A question for the ladies


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fusangite said:
I'm just as shallow but it works the opposite way. I start talking to a woman, discover she is smart -- THEN I start caring if she's hot. If she doesn't successfully convince me she's clever, though, my shallowness never gets to kick in.

You and I have a similar problem. Except mine is that I don't have the desire to talk to women. Or anybody else for that matter. I just treat every one the same way. Like souless meat-puppets.
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First Post
Pbartender said:
Then why didn't you say so in the first place? ;)

The answer is:

Yes, many of them are. But not all of them.

Damn. Here I was hoping that I was wrong in missjudgeing an entire group of people based on a few examples.


First Post
Sigdel said:
Damn. Here I was hoping that I was wrong in missjudgeing an entire group of people based on a few examples.

Read my post again. You are.

"Yes, many of them are [as shallow as you would hope them not to be]. But not all of them."

Fallacy of Composition
Fallacy of Insufficient Samples

If you think about it, my answer is valid for any group of people you apply your question to.

"Are men really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are gamers really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are high school students really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are movie stars really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are circus clowns really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are used car salesmen really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are human beings really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"

"Yes, many of them are. But not all of them."

Welcome to the Real World. :D


First Post
Pbartender said:
Read my post again. You are.

"Yes, many of them are [as shallow as you would hope them not to be]. But not all of them."

Fallacy of Composition
Fallacy of Insufficient Samples

If you think about it, my answer is valid for any group of people you apply your question to.

"Are men really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are gamers really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are high school students really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are movie stars really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are circus clowns really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are used car salesmen really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"
"Are human beings really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"

"Yes, many of them are. But not all of them."

Welcome to the Real World. :D

Anything is possible, nothing is guaranteed.

That includes circus clowns.

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Originally Posted by Sigdel
I don't have the desire to talk to women.

Originally Posted by Sidgel
I speak vaguely so I don't have to come out and say what I am thinking.

Joshua Dyal said:
Is anyone but me noting the irony here? :lol: ;)

He doesn't want to talk to women but is willing to come to us for advice about his hair.... :\ If he doesn't want to talk to us, then what does it matter what we think about how he looks? Looks ain't everything! Personality works here too.


Darth K'Trava said:
He doesn't want to talk to women but is willing to come to us for advice about his hair.... :\ If he doesn't want to talk to us, then what does it matter what we think about how he looks? Looks ain't everything! Personality works here too.
No, no, didn't you get the memo? He doesn't want advice about his hair, he just wants to know "Are women really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?" Shame on you and those other people that didn't stick exactly on topic (or at least the topic he was meaning, as opposed to what he wrote) and tried to be helpful instead.



First Post
nerfherder said:
No, no, didn't you get the memo? He doesn't want advice about his hair, he just wants to know "Are women really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?" Shame on you and those other people that didn't stick exactly on topic (or at least the topic he was meaning, as opposed to what he wrote) and tried to be helpful instead.


Yeah, nerfherder got the memo. Hold on a sec...
Sigdel said:
Hello, I am a guy with long blonde hair. It's about 6 inches down my shoulders. So it's fairly long for a guy these days. A girl I work with is always trying to get me to do something with it. You know, highlights and whatnot. I really don't care much for that kind of stuff, so I don't plan going through all the effort for something I don't care for. Last week this girl takes it a step further, she told me "it would be really sexy if you cut your hair" and "You would be waist deep in chicks if you did." Now, it's not like I don't take care of my hair. I keep it in good order. This is my question, is this true? Has this been what I what I've been doing wrong? Is all I needed to do is just cut my hair to my jaw line? Or is this just the opinion of some silly girl trying to make me into something she wants?
mmmmm... yep. Still looking for the part where it seems like I am asking for advice...

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