Any interest in an unofficial "Feats & Powers" IH expansion based on non-core material?

Hey everyone! :)

I would be interested in a book of the collective works of Krusty's fans over the years. There's certainly enough material for a book. Admittedly some of it might need rewording or just tidied up a bit, but what I've seen so far is fairly interesting.

The guys here have put out some great work. I think collating the body of work and putting it into a presentable format might be the tricky and time consuming part. You could always use AI art to fill the document out where needed.

I'm planning a revamp of the Immortals Handbook website over the next few months (to bring it in line with the new design) but I would be happy to host/showcase any 3E/Pathfinder Immortal stuff anyone came up with.

I wonder if there is a way to set up a 3E/Pathfinder/5E stat-block 'template' so that people would just need to fill out the fields and then it would be super-easy for people to add their own monsters...and possibly people could vote on their favourites (or something like that).

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Honestly I really like this one, it's niche to be certain, but cool and totally usable.

Tome of Battle, want to finish out the epic versions of the nine disciplines.
I would be interested in a book of the collective works of Krusty's fans over the years. There's certainly enough material for a book. Admittedly some of it might need rewording or just tidied up a bit, but what I've seen so far is fairly interesting.
I'd love to contribute to such a thing. I've got a long ways to go before I'd call my work anywhere near "complete" though. Haven't even finished the first book's worth of extra goodies! That said, once I have a bit more material, I'll have everything I do in this thread collated in a document for your convinence.


And with that, I present the third Discipline, Diamond Mind!

Epic Feat
Master of the Diamond Mind
Requirements: Martial Lore 24 ranks, knowledge of 6 Diamond Mind maneuvers, able to initiate 9th level maneuvers

You are able to learn and ready epic maneuvers from the Diamond Mind discipline, provided you spend the time and experience in order to do so. Additionally, whenever you roll for initiative, you may roll twice and take the roll of your choice.

Astral Diamond Blade
Standard Action

You strike with your weapon with dizzying speed, slicing not just at your foe, but all of their equipment as well. Make a single attack against the target's touch AC. If you hit, you deal normal melee damage, and additionally apply that damage to any number of pieces of equipment on the target's person, as if you had made a successful sunder attempt on each one. You do not have to attack all of the target's gear, and may exclude pieces from the attack if you choose.

Lightning Strikes

While in this stance, whenever a target within your reach makes a melee or ranged attack, you may attack them first. This is not considered an attack of opportunity. If you hit, you deal normal damage, and if the foe's attack that triggered your attack hits you, reduce each kind of damage you take by half. This stance can trigger any number of times in a round, including on each attack of an opponent's full attack action.

Insightful Counter
Immediate Action

Use this counter whenever an opponent within 60 feet attacks you, or casts a spell that requires an attack roll against you, from a location you could move to. When you initiate the counter, immediately move to any space where the opponent is within your reach and roll a Concentration check. If the check exceeds the opponent's attack roll, the attack or spell fails, then you lash out at your foe, dealing three times the Concentration check as damage to your foe instead of normal weapon damage.

Infinity Strike
Strike [Pinnacle]
Full-Round Action

You bring your weapon to bear and attack at a pace no mortal could track, your blows accelerating faster and faster until everything in your path is obliterated. When you initiate this maneuver, make a full attack action, tallying up each time you hit. If at least one of your attacks in the full attack hit, repeat this process again, with a cumulative -2 penalty on all attacks each time you do. When you finally miss with all attacks in a full attack, roll damage once and apply it a number of times equal to the total hits you've accrued.


Next up we have the fourth Discipline, Iron Heart!

Epic Feat
Master of the Iron Heart
Requirements: Martial Lore 24 ranks, knowledge of 6 Iron Heart maneuvers, able to initiate 9th level maneuvers

You are able to learn and ready epic maneuvers from the Iron Heart discipline, provided you spend the time and experience in order to do so. Additionally, you can initiate non-epic Iron Heart boosts or Iron Heart Surge as immediate actions instead of their normal initiation time.

Disrupting Blow
Standard Action

Your attack throws the enemy wildly off balance, allowing you to follow up and destroy their form. Make a single melee attack. If it hits, you deal normal damage and you may immediately perform any combination of the following against the same target, in the order of your choice: Bull Rush, Disarm, Sunder, Trip, Grapple, Feint. None of these provoke attacks of opportunity, but you must declare the order of actions before you attempt the first. Additionally, if you choose to perform only 2 of the above options, you get a +4 bonus on all rolls related to the actions. If you choose to perform only one option, you get a +8 bonus on all relevant rolls instead.

Mirror-Shard Stance

While in this stance, you gain a +6 insight bonus to your AC. Additionally, whenever an attack against you misses, you may redirect the attack, causing the attacker to re-roll their attack against a new target of your choice. Melee weapon attacks and melee touch attacks can be redirected against anyone within reach of the original attacker, and ranged weapon or ranged touch attacks can be redirected against anyone you can see, so long as the total distance from the attacker to you to the new target does not exceed the maximum range of the attack, spell, or ability.

Mighty Surge
Swift Action

When you initiate this boost, choose any number of conditions, effects, or non-epic spells currently affecting you that aren't permanent. Those conditions immediately end. If you have a condition that prevents you from taking actions, (such as a Hold Person spell affecting you) you can still use this maneuver as long as you end the condition, spell, or effect that prevented you from taking actions. For each condition, spell, or effect ended this way, you can a +2 morale bonus to your attack rolls and weapon damage for the rest of the round.

Orichalcum Gullotine
Strike [Pinnacle]
Full-Round Action

You throw your weapon with incredible might, sending it spiral across the battlefield with a terrifying precision as it seeks your foes out before returning to you. When you initiate this maneuver, choose any number of targets with a 1000-foot cone. You may select targets you can't see if you are aware of their position, and you can choose targets behind physical obstructions as long as your weapon could destroy such an obstruction. (If it fails to do so, the maneuver ends early and your weapon returns to you.) Determine the order in which your weapon will strike at your foes and make a melee attack against each one. This attack deals normal weapon damage plus a flat 100 additional damage, and is also treated as having the vorpal quality. Any obstructions and structures in the path of the weapon also take this damage. All targets are entitled to a Reflex save to halve the damage they take and negate the vorpal quality of the attack.

Voidrunner's Codex

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