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[Adventure]: The Bane of the Black Dragon (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)


First Post
Zharne cackles and again gestures to summon up the wind

[sblock=Action Details]
Standard Action:chill wind @t1 4(misses HF1,crits HF2, hits HF3, hits GM1 and GM2; HF3, GM1 & GM2 all take 5 cold damage and HF2 takes 13 cold damage, and all hit are slid 1 square)
Move Action:N/A
Minor Action:N/A

Savs vs daze failz

[sblock=Zharne Redcloud stat Line]Zharne Redcloud- Male Elf Druid 2
Passive Perception: 23, Passive Insight: 16
AC:20, Fort:15, Reflex:18, Will:18, Resist 5 Cold, Speed:8
HP:47/51 Bloodied:25, Surge Value:12(14 in Beastform), Surges left:9/9
Initiative +6, Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Swarming Locusts, Chill Wind,
Thorn Spray, Predator's Flurry, Elven Accuracy,
Summon Pack Wolf, Fleet Pursuit, Form of the Primeval Wolf, Primeval Wolf Attack,
Enduring Beast Hide,Frostwolf Pelt
OOC: I/Zharne hit HF1 also last turn not only GM1 as "chill wind" is a burst 1 power, @dimsdale note that Zahrne had 51 +5 thp (from the bard) and now is at 47/51
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First Post
Vermitrax moves near the cave entrance. "Retreat, clowns; you are easy targets in that confined space, even for the pathetic excuse of magic that these inferior critters can mumble!" the "necromancer" urges.

"I agree with the deathtalker," says Gellan, "we should let them come out to us." He stumbles back a few steps, still hampered by the cold.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Walk to N-9.
End of turn: Save vs. Dazed: 7 -- fail[/sblock]
[sblock="Mini stat"]Gellan Bonesaw

- Level 5 Halfling Barbarian
Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Initiative: +5 Senses: Normal
AC: 20, Fortitude: 19, Reflex: 17, Will: 14 -- Speed: 6, Size: Small
HP: 42/51, Bloodied 25, Surge Value 12, Surges left 9/9
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: not used
Powers -
Pressing Strike, Whirling Rend
Second Chance, Whirling Lunge, Hunter's Quarry
Combat Sprint, Whirling Frenzy, Whirling Step

Swift Panther Rage, Thunder Hooves Rage, Rage Strike[/sblock]


First Post
You, stop being dazed! Sharpe yells at the halfling.

Here goblin, goblin, goblin, come to Sharpy! Sharpe says, whistling

Move:moved on map.

Minor: Knack for success, Gellan gets to make a save @RedBeardJim .

Standard: Ready an action, a goblin mage moves within 5 squares of Sharpe. Use impelling force on the goblin mage 21 vs fort hits for 12 thunder damage and the goblin slides up to 4 squares right next to the party. (Q9 would be great).
Sharpe Wellington- Male Half-Elf Bard 3
Init: +1, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 11
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 13 Will 17, Spd: 5
HP 40/40
Bloodied 20 Surge Value 10; Surges Per-Day 11/11
AP: 0, Milestones:0

Basic Attacks:
Basic Attack +3 vs AC, Longsword, 1d8 damage
Ranged Basic Attack N/A

Staggering Note, Guiding Strike
Majestic Word X2, Shout of Triumph, Knack for Success, Words of Friendship, Thunder's Calling, Second Wind, Shield of Devotion
Stirring Shout, Inspiring Fortitude (AKA Invigorating Presence)

Misc: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.



Virtue of Valor: Once per round, when an ally within 5 squares bloodies or reduces to 0 hp an enemy, you can grant the ally 5 THP as a free action.

[sblock=Malifixindalaunt The White Dragon]
Malifixindalaunt (Veserab) Level 6 Lurker
Large shadow beast (mount)
HP 60/60; Bloodied 30 Surge 0/1
AC 20-; Fortitude 20; Reflex 17; Will 17
Speed 4, fly 8 (clumsy)
Immune noxious breath
Initiative +11
Perception +11
Blindsight 20

Combat Advantage
Malifixindalaunt deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee attacks against any target it has combat advantage against.

Standard Actions
:bmelee: Bite • At-Will
Attack: +11 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.

:bmelee: Wing Claw • At-Will
Attack: +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.

