D&D General A GM I know has A Player whose characters A Future King,, he's only done 1 adventure and theirs already 2 confirmed problems and 2 more brewing. Ideas


I do not need spells to detect that someone is an ass, same for the cleric.

That prince has a reputation and is known throughout his kingdom, so she already knows before she even met him. No need to detect anything

Ultimately you should not expect your average adventure to go as intended when the party you decided to run it for is so outside of any norm… prepare for a lot of making things up on the fly and getting derailed, pretty much what the DM was asking for.
I’d say cut your losses and go freeform from wherever you are now. There is no way you run that adventure, come up with one that fits the group instead
I asked my mate why Aileen/The Npc Cleric, didn't recognize The Pc that's A Future King simply from his reputation and know that he's evil and my mate said that its because The GM decided that The Campaign would take place far enough from The homeland of The Pc that's A Future King that he won't be recognized by everyone that so much as gets a good look at him

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I asked my mate why Aileen/The Npc Cleric, didn't recognize The Pc that's A Future King simply from his reputation and know that he's evil and my mate said that its because The GM decided that The Campaign would take place far enough from The homeland of The Pc that's A Future King that he won't be recognized by everyone that so much as gets a good look at him
I mean, you don't actually need to be far. People not recognizing a royal when they take off the royal trappings and walk amongst the common people, even in their own capital, is a common literary trope, from Henry V walking amongst his troops in Shakespeare, to various outtings to Kingsport in House of the Dragon.

But that only works if they are not at the head of an army of bodyguard's, retainers, etc. If you are, even if they don't recognize who you are, they're going to recognize that you are an extremely high status individual whom they, in any pseudo-medieval society, had best show some deference to if they know what's good for them.


I asked my mate why Aileen/The Npc Cleric, didn't recognize The Pc that's A Future King simply from his reputation and know that he's evil and my mate said that its because The GM decided that The Campaign would take place far enough from The homeland of The Pc that's A Future King that he won't be recognized by everyone that so much as gets a good look at him
Yeah and his company of 200 or so people and a dragon did not give it away either... or simply his banner, which I am pretty sure he has somewhere near him, if not on his armor / shield. I did not mean she would recognize his face....

Well, in any case, my advice as to what to do now does not change, i.e. give up on the published adventure and come up with something appropriate for the party you allowed to be at your table


Wait, is this supposed to be Aleena, the cleric from the Mentzer red box, tragically slain by the villainous Bargle?
I've asked my mate to ask his GM and it turns out that his GM changed The Clerics name from Aleena to Aileen, why?, I don't know. Sorry about that, I didn't know that my mates GM changed The Clerics name from Aleena to Aileen.

Voidrunner's Codex

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