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Pathfinder 1E airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords AE PBP Reborn! [OOC]

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I noticed that. You did not even wait 24 hours for me and Mowgli to hit our posting windows since the first post. ;)

I generally will always be able to post once per day, but window for doing so is only about 3-5 hours. If I have free time at work, I do get to draft posts off-line and then shotgun blast them to the threads at the beginning of my posting window. Sadly, today was not one of those days.

I will try getting a post up now.
Sorry, m8. I did not mean to be rude. I just wanted to keep up my own posting rate to about 1/day; my post was a minor one so I hope it did make you feel as if any actions had been precluded. I cannot always guarantee 1/day, but I will make every effort to make at least three major posts a week: 1) on Sunday, 2) on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, and 3) on Thursday night/Friday morning.

ugh. long day at the VA for DR. visits. concentration being gathered.
Not to worry, friend. Since you asked, your capitalization could use some improvement. (...unless you were being humorous, in which I apologize for being the grammar police.)


Airwalkrr, are you intending to roll skill checks for us all of the time? Or was this a case of steering us away from lengthy NPC interactions to move us forward?


Airwalkrr, are you intending to roll skill checks for us all of the time? Or was this a case of steering us away from lengthy NPC interactions to move us forward?
Is this in specific reference to the four NPC hooks I offered? If so, I presented them to give you, as players, a small degree of narrative control over the story. Feel like things are not moving along or just want to post more than is really necessary? Bring in your NPC hook and spice things up! I will present these types of hooks sparingly throughout the campaign.

Skill checks will generally be up to you. I will usually assume a couple of things:
1) unless otherwise stated you are always taking 10 on Perception checks (modifiers for distraction, sleep, vigilance, etc. may come into play)
2) unless otherwise stated you are always taking 10 on Sense Motive checks

Hence why I ask for your Per. & S. M. mods with each post. Of course, this won't preclude you from rolling Perception or Sense Motive in the usual manner (in which case I will discard the take 10 result and use the roll, though I will never ret-con a situation if it the roll would be worse than taking 10 and I have already described the result), but aside from that I expect you to use skill checks proactively in 95% of cases. I will rarely ask for a skill check. And in cases where a skill check is implied by not rolled (i.e. climbing a ladder or following a map), I will assume you have taken 10, which should get you the desired result the vast majority of the time anyway. Because I am focusing on the narrative, most situations will only truly warrant a roll if they are potentially deadly or dangerous. This does not cover things like traps and hazards, which are naturally assumed to be something PCs should be proactive about in D&D/Pathfinder. And if you give me a Standard Operating procedure for a dungeon (i.e. a marching order and process for "clearing" a room) which includes a Perception check, I will roll it if needed, or you can provide a set of rolls in advance; I will use them as needed and inform you when the set of rolls is exhausted.

Maybe overshare, but I am trying to be thorough. Does that answer your question?

Post coming later today. First XP award will be included, along with the resolution of the test of Strength and rules for the upcoming balance beam contest (Acrobatics/Dex) and tug-of-war games (Climb/Str) at 2 pm and 3 pm respectively. Since at least one person seems interested in betting, I'll include some odds from bookies to keep it interesting. I will resolve those events simultaneously to pick up the pace. Hopefully you guys are making some friends/contacts in Sandpoint, which is the whole purpose of the festival. I thought it better than simply writing up a background of the town or doing a narrative of my own.
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Is this in specific reference to the four NPC hooks I offered?
No, it was not about the NPC hooks. My question was from much earlier in the IC thread when you automatically rolled Jamir’s Diplomacy to Improve Attitude based only upon his initiating a conversation with Ms. Amieko.

Diplomacy tends to be an active skill check based upon a player’s intentions, and not like passive checks for Perception or Sense Motive based upon events/actions taken. Saying “hello” to someone would not be enough conversation (supposed to be at least 1 minute) to actually warrant a Diplomacy Check to Improve Attitude automatically.

I brought it up because it looked like you simply cut off my attempt to actually role-play and interact with her. I think you only did it because you wanted to press forward to other things and you do not intend to do that normally.

Hence why I ask for your Per. & S. M. mods with each post.
I missed that you wanted Sense Motives in mini-stats. I edited mine in and will carry it forward.

Hopefully you guys are making some friends/contacts in Sandpoint, which is the whole purpose of the festival. I thought it better than simply writing up a background of the town or doing a narrative of my own.
Certainly a more interesting approach. There are lots of role-playing opportunities. :)

However, we appear to be skipping them. I am not sure if this is because most players are not interested and we don’t wait for a reply. Or we just have too much important ground to cover in the plot to waste time on having real conversations between characters during this time of the game. Either way it has been a little discouraging to continually have conversation hooks left dangling without responses.

I like interacting with characters (NPCs and PCs), that is what makes the story interesting and different than simply playing a CRPG by myself. Engaging in dialog brings opportunity to work on getting into character.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
PM, I think in this case airwalkrr wanted us to play both sides of the conversation, and go ahead and write it all out. Since these NPCs aren't written into the adventure their responses aren't scripted - we're free to write them for ourselves, all the way out to the end of that particular interaction.

I fully intended to do so with the Kelish sailors, but the holidays ate up all of my time and energy. I'm still playing catch up, and didn't have time to give them the treatment they deserved. Rather than hold things up further while I tried to script a conversation I put in a little something that will allow me to continue that relationship by having them meet again later. Hopefully at that time I'll have the creative spark and the time to give them a full conversation.

I do think you're right about there being a lot of ground to cover during the Festival - it's tricky getting all of that in while still allowing for character development and keeping the game moving forward, but so far I'm liking the way things are working out.

And now, I'm on "baby duty" this morning, so I gotta go . . .

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