D&D General A GM I know has A Player whose characters A Future King,, he's only done 1 adventure and theirs already 2 confirmed problems and 2 more brewing. Ideas


The Basic Adventure describes her as Lawful and since the character your supposed to use is also Lawful, has A Ch of 13 and its obvious from the text that he's kindly, friendly, helpful and polite Aileen/The Cleric in question, and the character your supposed to use quickly become friends
‘the character you are supposed to use’ sounds railroady, also, wasn’t that char the evil prince? How does that mesh with ‘kind, friendly, helpful and polite’?

If not, then what is the evil prince doing there (in company of that char)?

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Ooops I asked him that but I forgot to state the reason and the reason is that he thought it would be a good challenge for his abilities as A GM but it turned out to be a lot more challenging then anticipated
I have strong doubts that any of this really happened.

It just doesn’t pass the smell test that any DM would consider running a 1st-level game where one of the characters has access to limited wish and a character can travel with 300 higher-level bodyguards, and is literally the Crown Prince of the nation they are travelling in, and they have access to multiple high-level clerics to resurrect them.

Edit. Oh, and has a copper dragon as a bodyguard.
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‘the character you are supposed to use’ sounds railroady, also, wasn’t that char the evil prince? How does that mesh with ‘kind, friendly, helpful and polite’?

If not, then what is the evil prince doing there (in company of that char)?
Its supposed to be railroady and that's because The 2 basic adventures from the basic rules set are designed to help A Player learn the basics of Dnd and its rules without A GM but The GM adapited it

As for why A Lawful Cleric like Aileen didn't know The Pc was Lawful Evil my guess would be that its because Detect Evils A 2nd level Spell, which means you have to be at least 3rd level to cast it and Aileens either 1st level or 2nd level


‘the character you are supposed to use’ sounds railroady, also, wasn’t that char the evil prince? How does that mesh with ‘kind, friendly, helpful and polite’?

If not, then what is the evil prince doing there (in company of that char)?
I was referring to the character you play in the actual basic adventure were you learn the basics of the rules is kind, friendly, helpful and polite

My mates GM adapted it for his group but forget to remove the fact that its obvious that the characters kind, friendly, helpful and polite


The Basic Adventure describes her as Lawful and since the character your supposed to use is also Lawful, has A Ch of 13 and its obvious from the text that he's kindly, friendly, helpful and polite Aileen/The Cleric in question, and the character your supposed to use quickly become friends
Fail to see how this addresses my comment at all. You really shouldn't put loosly adapted D&D basic (solo intro) adventures in front of a LE party expecting it to play out the way the adventure suggests.

(And how come you know her charisma? That seem like a very peculiar piece of detail to ask for, and are not part of the adventure (if it is the one I suspect).)


As for why A Lawful Cleric like Aileen didn't know The Pc was Lawful Evil my guess would be that its because Detect Evils A 2nd level Spell, which means you have to be at least 3rd level to cast it and Aileens either 1st level or 2nd level
I do not need spells to detect that someone is an ass, same for the cleric.

That prince has a reputation and is known throughout his kingdom, so she already knows before she even met him. No need to detect anything

Ultimately you should not expect your average adventure to go as intended when the party you decided to run it for is so outside of any norm… prepare for a lot of making things up on the fly and getting derailed, pretty much what the DM was asking for.
I’d say cut your losses and go freeform from wherever you are now. There is no way you run that adventure, come up with one that fits the group instead
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Fail to see how this addresses my comment at all. You really shouldn't put loosly adapted D&D basic (solo intro) adventures in front of a LE party expecting it to play out the way the adventure suggests.

(And how come you know her charisma? That seem like a very peculiar piece of detail to ask for, and are not part of the adventure (if it is the one I suspect).)
Ch 13 is the Ch of the character you play in the solo intro, not The Npc Clerics


You think that's bad he's got 9 other class's that are unique to his campaign that have the same rules as normal class's but either change the alignment requirements or add a requirement that doesn't have to be a alignment requirement and yes he's A massive Fire Emblem Fan. Here they are. Your thoughts
For a Fire Emblem fan, he sure do not understand how it go. Regardless, it falls into the same trap any "Oh these are alignment locked!" things fall into. Even easier with the "That's a BAD LOOK" for Savage and "You're saying I could not play a ninja based on Taki from Soul Calibur" for Ninja

There is basically no point to him doing this, however I am a person who dislikes diegetic interpretations of classes. But given they're the same as regular classes who are very much able to just, be those particular alignments, it seems pointless

(also shining force is the better TRPG, it has a Gamera and Fire Emblem does not)
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Its supposed to be railroady and that's because The 2 basic adventures from the basic rules set are designed to help A Player learn the basics of Dnd and its rules without A GM but The GM adapited it

As for why A Lawful Cleric like Aileen didn't know The Pc was Lawful Evil my guess would be that its because Detect Evils A 2nd level Spell, which means you have to be at least 3rd level to cast it and Aileens either 1st level or 2nd level
If this was the case you should play basic, and not involve all the kingdom nonsense. Just go into a dungeon, maybe take 2 to 4 hirelings with you not an army.

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