D&D General A GM I know has A Player whose characters A Future King,, he's only done 1 adventure and theirs already 2 confirmed problems and 2 more brewing. Ideas


A GM I know has A Player whose characters A Future King,, he's only done 1 adventure and theirs already 2 confirmed problems and 2 more brewing. Ideas

PS The entire parties Lawful Evil

PPS The Tracker Class is A Class that is unique to the campaign, the Tracker Class is almost identical to The Ranger Class and the only difference is that Trackers must be of Lawful Evil Alignment

The 1st confirmed problem is that the 1 adventure was the 1 from the 1st edition Basic Rulebook, in it the Npc Cleric Aileen always dies but he had her resurrected via limited wish and when she refused to become her retainer he had her executed for treason, even worse is that because he did this in the country he will 1 day rule he was within his legal rights to do what he did

The 2nd confirmed problem is that wherever he goes he is accompanied by a minimum of 327 bodyguards and that minimum of 327 bodyguards always consists of 200 very heavy infantry, 50 very heavy cavalry, 50 1st level Trackers(see earlier), 12 9th level Fighters, 7 7th level Clerics, 4 8th level Magic Users, 1 Lawful Evil 14HD Centaur Shaman that has the Abilities of A 10th level Wis 19/Int 14 Cleric, 1 14th level Magic User, 1 14th level Fighter and 1 Lawful Evil 15HD Ancient Copper Dragon

The 1st brewing problem is that with him having A King for A Father and with him being A Future King theirs not a crime in the world that the party can't get away with by having him get the entire party royal pardons for

The 2nd brewing problem is that with him having A King for A Father and with him being A Future King the party literally laughs in the face of seemingly guaranteed death, after all between him and his father the royal family has access to 33 Clerics capable of casting Resurrection, 6 Magic Users capable of casting limited wish and 1 Magic User capable of casting Wish
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April Fool's Day is next month.
I'm being serious, its what my mates told me and asked me to ask and that's why I ask

But now that I think about it even though I'm not pulling a trick maybe this is my mates idea of pulling a very early April Fool's joke on me


This sounds like nothing but problems, why did they even ok that character?
Ooops I asked him that but I forgot to state the reason and the reason is that he thought it would be a good challenge for his abilities as A GM but it turned out to be a lot more challenging then anticipated

I mean obviously the guy needs to ditch his small army of bodyguards. That's an absolute no-go for a game oriented towards small skirmish based combat, particularly at lower levels. Royal person wanting to ditch all the well-meaning but intrinsically oppressive minders is a basic fiction trope, and it is in part for the good reason that real life people protected by security forces, particularly young people, often do want to escape that form of gilded cage to some degree. In a world full of adventurers it's fanciful but not implausible that that would take the form of running off to go be an adventurer. But maybe it's not a long term thing. Maybe for a while your adventures are just what the prince gets up to on nights when he sneaks off with a few friends to see the city without 327 bodyguards in tow.

Secondly, unless there is perfect knowledge of the future in this game he is not "a future king", he is a "probable future king" who will become one if he outlives his father, no pretender seizes the throne, and the monarchy isn't abolished. And it is the latter scenarios that lead me to my point: he is only above the law to the extent that his father will continue to accept his crimes, and the people will accept his father accepting those crimes. Nobody is infinitely above the law for an infinite amount of time.

Honestly the simplest solution to everything might well be to let the prince run wanton, murder-hoboing his way through the kingdom for a couple sessions, and getting pardoned left and right. Let the evil party do some serious evil, within whatever the table is comfortable with. Have the 327 bodyguards look on in disgust, or even grudgingly follow orders to participate in the mayhem. Then have the king mysteriously assassinated, but have the people, the lords, the army, the bodyguards side with some other dubious claimant to the throne over Prince Murderhobo, because sure, Count Whatever of Wherever is only a second cousin from an illegitimate line, but at least he didn't go on any crime sprees. The rest of the campaign can be trying to solve the king's murder, while on the run from the usurper king's forces, including the princes own 327 former bodyguards.


the solution is simple. When a player says "I wans to be the prince with a horde of bodyguards" the GM says NO.

Unless the GM has a plan for it, then it's ok I guess. But clearly there is no plan, so no reason for the GM to allow this. The solution is so easy. Don't do it.

Can I ask you what you think about the fact that the only Lawful Evil Copper Dragon in The World is 1 of this Pcs bodyguards?


Dusty Dragon

Can I ask you what you think about the fact that the only Lawful Evil Copper Dragon in The World is 1 of this Pcs bodyguards?
The "fact"

what "fact". This is MAKE BELIEF ELF GAME. The GM can change whatever they want. If the GM decided this, then let the GM deal with it.

edit: this is not a very charitable answer, upon further though. I will think about it and post something more helpful on how to deal with a PC having access to a dragon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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