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airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords (OOC)


Yeah, a later adventure would be cool. I've only extensively read the Kingmaker AP from your list. I'm more than happy to start above 1st level.

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J. Alexander

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If there is still room I would love to play.....having just again restarted my own games thanks to work. I would love to gain more experience as a player in these settings.


If the players are interested in starting at a higher level, perhaps there might be more interest in running a stand-alone adventure module instead.

I have no illusions about actually finishing an AP via PBP, but given the nature of the a storyline which is intended to be internally consistent and built up as it proceeds, I feel something would be lost by beginning such a storyline mid-point.

Still, I would rather run an AP. I like the stories that go with them and they are generally well-thought-out and given much background to work with. Even if we never finish, I feel there would be better opportunities for roleplay. If you have only "dabbled" in one of the APs ,such as playing one or part of an adventure, I do not mind. I have reservations about starting with higher level characters though. I always prefer to start a campaign at 1st-level for simplicity.


I'm on-board either way. I'm not as reluctant to start a little higher, having had some great pbp games starting above first. I agree that the back stories of the AP's are cool and that would be preferable to a stand alone.


First Post
I'm fine with starting small or large. I find that the first couple of levels are often kind of tedious to play through, especially in PBPs where the rewards of advancement are so far apart...but it is not a huge deal to me, and I do like the chance to establish characters. I also get that using APs kind of locks you into a particular starting level and progression, and it's not an issue. :)


So far I have four players interested: Scotley, Shayuri, J. Alexander, and kinem. Near as I can tell, kinem is the only one with a preference (Council of Thieves). Anyone else have a preference? Would help if I had a ranking order. Of course if you are just happy with any of them, that is fine. Still, I can tell that each one of them has a specific type of flavor to the campaign.

Rise of the Runelords offers a mix of urban adventure, wilderness exploration, and old-school dungeon-crawl, with some nefarious villains and recurring NPCs.

Curse of the Crimson Throne has lots of political drama mixed with urban adventure. It also introduces a mechanic for Varisian fortune telling, which might interest some players.

Second Darkness deals with a threat to Golarion of truly epic proportions, with battles against drow and lots over overland and oversea adventure.

Legacy of Fire is an Arabian Nights-inspired AP with a desert theme and lots of travel involved, exploring new lands and discovering new dangers.

Council of Thieves is largely city-based, with many urban adventures and lower-city dungeons. It is also rife with political intrigue.

Kingmaker is a war-based AP, and sees the PCs dealing with much more than the typical dungeon-crawl. The PCs are explorers and mercenaries tasked with a wide variety of missions such as laying down settlements and leading armies.

So there you have it in a nutshell, without giving too much away.


I'll also note that since these APs are designed for four players, we technically have enough to start. The reason I am asking for six is that inevitably in PBP a player or two will drop from the campaign for unforeseen reasons. I don't mind if you guys steam-roll the encounters if all six stay in for the long haul. But if we start with four and lose one or two that will leave the remaining players in a bit of a bind, and I have generally had poor luck with trying to recruit for an ongoing game, although it is possible.

Once I know which AP you guys prefer, I will lay out the character creation rules though and you can start building characters. A question before we begin: do you prefer point-buy or rolling dice for stats? I could potentially offer both as options, but I would prefer everyone follow the same rules.


I roamed the Paizo boards a bit and Curse of the Crimson throne and Rise of the Runelords seem to be near the top of most folks' lists. Kingmaker tends to be top or bottom and as mentioned earlier I've read that one pretty extensively and am DM'ing the first chapter currently. I don't really know much about Second Darkness, but it seems to be down low one most peoples' lists and Council of Thieves didn't fare much better. That's my very unscientific research, YMMV. I gather that Rise of the Runelords has been revised for Pathfinder, which might be a mark in favor of it. What say the rest of you?


First Post
I'm open to any of them.

I really like the idea of Kingmaker, but I'm already playing that in another game (when I realize I need to post in it :erm:). Legacy of Fire and Second Darkness sound pretty neat from the synopsi...I've been in other games where I started Council of Thieves, Rise of the Runelors and Curse of the Crimson Throne, but didn't get very far at all in them before the games folded.

So it's all good!


First Post
I would be interested in playing though I've got some experience in most of the AP's at this point that might make me a less than ideal candidate. I DM'd Rise of the Runelords years ago when it was released, made it to book 4 in Second Darkness and Legacy of Fire, and am playing a Kingmaker game with Shayuri. I loved the storyline in RotRL, and the other two were long enough ago that I've forgotten most of the details. I could probably do RotRL if everyone is more in favor of that one without letting prior knowledge get in the way.
Curse of the Crimson Throne or Council of Thieves would both be ideal for me. I tried them both in PbP but never made it past the first encounter before it fizzled. I lean towards CotCT because from what I've heard its a very localized game so you get invested in the city and people there.

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