Any interest in an unofficial "Feats & Powers" IH expansion based on non-core material?

The first mini-discipline expansion, Desert Wind! Still need costs/time for each maneuver.

Epic Feat
Master of the Desert Wind

Requirements: Martial Lore 24 ranks, knowledge of 6 Desert Wind maneuvers, able to initiate 9th level maneuvers

You are able to learn and ready epic maneuvers from the Desert Wind discipline, provided you spend the time and experience in order to do so. Additionally, once per day when you initiate a non-epic Desert Wind strike, you can use it a second time as part of the same action. If you do, that maneuver can't be recovered for the rest of the day.

Inferno Tempest
Strike [Fire]
1 full-round action
When you perform this maneuver, make a single full attack, and apply it against every enemy within a 30 foot radius. In addition, add 4d6 fire damage to each successful hit.

Desert Blitz
Double your base movement speed while in this stance. In addition, as an immediate action, you can move up to your speed to a hostile creature you can reach and make a single attack without provoking attacks of opportunity yourself during movement. If you take this action in response to an attack, spell, or ability targeted at you, that action fails if you move out of range.

Blistering Speed
1 Swift Action
1 Minute duration
When you activate this boost, make two hit rolls for every attack you make. Effects that you reroll a die cause you to reroll both these dice. If either one of them would be a hit, the attack hits. If both would be a hit, the attack is an automatic critical hit. If both dice are a natural 20, multiply the damage of the attack by your critical multiplier twice before applying damage. (i.e. a x3 crit multiplier would deal x9 damage)

Divine Phoenix Rush
Strike [Pinnacle] [Fire]
1 full round action
Choose any enemy creature you are aware of and can draw an unobstructed line between, regardless of distance. You don't have to directly see the target, awareness of their position through a scrying effect or the like will work. When you initiate this maneuver, you rush instantly to the target's position, regardless of distance or altitude and without provoking attacks of opportunity. This is not considered a teleportation effect. When you arrive, make a single melee attack against the target, who is considered flat-footed against the attack. On a successful hit, you deal additional fire damage based on the distance you moved.

0-100 feet 100
100-1000 feet 150
1000 feet - 5 miles 200
5-50 miles 250
50-500 miles 300
500+ miles 400
So with Divine Pheonix Rush, that's an epic feat? I feel like it doesn't really make sense honestly, it's really bad ass, I'm just trying to figure out functionally how it operates.

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So with Divine Pheonix Rush, that's an epic feat? I feel like it doesn't really make sense honestly, it's really bad ass, I'm just trying to figure out functionally how it operates.
The feat gives you the ability to learn the epic maneuvers stated, given training time and xp ala learning Epic Spells. (Not stated yet.) They also can't be recovered in the encounter they're used in, and [Pinnacle] maneuvers can't be recovered for the rest of the day. (Unless you have the Divine ability that days otherwise.)
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Idea I've been tossing around, for those that still want skill specialization and are willing to put in the neccessary bookkeeping:

New Cosmic Ability
Requirement: Int 80

Benefit: Your total skill points available become HD x (10 + your Intelligence modifier (not including any non-permanent modifiers to your Intelligence)), superceding any other method of calculating skill points. Additionally, the cap of allocating skill points is removed, allowing you to allocate as many points as you wish to a single skill.

Special: As you no longer have a skill point maximum, Maven (and similar abilities) no longer have any effect on you.

This one seems like it could potentially get a little wild, so worth posting it on its own.
Eventually it could go but I fear possible abuse with Alter Reality. For the rest it seems to me also under performing as Cosmic Ability if it were not that it removes the maximum cap.


If total cap removal gets too wacky, I may tone it down to merely drastically increase the cap instead.
Honestly, this ability is a pretty big deal to crack. On the one hand, the ability change where you no longer maven + omnicompetent is on the verge of a debuff in many cases. On the other hand, removing the level cap throws out the window a limit of power to which even the Time Lords must comply. I would divide the abilityl in two: The first that gives as a basis HD x (10 + your Intelligence modifier) skill point as divine ability. The second which has the first as a prerequisite but is a Transcendental Ability removes the level cap.

Idea I've been tossing around, for those that still want skill specialization and are willing to put in the neccessary bookkeeping:

New Cosmic Ability
Requirement: Int 80

Benefit: Your total skill points available become HD x (10 + your Intelligence modifier (not including any non-permanent modifiers to your Intelligence)), superceding any other method of calculating skill points. Additionally, the cap of allocating skill points is removed, allowing you to allocate as many points as you wish to a single skill.

