D&D 5E $350 Tal'Dorei Boxed Set Coming From Beadle & Grimm

The original announcement from Critical Role's Darrington Press made a brief mention of it, but Beadle & Grimm has now shared some details about the boxed set version of the campaign setting. You can pre-order it now.


There are actually three boxed sets coming, priced $249, $299, and $349 for the Arcane, Awakened, and Exalted versions respectively.

The contents include:
  • Battle maps
  • Player handouts
  • Jewelry
  • Coins
  • Encounter cards
  • GM screen
  • Bonus adventures
  • Campaign setting split into smaller booklets
Additionally, you will be able to pick up a separate $70 map vault with 8 additional battle maps, and a $70 badge pack with 4 pieces of faction jewelry.


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I fell in love with Tal'Dorei when I first played in it, and have loved running in it for the past two years.

I also love... special editions, for lack of a better overall concept. I'm happy to pay more to get more.

But I do not see what, if anything, justifies such increased costs. This looks like paying a lot more to get a little more. Or... paying for bragging rights? "I have money to spare. I am therefore clearly better than you."

What in there is worth the extra $200 to $300?

Also, maybe someone else who has Bought Beadle and Grimm before can explain... how is breaking my lovely hardcover down into several little softcovers better? I have the Numenera Boxed set where they did this - given to me as a present - and I have no use for the numenera-in-three-parts book.

That being said, I've already earmarked my money for the Tal'Dorei Reborn HC.
If you don’t see the value of being able to hand out the player options booklet to one person while another reads the lore book, then fair enough part of the set isn’t gonna be for you.

I got the Eberron set, and if you were to tabulate all the things inside, at their quality level, I got them at a discount, overall.

The encounter cards, the many full sized, high quality, maps, the magic item card deck, the handful of short adventures complete with handouts, the general purpose handouts like the broadsheets with adventure hooks in the news articles, etc. It is very much not just the book and some trinkets at a big markup.

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