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Airwalkrr's Shackled City OOC (D&D 3.5)

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How does everyone like the maps? Are they easier enough to decipher? I have dundjinni, but excel is just way easier because I don't have to render the file and convert it to jpg before posting.


First of all, sorry for my recent absence. I was unexpectedly taken to the hospital last Thursday and wasn't discharged until just yesterday. It might take me a while to catch up on posts, so your patience is appreciated.

I suppose rendering an image from Dundjinni isn't the difficult part. It's the horrendous load times for the software itself. I still have a single processor P4 with an outdated video card. It's not really for performance since I don't game with it. With all the medical bills I've had over the last several years, I can't really afford anything better. Besides, there is a great argument for excel in that I can adjust it at work.

There is another angle to excel that I would like to explore since just about everyone can edit excel documents. Whenever I update combat posts, I will update it to the nearest NPC/enemy. Whatever players between the last NPC/enemy I updated and the next NPC/enemy to act on the initiative order would be free to move their own characters around. For example, Floch, Simon, and Goran engage an orc and their chieftain. Initiative looks like this.


I begin by posting the battlemap. After surprise is determined and regular rounds begin, I defer to Floch's player, who downloads the map, moves Floch 20' to the nearest orc and announces an attack. He then uploads the map. Then I upload the map Floch's player uploaded. I examine the scene and declare the Chieftain casts a spell to curse your attacks and resolve and moves 15' back to a more defensive position. I upload the map with my changes. Simon's and Goran's players are free to act next. It doesn't really matter what order they act in since they both act before the orcs. They could each download, make changes to their character's position, then upload the changes. And so on. This might work very well if you are willing to try it. I could make you a guinea pig group.


First Post
I was beginning to wonder if something might have happened to you. Sorry to hear you had to go to the hospital, but I hope you're feeling better.


Better enough for discharge. I can't stand hospitals. The food is dreadful and the nurses wake you every hour to make sure you are sleeping alright. And I just want to shout, "How the hell can I sleep if you keep flashing a damned light in my eyes every hour!?"

Anyway, I'm back. If I could have given any warning I would have but it was just so sudden that I didn't have the chance. And I didn't have internet access at the hospital.


Hey everyone, starting tomorrow, I will be away for the holidays and internet access will be sketchy. Should back by Monday though.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Player interested

Hi, all.

I'm looking for a game with staying power. I still need to read up the thread, but I'm interested.

Would you consider new player?

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