D&D General A GM I know has A Player whose characters A Future King,, he's only done 1 adventure and theirs already 2 confirmed problems and 2 more brewing. Ideas

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The "fact"

what "fact". This is MAKE BELIEF ELF GAME. The GM can change whatever they want. If the GM decided this, then let the GM deal with it.

edit: this is not a very charitable answer, upon further though. I will think about it and post something more helpful on how to deal with a PC having access to a dragon.
What I wanted to know is why do you think A 15HD Ancient Dragon whose the only Lawful Evil Copper Dragon in the world would agree to be employed as A Bodyguard for A 1st level Lawful Evil Fighter who will 1 day be A King?, surely the pay can't be worth the risks

All the DM needs to do is watch a season of Games of Thrones or read some of the books it is based on to see countless reasons why kings and their sons can't just get away with whatever they want and what the consequences are when they try.

Here's a start: What makes you think all of those retainers and followers are 100% loyal?

What I wanted to know is why do you think A 15HD Ancient Dragon whose the only Lawful Evil Copper Dragon in the world would agree to be employed as A Bodyguard for A 1st level Lawful Evil Fighter who will 1 day be A King?, surely the pay can't be worth the risks
He's doing it for a laugh, clearly. He's not putting work into this bodyguarding. He's a dragon who's got everything he needs and the endless enui of ages weighs upon him so he spends a few decades adopting a persona and just, seeing what mischief he can get to before he goes back to his lair, laughs about it for a while, before preparing another con. The laws of dragons are not the laws of man

In the event of things no longer being interesting, this copper dragon is just going to leave because he's had his fill of the fun and he'll be gone off to the next patsy before anyone even realises he's gone

Ooops I asked him that but I forgot to state the reason and the reason is that he thought it would be a good challenge for his abilities as A GM but it turned out to be a lot more challenging then anticipated
well, he met his match I guess ;)

The 1st confirmed problem is that the 1 adventure was the 1 from the 1st edition Basic Rulebook, in it the Npc Cleric Aileen always dies but he had her resurrected via limited wish and when she refused to become her retainer he had her executed for treason, even worse is that because he did this in the country he will 1 day rule he was within his legal rights to do what he did
not a problem, he is perfectly in his rights and lawful evil, so moving on ;)

The 2nd confirmed problem is that wherever he goes he is accompanied by a minimum of 327 bodyguards and that minimum of 327 bodyguards always consists of 200 very heavy infantry, 50 very heavy cavalry, 50 1st level Trackers(see earlier), 12 9th level Fighters, 7 7th level Clerics, 4 8th level Magic Users, 1 Lawful Evil 14HD Centaur Shaman that has the Abilities of A 10th level Wis 19/Int 14 Cleric, 1 14th level Magic User, 1 14th level Fighter and 1 Lawful Evil 15HD Ancient Copper Dragon
Real problem. There are only a few possible solutions

1) get him away from the kingdom and make sure he cannot bring his entourage (he will bring some, but those will be easier to deal with), trek through a huge desert, where the supplies do not allow for everyone to come along, board a ship where you only have room for 10 or 20, ...

2) bring another army to him, with their own clerics, dragons, what have you, or a demon lord and his demon army, plenty of options

3) have part of his entourage plot against him. If the high ranks band together and take over the kingdom and either take him hostage to extort the dad or outright try to kill the whole family (which ultimately is what they should do anyway, even if they try an extortion ruse first), he will be in a lot of trouble and his foot soldiers won't be of much help

Can I ask you what you think about the fact that the only Lawful Evil Copper Dragon in The World is 1 of this Pcs bodyguards?
maybe the dragon is not so LE and just wants to topple the kingdom, or at least the evil prince (no idea if his dad is evil too) see 3)

well, he met his match I guess ;)

not a problem, he is perfectly in his rights and lawful evil, so moving on ;)

Real problem. There are only a few possible solutions

1) get him away from the kingdom and make sure he cannot bring his entourage (he will bring some, but those will be easier to deal with), trek through a huge desert, where the supplies do not allow for everyone to come along, board a ship where you only have room for 10 or 20, ...

2) bring another army to him, with their own clerics, dragons, what have you, or a demon lord and his demon army, plenty of options

3) have part of his entourage plot against him. If the high ranks band together and take over the kingdom and either take him hostage to extort the dad or outright try to kill the whole family (which ultimately is what they should do anyway, even if they try an extortion ruse first), he will be in a lot of trouble and his foot soldiers won't be of much help

maybe the dragon is not so LE and just wants to topple the kingdom, or at least the evil prince (no idea if his dad is evil too) see 3)
He's definitely Lawful Evil and he's not pretending, but since he's the only Lawful Evil Copper Dragon in the world people being skeptical is to be expected

What do you think about the fact that Trackers are almost completely identical to Rangers and the only difference is that Rangers must be of Good Alignment and Trackers must be of Lawful Evil Alignment?

What do you think about the fact that Trackers are almost completely identical to Rangers and the only difference is that Rangers must be of Good Alignment and Trackers must be of Lawful Evil Alignment?
Alignment locks like that are dumb and there's a reason D&D removed them. Just make 'em rangers. Plus calling them 'Trackers' is basically implying that no one of a good alignment can track things which, circles around to that 'yeah that's kind of dumb'

It reminds me of those mid 00s MMOs where they'd gender lock the classes in weird ways to be honest

What does the DM and players want to get out of the game? It is clearly not heroic fantasy as they went all lawful evil. Of course they execute the good cleric for treson, that is what LE does! That is not a problem, it is just par for the course.

Power sadism is a valid thing to want to play, and this seem like an exelent setup for that. It hence is to me utterly unclear to me what might even be the "problem" here without knowing more about how anything described runs counter to what anyone at the table wants.

PS: this is definitely not my cup of tea. But i have run a short power sadism game long time ago, so I know the mentality.

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