D&D General A GM I know has A Player whose characters A Future King,, he's only done 1 adventure and theirs already 2 confirmed problems and 2 more brewing. Ideas

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Alignment locks like that are dumb and there's a reason D&D removed them. Just make 'em rangers. Plus calling them 'Trackers' is basically implying that no one of a good alignment can track things which, circles around to that 'yeah that's kind of dumb'

It reminds me of those mid 00s MMOs where they'd gender lock the classes in weird ways to be honest
You think that's bad he's got 9 other class's that are unique to his campaign that have the same rules as normal class's but either change the alignment requirements or add a requirement that doesn't have to be a alignment requirement and yes he's A massive Fire Emblem Fan. Here they are. Your thoughts

Holy Knights are almost identical to Paladins, the only difference is they must be Lawful Neutral

Dark Knights are almost identical to Anti-Paladins, the only difference being they must be Chaotic Lawful

Valkyries are almost identical to Clerics, the only difference is they must be Lawful Good Females of either Noble Birth or Royal Birth

Savants are almost identical to Clerics, the only difference being they must be Lawful Neutral Males of either Noble Birth or Royal Birth

Reavers are almost identical to Fighters, the only difference is they must be Lawful Evil

Tricksters are almost identical to Illusionists, the only difference is they must be Neutral Evil

Priests of Nature are almost identical to Druids, the only difference is they must be Neutral Good

Ninja's are almost identical to Assassins, the only difference is they must be Neutral

Savages are almost identical to Barbarians, the only difference is they must be Chaotic Neutral


Easy solutions:

The king is assassinated and the PC has to take the throne, become an NPC, and the player makes a new character. Because of (plot armor) the king can't be resurrected.

The king is overthrown, and the PC loses his retinue. Maybe a couple loyal retainers hang around, but not many.

A foreign army kills the PCs and their retainers and hides the corpses of the PCs to prevent resurrection.

Some crisis pulls the PCs army away for defense of the kingdom.

The king has a new son with another woman and pulls support from his douchbag PC son while naming the baby his heir.

The DM just admits this was a horrible idea and scraps the campaign, possibly with one less player.


Can I ask you what you think about the fact that the only Lawful Evil Copper Dragon in The World is 1 of this Pcs bodyguards?
Alignment can mean a lot of things. Maybe the dragon is more lawful than evil, or maybe more selfish over doing evil just to be evil. The bigger problem is that an ancient black dragon with only 15 HD is not a CR21 threat. Being on 15HD places it on par with a young black dragon, but could have more powerful other abilities. It would still have less than half the hit points an ancient dragon would have and likely flee a lot of times, or die in the first two rounds of combat with an actual threat.

It could hang around with 1st level PCs though and be a cool DMNPC to pull out every fight and blow things away and have the DM show off how cool it is. Maybe pull out the CR13 centaur as well and have it 7th level spells to help out the party in case the DM needs more power to show off. You can likely keep the 327 soldiers in camp to protect a good night's sleep for the party and ensure that nobody needs to pull guard, although you might need the 50 archers once in a while.


Morkus from Orkus
All the DM needs to do is watch a season of Games of Thrones or read some of the books it is based on to see countless reasons why kings and their sons can't just get away with whatever they want and what the consequences are when they try.

Here's a start: What makes you think all of those retainers and followers are 100% loyal?
Yep. Kings and heirs that act that way are quickly assassinated.


Alignment can mean a lot of things. Maybe the dragon is more lawful than evil, or maybe more selfish over doing evil just to be evil. The bigger problem is that an ancient black dragon with only 15 HD is not a CR21 threat. Being on 15HD places it on par with a young black dragon, but could have more powerful other abilities. It would still have less than half the hit points an ancient dragon would have and likely flee a lot of times, or die in the first two rounds of combat with an actual threat.

It could hang around with 1st level PCs though and be a cool DMNPC to pull out every fight and blow things away and have the DM show off how cool it is. Maybe pull out the CR13 centaur as well and have it 7th level spells to help out the party in case the DM needs more power to show off. You can likely keep the 327 soldiers in camp to protect a good night's sleep for the party and ensure that nobody needs to pull guard, although you might need the 50 archers once in a while.
The Centaur can't cast 7th level spells, it can only cast spells of up to 5th level, why?, because he may have 14HD but his Spellcasting abilities are only those of A 10th level Wis 19/Int 14 Cleric


What does the DM and players want to get out of the game? It is clearly not heroic fantasy as they went all lawful evil. Of course they execute the good cleric for treson, that is what LE does! That is not a problem, it is just par for the course.

Power sadism is a valid thing to want to play, and this seem like an exelent setup for that. It hence is to me utterly unclear to me what might even be the "problem" here without knowing more about how anything described runs counter to what anyone at the table wants.

PS: this is definitely not my cup of tea. But i have run a short power sadism game long time ago, so I know the mentality.
The Basic Adventure describes her as Lawful and since the character your supposed to use is also Lawful, has A Ch of 13 and its obvious from the text that he's kindly, friendly, helpful and polite Aileen/The Cleric in question, and the character your supposed to use quickly become friends


Alignment locks like that are dumb and there's a reason D&D removed them. Just make 'em rangers. Plus calling them 'Trackers' is basically implying that no one of a good alignment can track things which, circles around to that 'yeah that's kind of dumb'

It reminds me of those mid 00s MMOs where they'd gender lock the classes in weird ways to be honest
I asked my mate about what you said about Rangers and Trackers and he said that The Trackers themselves gave them that name, that its a known dig at Rangers

Its also their way of showing that they think their better Rangers then The Rangers and that's because The Gods of Lawful Evil have given them blessings that ensure that Trackers are better Rangers then The Rangers, they aren't but its a frequently used form of propaganda

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