Any interest in an unofficial "Feats & Powers" IH expansion based on non-core material?


Been thinking about IH:Ascension lately and considering possible Epic Feats/Divine Abilities for non-core classes and wanted to know if you folks would be interested in something like that. Would primarily focus on Epic Feats/Divine/Cosmic abilities since class really stops mattering past that point, though I might throw in some higher tiers for concepts that might be too OP for the lower power tiers. (relatively speaking of course)

For sure, I want to expand on the psionic material already in there, give Tome of Battle some goodies, and add stuff for some of the more popular non-core classes. There may be a few generic but flavorful and/or build enabling ones thrown in as well. (Ignore PrC requirements for a Divine? Sure, why not?
Epic Feat to uncap Iajutsu focus and a Divine to let you use it in conjunction with any Strike? Oh yeah.)

But I'd like to gauge interest before sinking my teeth into a project like this, and would like to see if there's any particular classes/playstyles you'd like to be covered if so.

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Been thinking about IH:Ascension lately and considering possible Epic Feats/Divine Abilities for non-core classes and wanted to know if you folks would be interested in something like that. Would primarily focus on Epic Feats/Divine/Cosmic abilities since class really stops mattering past that point, though I might throw in some higher tiers for concepts that might be too OP for the lower power tiers. (relatively speaking of course)

For sure, I want to expand on the psionic material already in there, give Tome of Battle some goodies, and add stuff for some of the more popular non-core classes. There may be a few generic but flavorful and/or build enabling ones thrown in as well. (Ignore PrC requirements for a Divine? Sure, why not?
Epic Feat to uncap Iajutsu focus and a Divine to let you use it in conjunction with any Strike? Oh yeah.)

But I'd like to gauge interest before sinking my teeth into a project like this, and would like to see if there's any particular classes/playstyles you'd like to be covered if so.
Absolutely yes, I am very interested in more abilities.

Howdy Chess435 buddy! :)

Been thinking about IH:Ascension lately and considering possible Epic Feats/Divine Abilities for non-core classes and wanted to know if you folks would be interested in something like that. Would primarily focus on Epic Feats/Divine/Cosmic abilities since class really stops mattering past that point, though I might throw in some higher tiers for concepts that might be too OP for the lower power tiers. (relatively speaking of course).

I'd be happy to endorse anything like that from any content creators. My memory being what it is (ie. terrible) not sure exactly what help I would be, but would always be here if you had any questions (FWIW).

For sure, I want to expand on the psionic material already in there, give Tome of Battle some goodies, and add stuff for some of the more popular non-core classes. There may be a few generic but flavorful and/or build enabling ones thrown in as well. (Ignore PrC requirements for a Divine? Sure, why not?
Epic Feat to uncap Iajutsu focus and a Divine to let you use it in conjunction with any Strike? Oh yeah.)

But I'd like to gauge interest before sinking my teeth into a project like this, and would like to see if there's any particular classes/playstyles you'd like to be covered if so.

I'm sure there would be a few around here to also support it.


Cool stuff. I'll need to do a bit of framework work as well in order to tie together everything, which means I'll need to make:
1. Epic progressions for base classes that lack them. Some classes will likely need extra goodies to help them scale into epic and beyond as well.
2. A framework for epic maneuvers to work with and build epic feats and higher from. I'll likely use The Demented One's excellent epic maneuver framework to keep things compatible with the amount of solid homebrew out there, though I'll likely just do a mini-expansion of each of the nine core disciplines myself to keep the homebrew creep to a minimum.

For all of you out there, is there any specific content you want to build for?
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To give you guys an idea of what I'm cooking up, here's a few bits I have so far. Work schedule is keeping me from going as fast as I'd like, but I'm going to work on the rest of the stuff I want from ToB before moving onto other books. (Random ideas will probably sneak in here and there, like a few on the abilities below) The current plan is to introduce 4 epic maneuvers for each of the 9 core disciplines, one of which is a [Pinnacle] maneuver. (Essentially a capstone)

Epic Feats:

Iajutsu Mastery

Requirements: Iajutsu Focus 24 ranks

The cap of additional damage from Iajutsu Focus is removed, continuing to progress to 10d6 on a roll of 55 and adding an additional d6 for every 5 further. In addition, the first time you damage each opponent with an attack benefitting from Iajutsu Focus during an encounter, the target must make a will save (DC 10+½ level+Cha mod) or be frightened of you for 1 minute.

