonSong

    What is the most scathing feedback you left?(+)

    For example, to the question "Do you feel comfortable creating content with the OGL 1.2?" I answered something along the lines of: No, the personal risk is too big, and the balance of power is too unequal. Losing the right to publish my content is unacceptable, and as it is happening once...
  5. MoonSong

    I think I know how the morality clause acceptable(+)

    I was thinking how the morality clause could be made acceptable. 1) Have a third party like the antidefamation league make the call, with the publisher/creator bring given a chance to make their case. Edit: After some arguments, I change this idea to having a panel (with at most one...
  6. MoonSong

    D&D (2024) What's your opinion on the standardization of Spellcasters?

    Ok, let's try to gauge a reaction. This is a hot topic, but the discussion is spread out across threads. So let's just get a feel of it. What is your response to the next changes? All spellcasters prepare spells. With a fixed set of always prepared spells per class. The slots to prepare...
  7. MoonSong

    D&D (2024) The more I think about it, the least I like class groups.

    I love 2e, but if I was to list the thing I like about it (strong flavor, lore, kits, nwps, ease of use, the settings...) I'd find that class groups/classes are among my least favorite things about the edition. To begin with, they feel tacked on, and are overall restrictive at worst and...
  8. MoonSong

    D&D (2024) I'm getting increasingly worried about the fate of sorcerer

    The newest UA doesn't feature sorcerers, however, it is full of content that makes me worried about the sorcerer. I started more confident, after all the arcane class spell list had all of these spells that used to be missing, so progress, right? Going from Bard, it seems that sorcerers will...
  9. MoonSong

    D&D (2024) Can we have the sorcerer fixed now? (Plz, I beg you n_n°)

    One D&D is the chance to finally have sorcerer fixed. Of course issues with all classes are important, though sorcerer in particular stings more since there was basically no public playtest of it the last time around. To summarize the known issues with sorcerer: Too few spells known. The...
  10. MoonSong

    Comfort media recommendations?

    Hello community! I'm not sure if this is the day of reckoning or just dress rehearsal. Either way I really really need some warm fuzzy media to keep my spirits high for my and my family's benefit. What am I looking for? Upbeat and optimistic feel good movies, series, songs, podcasts, youtube...
  11. MoonSong

    Which is more iconic?

    Perverse question. Which do you consider more iconic? The Millenium Falcon or the DeLorean time machine?
  12. MoonSong

    D&D 5E Which is a good adventure for high level (10th level or so)?

    Hi, I want to run a short high level campaign. I feel kind of able to do it, but I would prefer some crutch while I get comfortable doing it, so is there any good adventure out there in the wild that I could run? I'm looking for something that challenges in a meaningful way a party of five 10th...
  13. MoonSong

    D&D 3E/3.5 [Homebrew] How much can we buff sorcerer and spontaneous casters without breaking the game?

    Thanks to the power of hindsight, we know that some of the restrictions on spontaneous casting from the 3.x era weren't really called for. (Let's remember that spontaneous casting used to be a novel thing with a lot of safeguards in place to prevent brokeness, this because it was very...
  14. MoonSong

    Breaking tabletop games with funny shapped dice!

    My family isn't big on rpgs, but they have open access to my dice collection. The other day they took a couple of d8's instead of the pair of d6's that the Juego de la Oca is normally played with. (This breaks the game, because rolling a 9 on your openning roll is an instant win in la Oca. The...
  15. MoonSong

    D&D General Must haves from the DMs Guild? (Preparing my last meal)

    I'm sad to report that after June I'll likely won't be able to grab things from the DMs Guild anymore. This also means likely losing access to my library. This also can potentially affect my ability to even connect to EnWorld (though it is a smaller risk). So I need to prepare and buy whatever I...
  16. MoonSong

    D&D General What is your flavor of AD&D?

    As a counterpart to this What's your brand of Basic? I thought now was a good time to go with the Advanced side of the equations. Added "other" as an option because there are a lot of clones and I could easily forget one.
  17. MoonSong

    OSR What's your brand of Basic?

    There are many editions of Basic, and many more retroclones and OSR. I wonder which ones are the most used and why. So poll time!
  18. MoonSong

    D&D 3E/3.5 Who created the Sorcerer?

    In the last thread -that it seems has run its course- came up the issue of sorcerers being a bit old in fact. Also that all of us can quickly point out which designers had too much favoritism for the wizard -Monte?- if not outright disdain for Sorcerer -Williams?-. Yet nobody seems to remember...
  19. MoonSong

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Guess who managed to luck into a prerelease screening of this movie? (Yes this bunny) I can only tell one thing. I loved it! Everybody, you need to grab your kid and go to see this movie next weekend! (And if you don't have a kid you should borrow one and watch this!) I won't say anything else...
  20. MoonSong

    D&D 5E On whether sorcerers and wizards should be merged or not, (they shouldn't)

    (I wanted to address this post, but I thought it was better to make a new thread for it. Because ... reasons. I keep seeing this idea over and over.) The thing is you just can't really merge Sorcerer and wizard. I mean is not impossible and I can stop you from trying, but it is impossible...