[Adventure] Squash Those Bugs! (DM: Dekana, Judge: ?)


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"I am not terribly diplomatic, I am afraid. Perhaps it is best left to someone moreso than I." Flervin admits while taking a moment to regain his strength.

Spend 1 healing surge, Flervin is now at full 7+2 (if we still get the bonus hp).

[sblock=Flervin's Stats]
Flervin- Male Dwarf Druid , Lvl 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18.
AC: 15, Fort: 14, Ref: 13, Will: 14, Speed: 5.
HP: 30/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges/Day: 11​(7 remaining).
AP: 0/3, Second Wind: Not Used , Milestones: 1.

Wild Shape
Storm Strike (Dwarf Form)
Grasping Claws (Beast Form)
Pounce (Beast Form)
Darting Bite (Beast Form)
Savage Frenzy (Beast Form)

Current Form: Owlbear

Character Sheet

OOC: I am good with whatever way the others are wanting to approach this, I am not trained in diplomacy, but am willing to swing away if it comes to that as well. Also, I agree with Pierce, gold is just as fine as anything.
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Emsy leans back onto a bit of rock jutting out of the ground and takes a few moments to gather herself. A breathe of magic through her body and several moments later, she gets back up.

"If we are to try to come to peaceful terms, I have the experience of many lives before me. Perhaps they will aid us in our endevours, perhaps not."

OOC: Emsy spends one surge to heal back to full, she now has 6/8 surges. I have a +9 in diplomacy, does anyone have a higher mod? Well, no matter, it'll likely be a skill challenge and a group effort :D


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"I can't believe that you are actually thinking of trying to talk to those things," Lenyara snarled. "They aren't going to do anything but lie to us, try and trap us again. We need to make sure they WANT to let us out of here- or that they don't have a choice. When the fighting starts, focus on anyone who likes like they are shouting orders- most of the rest probably won't want to tangle with us."

OOC: Lenyara will spend 1 surge- with Emsy's Song of Rest, that puts her at 38/41. These are kobolds we are dealing with- Diplomacy is not a very good idea, though Intimidate might be.


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"I'm all for talk at the right time," says Labraundos, "However, some of these fellows have behaved like bandits and the chief's actions in particular are an affront to my honour." Labraundos takes a practice swing.


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The Pit Round --
Nicodemus, Human
Warlock 1 (Partial Concealment UENT)
30/30 HP (4THP)

Nicodemus casts a glance to his hellish servant and it rests its head on its own coils before vanishing in a puff of smoke. He joins the rest of the group for a quick rest as the idea of parley is batted about. "I wouldn't have thought them anything but bipedal lizards if they hadn't started speaking in common. Even their native language sounds like nothing more than animal noises. They promised us gold for the job - and if we must, it shouldn't be too difficult to pry it from their cold dead claws. They will learn to respect bargains struck with civilized beings, even if only as an object lesson to the lucky few to escape our wrath." The orbs of energy begin to dart about the young warlock in a very disturbing manner before he calms himself and they finally begin to fade away one by one.
[sblock=Combat Actions]Free: Speak
Minor: ...
Move: ...
Standard: ...
Action Point: -[/sblock][sblock=Nicodemus]Nicodemus—Male Human Warlock 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9
AC: 16, Fort: 15, Reflex: 17, Will: 13 — Speed: 6
HP: 30/30 (4THP), Bloodied: 15, Surge: 6, Surges left: 10/10;
AP: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 2
Powers -
Eldrich Blast
Dire Radiance
Hellish Rebuke
Warlock's Curse
Dark One's Blessing

Arms of Hadar

Flames of Phlegethos

[/sblock][sblock=ooc]Shadow Walk is always active. Nicodemus still needs 1 approval.

Damage Summary: (Total damage if all attacks hit)


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"Well, let me and Lenyara scout ahead then. In case there is an ambush waiting for us.", said Ashurn as he pulls up his face mask and hood of his cloak.
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"Let's go," Lenyara nodded. She began to move forward, weapons ready in hand. She barely even noticed that the tendrils of her net had hooked on one of the braziers at the corner of the hallway- and as she moved she dragged the brazier over. It fell with an echoing clang, and Lenyara gave an embarrassed shrug. "I think they already knew we were coming."

OOC: Stealth 1d20+7= 8 (natural 1), Perception 1d20+11= 21, Soaring Hawk aspect; rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4062014/


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As the brazier hits the floor and a deafening crash sound echoes throughout the cavern, Ashurn winces visibly before doing his best by staying in the shadows and moving as quietly as possible.
[sblock=Perception & Stealth]Perception=19
Link to results.[/sblock]
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