:close: Noxious Breath (poison, zone) • Encounter
Attack: Close blast 4; +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 3 poison damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the
Malifixindalaunt's next turn. This power creates a zone of black, noxious fumes that remains in place until the end of the encounter. This zone blocks line of sight, and a creature that enters or ends its turn in the zone takes 5 poison damage. Malifixindalaunt is immune to this power's effects.

:melee:Diving Wing Rake • Standard, At-Will
Malifixindalaunt makes a charge attack, making two wing claw attacks. After attacking, Malifixindalaunt moves up to 1 square and moves in an unoccupied square.

Skills Stealth +12
Str 20 (+8) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 17 (+6)
Con 17 (+6) Int 2 (–1) Cha 4 (+0)
Alignment Evil Languages —


Drew bursts from his cover, covering the distance to the mages in moments. He turns quickly pulling in his turn goblin mage in front of him, clearing way with his body, slamming it into other enemies, throwing them to the ground and throwing it away at the end of the turn.

As he drops it, the power of Sharpe takes hold and pulls it much further then Drew could throw it on his own.

Move: S13, HF2 get OA
Standard: Eternal Mountain vs Fort(HF2; GM2; HF1; GM1); damage (1d20+7=22, 1d20+7=21, 1d20+7=12, 1d20+7=14, 2d8+6=11) - hit all but HF1 (even assuming CA (not included in the roll), I doubt 14 hits its fort - 11 damage, mage 2 is slid to T13 triggering sharpe attack and pulling him to Q9

HF2, GM2 and GM1 are PRONE

[MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION], how about that action point?
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First Post
After a the initial attack by the mage all seemed in order for as the goblins as they realized that they had hurt badly the first three foes who appeared at the entrance. In fact the mage behind the original attacker turned back to a goblin behind him and yells to another goblin...

Slave!...yes you! Go tell Gaark that the invaders are held in check and everything continues to go as planned...HURRY! [/sblock]

The mage turns just in time to yell out loud aaaAAGGGHHH as the body of one of his peers smashes into him, causing him to fall to the ground. Once there, he as his comrades are the victims of more attacks, which weeken the defending force considerably.

The mage who originally blasted the the party shakes his head after lifting his head off the floor. He uses his staff to prop himself off the floor, only to realize to his horror, that he is surrounded by four enemies. He screams in fear and attempts to run away

ooc: this will provoke multiple OA's. Please feel free to roll your own OA on this one. I think four of heroes have a chance.

Drew is not so lucky as two goblin fighters get up simultaneously and attack. And the third fighter charges him. Two of the three strike the monk with minor wounds The second mage panics. Get him away from me! the mage says in common tongue as he blasts a burst of thunder at Drew...as well as the one fighters who were there to protect him. The thunder blast hits drew and two of the three fighters. Drew still stands, but definitely seen better days.

Meanwhile, the goblins farther in the back in the massive room, huddle together as a group terrified from what they have witnessed thus far.


Drew: Hits HF2, GM1 and GM2 for 11 and all are prone
Prime: Second wind, 4 temp hp gone, 1 hp absorbed by armor (damn...keep forgetting that), +2 to all defensive, save vs dazed
Vermitrax: Double moves
Sharpe: Readied action triggered by Drew, Hit GM2 for 12, saving throw granted to Gellan
Pet Dragon:
Gellan: Fails save vs dazed, then saves vs Dazed
Timber Wolf:
Zharne: Hits HF2 for 13, hits HF3, GM1 and GM2 for 5, fails save vs dazed

Total Damage to Enemy:
Guard 1: DEAD
Guard 2: DEAD
Ogre Savage: DEAD
Hobgoblin 1: 60/60 Dazed
Hobgoblin 2: 33/60 Dazed
Hobgoblin 3: 38/60
Goblin Mage 1: 11/35 prone
Goblin Mage 2: 7/35 prone
Goblin 1:
Goblin 2:
Goblin 3:
Goblin 4:
Goblin 5:

Baddies turn:
Hobgoblin 1:
movement: Stand
attack: 1d20+10 for 1d8+2 vs Drew AC: miss

Hobgoblin 2:
movement: Stand
attack: 1d20+10 for 1d8+2 vs Drew AC:
Hit for 8

Hobgoblin 3:
Charge Drew: 1d20+10+1 for 1d8+2 AC:
Hit for 4

Goblin Mage 1:
Movement: Get up
Movement: Run: This provokes OA's Z, P and S...