Divine Abilities:

Divine Qualification

Requirements: None

You can ignore prerequisites for entering Prestige Classes

Divine Theurge

Requirements: Able to Cast 9th level arcane spells and 9th level divine spells

You can prepare and cast spells from any of your classes in any slot of the correct level from any of your spellcasting classes. Additionally at any time, you can treat your arcane spells as if they were divine or vice versa.

Martial Recovery

Requirements: Martial Lore 40 ranks, know at least one [Pinnacle] maneuver

You can recover epic maneuvers as if they were non-epic maneuvers.

Master of the Many Blades

Requirements: BAB +30, Martial Recovery, know at least two [Pinnacle] maneuvers

You can prepare maneuvers from all your epic disciplines, rather than one.

Iajutsu Strike

Requirements: Iajutsu Focus 40 Ranks, Martial Lore 40 ranks

You can initiate a martial strike maneuver with an initiation time of 1 standard action at the same time you use Iajutsu Focus, provided you fulfill all the requirements for both and you attack at least one creature as part of the maneuver. If you do, apply your Iajutsu Focus bonus damage to the first instance of damage you inflict to each enemy you hit as part of that maneuver.

Cosmic Abilities

Cosmic Style

Requirements: BAB +70

You never expend your maneuvers when you use them, and all your maneuvers are always considered readied.


Requirements: Divine Immensity

You can alter the size of your manifestation an additional 10 size categories at will, stacking with Divine Immensity. In addition, if you are an Old One or greater, reduce the minimum size your manifestation can take by 5 size categories.

Special: You can take this ability a second time at Divine Rank 48 (Demiurge), and a third time at Divine Rank 200. (Time Lord) It's effects stack.

Transcendental Abilities

Transcedent Style

Requirements: Cosmic Style, BAB +130

When performing a full attack, you can substitute martial strike or boost maneuvers with an initiation time of 1 standard action in place of each attack in the full attack. You may use the same or different maneuvers for each attack.

To give you guys an idea of what I'm cooking up, here's a few bits I have so far. Work schedule is keeping me from going as fast as I'd like, but I'm going to work on the rest of the stuff I want from ToB before moving onto other books. (Random ideas will probably sneak in here and there, like a few on the abilities below) The current plan is to introduce 4 epic maneuvers for each of the 9 core disciplines, one of which is a [Pinnacle] maneuver. (Essentially a capstone)

Epic Feats:

Iajutsu Mastery

Requirements: Iajutsu Focus 24 ranks

The cap of additional damage from Iajutsu Focus is removed, continuing to progress to 10d6 on a roll of 55 and adding an additional d6 for every 5 further. In addition, the first time you damage each opponent with an attack benefitting from Iajutsu Focus during an encounter, the target must make a will save (DC 10+½ level+Cha mod) or be frightened of you for 1 minute.

Divine Abilities:

Divine Qualification

Requirements: None

You can ignore prerequisites for entering Prestige Classes

Divine Theurge

Requirements: Able to Cast 9th level arcane spells and 9th level divine spells

You can prepare and cast spells from any of your classes in any slot of the correct level from any of your spellcasting classes. Additionally at any time, you can treat your arcane spells as if they were divine or vice versa.

Martial Recovery

Requirements: Martial Lore 40 ranks, know at least one [Pinnacle] maneuver

You can recover epic maneuvers as if they were non-epic maneuvers.

Master of the Many Blades

Requirements: BAB +30, Martial Recovery, know at least two [Pinnacle] maneuvers

You can prepare maneuvers from all your epic disciplines, rather than one.

Iajutsu Strike

Requirements: Iajutsu Focus 40 Ranks, Martial Lore 40 ranks

You can initiate a martial strike maneuver with an initiation time of 1 standard action at the same time you use Iajutsu Focus, provided you fulfill all the requirements for both and you attack at least one creature as part of the maneuver. If you do, apply your Iajutsu Focus bonus damage to the first instance of damage you inflict to each enemy you hit as part of that maneuver.

Cosmic Abilities

Cosmic Style

Requirements: BAB +70

You never expend your maneuvers when you use them, and all your maneuvers are always considered readied.


