Any interest in an unofficial "Feats & Powers" IH expansion based on non-core material?

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I purposely put all bonuses low for a very specific reason: there aren't many ways to upgrade your skills using divine abilities. The various Body, Mind, Soul never give way to add bonuses to skills so they always remain within a "limit". Mine give a bonus if you really want to specialize in build issues but they will never make you skyrocket.
Yeah, but that has always seemed like an oversight on UKs part. You've always been able to use feats to boost your skill and with PF that's only gotten stronger, not weaker.

Ok Infinite, but it is an Omnific ability and as far as I can find them in almost every single build on this forum for the Time Lords and above for them it is an esoteric ability. Normally only the Supernals have it (in fact Ultimate Skill Mastery is for the Eternals) while normally among the Eternal, maybe there is one in 1000 or even less. It is not normal for one to have them. When you get access to the Omnifics you get Infinito not Ultimate Skill Mastery but before it is a valid option.
Yeah but this only applies to a single skill. Infinite "stat" applies to an entire skill tree. If you take Infinite Dex, all dex skills would be increased to infinity, right? Thusly that would be the equivalent of taking this ability several times, therefore, it is balanced as a Transcendental power as it is in line with the 1/6th power of the associated Omnific Ability.


Yeah but this only applies to a single skill. Infinite "stat" applies to an entire skill tree. If you take Infinite Dex, all dex skills would be increased to infinity, right? Thusly that would be the equivalent of taking this ability several times, thusly, it is balanced as a Transcendental power.
RIP I had misread the ability Ultimate Skill Mastery (in my place it's midnight and I'm half asleep) and it seemed to me that it gave a numeric bonus like Unearthly Skill Focus, my mistake. Rereading I realize that it's okay. I'm going to bed now, I published Kampe on the thread of the Greek.


I get that part I mean, like how does it work, like if it's not a teleport, and coming from just a maneuver, what category of power does it fall under and by what forces is it functioning? I understand if they're in line of sight, but by scrying? In a castle, etc? That seems like it shouldn't function and I would have a hard time a mitigating that as a DM and explaining it to my players.
They physically move over that distance in a few seconds in a blazing streak of fire, hence the unobstructed LoS restriction. Desert Wind maneuvers are largely (Su) already, so moving incredibly fast for a moment as sort of a capstone seems fair game.

RIP I had misread the ability Ultimate Skill Mastery (in my place it's midnight and I'm half asleep) and it seemed to me that it gave a numeric bonus like Unearthly Skill Focus, my mistake. Rereading I realize that it's okay. I'm going to bed now, I published Kampe on the thread of the Greek.
Lol no worries man, I'll check it out. Sleep well.

They physically move over that distance in a few seconds in a blazing streak of fire, hence the unobstructed LoS restriction. Desert Wind maneuvers are largely (Su) already, so moving incredibly fast for a moment as sort of a capstone seems fair game.
Okay I see, I think that's fair. That's really bad ass actually. I love that the further the distance the more damage you do, the momentum effect is awesome, you're like a freaking meteor.


Okay I see, I think that's fair. That's really bad ass actually. I love that the further the distance the more damage you do, the momentum effect is awesome, you're like a freaking meteor.
I want to effects on that level of awesome for the other 8 disciplines, but ideas can be pretty tricky.

Current candidates for [Pinnacle] Strikes:

Devoted Spirit: You and your allies recover up to the amount of HP they started the encounter with, and you add damage to a single blow equal to the amount healed, as you transfer all that harm onto your opponent.

Diamond Mind: Crush the target's mind with an incredibly precise blow, dealing 5d6 permanent drain to INT, WIS, and CHA. If this drain would kill the target, or they fail a Will save, you can rewrite the target's memories and personality and remove the drain.

Iron Heart: Spin and unleash the force of a hurricane, allowing you to make a full attack against every enemy in a large (100 ft.?) raidus

Setting Sun: Yeet the target into space.

And so on...

I want to effects on that level of awesome for the other 8 disciplines, but ideas can be pretty tricky.

Current candidates for [Pinnacle] Strikes:

Devoted Spirit: You and your allies recover up to the amount of HP they started the encounter with, and you add damage to a single blow equal to the amount healed, as you transfer all that harm onto your opponent.

Diamond Mind: Crush the target's mind with an incredibly precise blow, dealing 5d6 permanent drain to INT, WIS, and CHA. If this drain would kill the target, or they fail a Will save, you can rewrite the target's memories and personality and remove the drain.

Iron Heart: Spin and unleash the force of a hurricane, allowing you to make a full attack against every enemy in a large (100 ft.?) raidus

Setting Sun: Yeet the target into space.

And so on...
I for one am definitely curious as to what you come up with. I hope it rocks!


Idea I've been tossing around, for those that still want skill specialization and are willing to put in the neccessary bookkeeping:

New Cosmic Ability
Requirement: Int 80

Benefit: Your total skill points available become HD x (10 + your Intelligence modifier (not including any non-permanent modifiers to your Intelligence)), superceding any other method of calculating skill points. Additionally, the cap of allocating skill points is removed, allowing you to allocate as many points as you wish to a single skill.

Special: As you no longer have a skill point maximum, Maven (and similar abilities) no longer have any effect on you.

This one seems like it could potentially get a little wild, so worth posting it on its own.
After feedback, will split into a Divine and a Transcendental:

New Divine Ability
Skillful (Name pending)
Requirements: INT 40
Your total available skill points become your total Hit Dice times 10+your INT modifier, excluding any non-permanent modifiers to your INT. These skill points supercede any other calculation for determining your available skill points.

New Transcendental Ability
Requirements: INT 130
Benefit: The skill point maximum is removed, allowing you to allocate as many skill points as you wish into any given skill. .

Special: As you have no skill point maximum, Maven and other similar abilities have no effect on you. Ignore all infinite ability scores for the purposes of calculating your available skill points, using the non-infinite ability scores instead.

Voidrunner's Codex

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