Goblin Mage 2:
Movement: Get up
Thunder attack centered on Drew and unfortunately HF1 and HF2: 1d20+7 vs fort for 1d8+4 =
so attack Drew, HF1, HF2 and Hf3 respectively: Hit, Hit, Hit, Miss for 7 and dazed (save ends)

Total Damage to Allies:
Drew -19 and Dazed (save end)







Defenses: AC: 23, Fort: 19, Ref: 16, Will: 16 DAZED: (SAVE ENDS)
HP:35/58 THP 4: Bloodied: 29, Surge value:14, Surges left: 13/13

Defenses: AC: 20, Fort: 19, Ref: 17, Will: 14 DAZED (SAVE ENDS)
HP: 42/51,THP: Bloodied 25, Surge Value 12, Surges left 9/9

AC 18, Fort: 15, Ref: 13, Will: 17
HP 40/40, THP: Bloodied 20 Surge Value 10; Surges left 11/11

Malifixindalaunt: Dragon Mount
AC 20; Fort: 20; Ref: 17; Will: 17 Speed 4, fly 8 (clumsy)
HP 60/60; Bloodied 30

AC 20; Fort: 18, Ref: 20, Will 20
HP 38/38 Bloodied 19 Surge Value 9; Surges left 9/9
Resist 5 Cold 10 Force

AC 20 THP 5; Fort: 15, Ref: 18, Will 18
HP 47/51 Bloodied 25 Surge Value 12(14 in Beastform); Surges left 9/9 DAZED (SAVE ENDS)
Resist 5 Cold

Timber Wolf:
AC 20; Fort: 15, Ref: 18, Will 18
HP 51/51

AC 21 Fortitude 15 Reflex 19 Will 15
HP 6/34 Bloodied 17 Surge Value 8 Surges left 8/8

Guard 1: DEAD
Guard 2: DEAD
Ogre Savage: DEAD
Hobgoblin 1: 60/60
Hobgoblin 2: 33/60 prone
Hobgoblin 3: 38/60
Goblin Mage 1: 11/35 prone
Goblin Mage 2: 7/35 prone
Goblin 1: 1/1
Goblin 2: 1/1
Goblin 3: 1/1
Goblin 4: 1/1
Goblin 5: 1/1


Hobgoblin Guard:
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
HP 100:
AC 22 (24 with phalanx soldier); Fortitude 20, Refl ex 18, Will 18
Speed 6
m bastard sword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+10 vs. AC; 1d10 +4
Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the hobgoblin
warrior suffers an effect that a save can end; encounter)
The hobgoblin warrior makes a saving throw against the
triggering eff ect.
Phalanx Soldier
The hobgoblin warrior gains a +2 bonus to AC while at least one
hobgoblin ally is adjacent to it.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Athletics +10, History +6
Str 19 (+8) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 14 (+6)
Con 15 (+6) Int 11 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)

Ogre Savage
HP 111; Bloodied 55
AC 19; Fortitude 21, Refl ex 16, Will 16
Speed 8
m Greatclub (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Reach 2; +11 vs. AC; 2d10 + 5 damage.
M Angry Smash (standard; recharge 6 ) ✦ Weapon
The ogre savage makes a greatclub attack, but gets two attack
rolls and takes the better result.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
Str 21 (+9) Dex 11 (+4) Wis 11 (+4)
Con 21 (+9) Int 4 (+1) Cha 6 (+2)
Equipment hide armor, greatclub

Goblin Guards:
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
HP 60:
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Refl ex 18, Will 18
Speed 6
m bastard sword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+10 vs. AC; 1d10 +4

Goblin Mage:
Bandit Mage
XP 175 (x2) = 350
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 17; Fortitude 13, Ref 14, Will 15
Speed 6
Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+4 vs. AC; 1d8 damage.
Magic Missile (standard; at-will) ✦ Force
Ranged 20; +7 vs. Refl ex; 2d4 + 4 force damage.
Dancing Lightning (standard; encounter) ✦ Lightning
The mage makes a separate attack against 3 diff erent targets:
ranged 10; +7 vs. Refl ex; 1d6 + 4 lightning damage.
Thunder Burst (standard; encounter) ✦ Thunder
Area burst 1 within 10; +7 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 4 thunder
damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).


[sblock=Adventure Summary]
Find Lord Weinfurter dead or alive
Locate and retrieve an orb
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Prime's attack is feeble, but enough to to stop the goblin in its tracks.

[sblock=Op attack]
Includes bonuses from flaking and Combat Superiority. Mage suffers 8 damage and stops moving, though he can use a second move action to resume moving[/sblock]
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