Requirements: Divine Immensity

You can alter the size of your manifestation an additional 10 size categories at will, stacking with Divine Immensity. In addition, if you are an Old One or greater, reduce the minimum size your manifestation can take by 5 size categories.

Special: You can take this ability a second time at Divine Rank 48 (Demiurge), and a third time at Divine Rank 200. (Time Lord) It's effects stack.

Transcendental Abilities

Transcedent Style

Requirements: Cosmic Style, BAB +130

When performing a full attack, you can substitute martial strike or boost maneuvers with an initiation time of 1 standard action in place of each attack in the full attack. You may use the same or different maneuvers for each attack.
Nice! It looks real good. I'll see how it combos with other abilities and give you some feedback on how it works out. 🙂

Akira Whitlock

Cool stuff. I'll need to do a bit of framework work as well in order to tie together everything, which means I'll need to make:
1. Epic progressions for base classes that lack them. Some classes will likely need extra goodies to help them scale into epic and beyond as well.
2. A framework for epic maneuvers to work with and build epic feats and higher from. I'll likely use The Demented One's excellent epic maneuver framework to keep things compatible with the amount of solid homebrew out there, though I'll likely just do a mini-expansion of each of the nine core disciplines myself to keep the homebrew creep to a minimum.

For all of you out there, is there any specific content you want to build for?
I am attempting to brew new abilities that are functionally useful and have potential upgradability.
Base ability->stacking feats on top of it + divine abilities + cosmic abilities

Spheres of power and spheres of might added a series of new abilities that are interesting and have plenty of functional use. I am also making it so it works in tandem with spheres.


The first mini-discipline expansion, Desert Wind! Still need costs/time for each maneuver.

Epic Feat
Master of the Desert Wind

Requirements: Martial Lore 24 ranks, knowledge of 6 Desert Wind maneuvers, able to initiate 9th level maneuvers

You are able to learn and ready epic maneuvers from the Desert Wind discipline, provided you spend the time and experience in order to do so. Additionally, once per day when you initiate a non-epic Desert Wind strike, you can use it a second time as part of the same action. If you do, that maneuver can't be recovered for the rest of the day.

Inferno Tempest
Strike [Fire]
1 full-round action
When you perform this maneuver, make a single full attack, and apply it against every enemy within a 30 foot radius. In addition, add 4d6 fire damage to each successful hit.

Desert Blitz
Double your base movement speed while in this stance. In addition, as an immediate action, you can move up to your speed to a hostile creature you can reach and make a single attack without provoking attacks of opportunity yourself during movement. If you take this action in response to an attack, spell, or ability targeted at you, that action fails if you move out of range.

Blistering Speed
1 Swift Action
1 Minute duration
When you activate this boost, make two hit rolls for every attack you make. Effects that you reroll a die cause you to reroll both these dice. If either one of them would be a hit, the attack hits. If both would be a hit, the attack is an automatic critical hit. If both dice are a natural 20, multiply the damage of the attack by your critical multiplier twice before applying damage. (i.e. a x3 crit multiplier would deal x9 damage)

Divine Phoenix Rush
Strike [Pinnacle] [Fire]
1 full round action
Choose any enemy creature you are aware of and can draw an unobstructed line between, regardless of distance. You don't have to directly see the target, awareness of their position through a scrying effect or the like will work. When you initiate this maneuver, you rush instantly to the target's position, regardless of distance or altitude and without provoking attacks of opportunity. This is not considered a teleportation effect. When you arrive, make a single melee attack against the target, who is considered flat-footed against the attack. On a successful hit, you deal additional fire damage based on the distance you moved.

0-100 feet 100
100-1000 feet 150
1000 feet - 5 miles 200
5-50 miles 250
50-500 miles 300
500+ miles 400


Idea I've been tossing around, for those that still want skill specialization and are willing to put in the neccessary bookkeeping:

New Cosmic Ability
Requirement: Int 80

Benefit: Your total skill points available become HD x (10 + your Intelligence modifier (not including any non-permanent modifiers to your Intelligence)), superceding any other method of calculating skill points. Additionally, the cap of allocating skill points is removed, allowing you to allocate as many points as you wish to a single skill.

Special: As you no longer have a skill point maximum, Maven (and similar abilities) no longer have any effect on you.

This one seems like it could potentially get a little wild, so worth posting it on its own.
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