A question for the ladies


Princess of Florin
Sigdel said:
1) I just don't have the genetics for a full beard. But what I got going on on the chin is about as much as my DNA will allow and still look decent.

I hate to be unkind, but that stuff on your chin? In no way could it be described as looking decent. Facial hair is nice, IMO, if you can grow a thick beard or goatee or what have you. If it's thin and see through, it just looks scruffy and, well, silly.

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Buttercup said:
I hate to be unkind, but that stuff on your chin? In no way could it be described as looking decent. Facial hair is nice, IMO, if you can grow a thick beard or goatee or what have you. If it's thin and see through, it just looks scruffy and, well, silly.
*nods* Buttercup speaks the truth. You've got an excellent jaw line, Sidgel! Show it off!


First Post
Acquana said:
Well, then I guess you were pretty dead-set on not cutting your hair to begin with. So ... Why did you ask?

To get attention from girls, apparently...

It's like when a woman asks, "Do you think this dres makes me look fat?" She's not looking for you to answer, "Yes, you'd look much slimmer in the other dress."

So get with the program, guys... Sidgel doesn't want advice on what to do with his hair, he just wants affirmation that it doesn't make him look stupid.

For my part, in all honesty, if I were you, Sidgel, I'd get a haircut and a shave.


(he, him)
Joshua Dyal said:
Of course, maybe by personality, she meant confidence and willingness to put yourself out there and ask for a date--that matters a lot too, and lots of guys, especially geeky ones, tend to struggle in that regard.
*raises hand*



First Post
Pbartender said:
To get attention from girls, apparently...

It's like when a woman asks, "Do you think this dres makes me look fat?" She's not looking for you to answer, "Yes, you'd look much slimmer in the other dress."

So get with the program, guys... Sidgel doesn't want advice on what to do with his hair, he just wants affirmation that it doesn't make him look stupid.

For my part, in all honesty, if I were you, Sidgel, I'd get a haircut and a shave.

For those of you not quite grasping the question I posed at the beginning of this now dead post, I will repeat the important part: "This is my question, is this true? Has this been what I what I've been doing wrong? Is all I needed to do is just cut my hair to my jaw line? Or is this just the opinion of some silly girl trying to make me into something she wants?"
In retrospect, I should have put ::end sarcasm:: at the end. sometime I speak vaguely so I don't have to come out and say what I am thinking. To summarize the question here it is in the plain. "Are women really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?" Like I said before, there is no ONE thing that has kept me single. And to assume it's just my hair is naive. And like I said before, the pic is over a year old. I don't even have the beard anymore. I shaved it off days ago. The day I put up this topic in fact. And if I was worried about looking stupid, I would ask my friends. Believe it or not, they are some cold hearted SOB's. We have never hesitated to make fun of each other before. So why start now?
And your right, I don't want advice on what to do with my hair. Because I didn't ask for it.
Anyway, I mentioned the post to the girl at work. We were laughing about it all day! To prove how shallow this girl can be, I posed a question to her; If you met the perfect guy, the man of your dreams, he tweaks you in all the right ways, would his hairstyle be a dealbreaker? Would something so trivial cost you the love of you life? I still haven't gotten an answer.


"Are women really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"

Yes. And so is everyone else for that matter, you included. People start ignoring appearance only after they get to know someone, and a person's appearance will influence whether or not others try to get to know them.



First Post
Sigdel said:
To summarize the question here it is in the plain. "Are women really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?"

Then why didn't you say so in the first place? ;)

The answer is:

Yes, many of them are. But not all of them.


First Post
Sidgel said:
1) I have had mid-length hair before and I grew it out out of a desire not to cut it. That was three years ago. Every year or so I would trim it back. For a while it never even got passed my shoulders. Growing it out was an exploratory step that didn't require me to do anything special.
2) Glasses are staying. I HATE those modern/retro thick ass black glasses. Contact lenses are a no-no. Call me silly, but I have always had this thing about putting stuff in my eye. Besides, I dont have insurance. Unless your willing to pay for it...
3) That pic is a year old. For the most part I agree with you. I just don't have the genetics for a full beard. But what I got going on on the chin is about as much as my DNA will allow and still look decent. Now I just need to dye it like that guy from Anthrax...
To summarize the question here it is in the plain. "Are women really as shallow as I would hope them not to be?" Like I said before, there is no ONE thing that has kept me single. And to assume it's just my hair is naive. And like I said before, the pic is over a year old. I don't even have the beard anymore. I shaved it off days ago. The day I put up this topic in fact. And if I was worried about looking stupid, I would ask my friends. Believe it or not, they are some cold hearted SOB's. We have never hesitated to make fun of each other before. So why start now?
And your right, I don't want advice on what to do with my hair. Because I didn't ask for it.
Anyway, I mentioned the post to the girl at work. We were laughing about it all day! To prove how shallow this girl can be, I posed a question to her; If you met the perfect guy, the man of your dreams, he tweaks you in all the right ways, would his hairstyle be a dealbreaker? Would something so trivial cost you the love of you life? I still haven't gotten an answer.
If I did what you said, changing my life and all, then I would have truly learned nothing. It would be no better than cutting my hair just because some silly little girls said so. Give me proof, pie charts, petitions, and what not. Then I would consider it. I have always understood what I needed to do, but I just never saw anything worth changing for. I am not a lemming.
[Crackly PA loudspeaker voice]Paging Teflon Billy... Paging Teflon Billy...[/Crackly PA loudspeakr voice]


First Post
fuindordm said:
Yes. And so is everyone else for that matter, you included. People start ignoring appearance only after they get to know someone, and a person's appearance will influence whether or not others try to get to know them.
I'm just as shallow but it works the opposite way. I start talking to a woman, discover she is smart -- THEN I start caring if she's hot. If she doesn't successfully convince me she's clever, though, my shallowness never gets to kick in.

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