A question for the ladies


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Darth K'Trava said:
He doesn't want to talk to women but is willing to come to us for advice about his hair.... :\ If he doesn't want to talk to us, then what does it matter what we think about how he looks? Looks ain't everything! Personality works here too.
Ah you see now for casual conversation I really enjoy the sterility of the Internet. It's cold and unfeeling. It's condemning and liberating. In real life I just lack that desire to walk up to some poor girl on the street (or where ever) and small talk. It's just not there. And that's plain sad. If I have nothing to say, I won't say anything. That's why I've been a member of EN world for a year and a half but only have fifty some odd posts. I just don't have anything to say. Most of the time. But I do enjoy reading other posts. You people are some of the most interesting and diverse I have ever met. My favorite threads are the ones where people share their role playing war stories.

Edit: I forgot to run this through the spellchecker before I posted it. My bad. :heh:
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First Post
Sigdel said:
This is my question, is this true? Has this been what I what I've been doing wrong? Is all I needed to do is just cut my hair to my jaw line? Or is this just the opinion of some silly girl trying to make me into something she wants?

My opinion, as a member of the female species, is for you to keep your hair the way _you_ like it. Physical attraction has so many factors and the opinions of girls in general will vary. Some girls like long hair, some like short hair. Some like styled hair, some like the breezy hair look. Just go with what you like.


Sigdel said:
Yeah, nerfherder got the memo. Hold on a sec...

mmmmm... yep. Still looking for the part where it seems like I am asking for advice...
Sigdel said:
she told me "it would be really sexy if you cut your hair" and "You would be waist deep in chicks if you did." .... This is my question, is this true?
If you asked this question of a group of 4 women in real life, would you expect them to go "no", "no", "yes", "no", then look at you blankly? Or would you expect that maybe they might discuss it further and expand the conversation into other areas like, ooh, I don't know, what hair style might suit you and attract more women?

Really though, I wouldn't sweat it. You asked a couple of questions and people came back with answers and moved the conversation on. It's not like the thread got totally hijacked or anything.



First Post
nerfherder said:
If you asked this question of a group of 4 women in real life, would you expect them to go "no", "no", "yes", "no", then look at you blankly? Or would you expect that maybe they might discuss it further and expand the conversation into other areas like, ooh, I don't know, what hair style might suit you and attract more women?

Really though, I wouldn't sweat it. You asked a couple of questions and people came back with answers and moved the conversation on. It's not like the thread got totally hijacked or anything.


It kind of did start getting hijacked when people started getting fussy when it became obvious that I was not going to follow their advice. They started to say stuff like "If you are not even going to follow our advice why did you even bother asking?" So I felt the need to clear the air. It's not like the advice is not welcome, I just did't ask for it. So don't start getting flustered when I shoot it down.


First Post
Sigdel said:
It kind of did start getting hijacked when people started getting fussy when it became obvious that I was not going to follow their advice. They started to say stuff like "If you are not even going to follow our advice why did you even bother asking?" So I felt the need to clear the air. It's not like the advice is not welcome, I just did't ask for it. So don't start getting flustered when I shoot it down.
The thread got it's second wind when you made a bunch of outrageous, pathological statements about your social relations with women. Next to proposing alignment house rules or talking about 4E that's the surest shot at infusing an ENWorld thread with new energy.


Sigdel said:
It kind of did start getting hijacked when people started getting fussy when it became obvious that I was not going to follow their advice. They started to say stuff like "If you are not even going to follow our advice why did you even bother asking?" So I felt the need to clear the air. It's not like the advice is not welcome, I just did't ask for it. So don't start getting flustered when I shoot it down.
Hehe! I ain't flustered - I'm just injecting a bit of humour into a thread that fusangite so accurately analysed. :)



My husband has had long hair (curly at that!) since I first meet him. The only time it was short was right after he finished computer school for interviews. They see the long hair and run the other way I guess.

If he cut it, I wouldn't freak out. Do I like it long? Heck yeah! If he ever looked at me and said "I think I need highlights" I think I'd reply with "Are you daft? Dye jobs are my department!"

I don't find highlights on men 'sexy' and I don't think the hair cut defines the man either. If you keep it nice and clean, that's all that counts.


Princess of Florin
fusangite said:
The thread got it's second wind when you made a bunch of outrageous, pathological statements about your social relations with women. Next to proposing alignment house rules or talking about 4E that's the surest shot at infusing an ENWorld thread with new energy.

Fusangite, please come back to Nothingland! We all miss you. Heck, one of our esteemed members even called you "righteous."


RithTheAwakener said:
Good move.

I was thinking just the opposite. I mean, if you just ran out and cut your hair to get her attention, it would reek of depseration. ;) But I don't thnk it's particularly a helpful outlook on life to not do something JUST BECAUSE someone else would like it.

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