Special: As you no longer have a skill point maximum, Maven (and similar abilities) no longer have any effect on you.

This one seems like it could potentially get a little wild, so worth posting it on its own.
I would be very careful with that. That can get way out of hand very quickly. Skills have certain exploitation loops that if aren't checked can have disastrous consequences for your campaign.

I have a lot of skill monkey types in my campaign, so I actually made a list of abilities that both makes them stronger and also reigns it in a bit. I based it off of powers of equivalent level and by increasing the power of the "Epic Skill Focus" Feat appropriately.

I don't mind players eventually getting to the point that, just like attack bonus, saves or ac, they simply can't be resisted on a certain skill, but I make it, just like those other abilities, a Transcendental Ability.


New Feat:

Skill Emphasis
Prerequisites: Skill Focus in chosen skill, 6 ranks in chosen skill
Benefit: You gain +3 in a chosen skill of your choice, this can be taken multiple times but must be taken for different skills.

New Epic Feat:

Skill Mastery:
Prerequisites: Epic Skill Focus
Benefit: you may always take 10s on a chosen skill regardless of difficulty or stress.

Epic Skill Emphasis
Prerequisites: Epic Skill Focus
Benefit, you gain +5 to your chosen skill. This ability can be taken multiple times, but must be taken for different skills.

New Divine Abilities:

Divine Skill Focus:
Prerequisites: Skill Focus, Epic Skill Focus in your chosen skill, chosen skill at at least 40 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +60 bonus on a single skill of your choice which stacks with any other bonuses you may have. This skill may be taken multiple times but must be taken for different skills

Divine Skill Emphasis:
Prerequisites: Divine Skill Focus in chosen skill
Benefit: You gain a +30 bonus on a single skill of your choice which stacks with any other bonuses you may have. This skill may be taken multiple times but must be taken for different skills

New Cosmic Abilities:

Unearthly Skill Focus
Prerequisites: Divine Skill Focus, chosen Skill at at least 70 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +360 bonus to a single skill of your choice, this stacks with any other bonuses you may have. This ability may be taken multiple times, but must be taken for different skills

Unearthly Skill Emphasis
Prerequisites: Unearthly Skill Focus in chosen skill
Benefit: You gain a +180 bonus to a single skill of your choice, this stacks with any other bonuses you may have. This ability may be taken multiple times, but must be taken for different skills

New Transcendent Ability:

Ultimate Skill Mastery:
Prerequisites: Unearthly Skill Focus, chosen skill at at least 130 ranks
Benefit: You never fail a chosen skill. You are treated as always succeeding at all times with that skill and are treated as always rolling natural '20s' with that skill. This ability is countered by other users of opposing skills with this ability, or by those who have a natural "infinity" to that check via stats (Infinite Stealth due to having infinite Dexterity vs your Ultmate Skill Mastery Perception) and when encountered the skill must be rolled normally.
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The feat gives you the ability to learn the epic maneuvers stated, given training time and xp ala learning Epic Spells. (Not stated yet.) They also can't be recovered in the encounter they're used in, and [Pinnacle] maneuvers can't be recovered for the rest of the day. (Unless you have the Divine ability that days otherwise.)
I get that part I mean, like how does it work, like if it's not a teleport, and coming from just a maneuver, what category of power does it fall under and by what forces is it functioning? I understand if they're in line of sight, but by scrying? In a castle, etc? That seems like it shouldn't function and I would have a hard time a mitigating that as a DM and explaining it to my players.


Skill Emphasis
Prerequisites: Skill Focus in chosen skill, 6 ranks in chosen skill
Benefit: You gain +3 in a chosen skill of your choice, this can be taken multiple times but must be taken for different skills.
This is ok.
Skill Mastery:
Prerequisites: Epic Skill Focus
Benefit: you may always take 10s on a chosen skill, once per day you may use this feat to succeed on one skill check regardless of difficulty.
"once per day you may use this feat to succeed on one skill check regardless of difficulty." This is absolutely not ok.
Epic Skill Emphasis
Prerequisites: Epic Skill Focus
Benefit, you gain +5 to your chosen skill. This ability can be taken multiple times, but must be taken for different skills.
This is ok.
Divine Skill Focus:
Prerequisites: Skill Focus, Epic Skill Focus in your chosen skill, chosen skill at at least 40 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +60 bonus on a single skill of your choice which stacks with any other bonuses you may have. This skill may be taken multiple times but must be taken for different skills.
I will say that you replace the bonus of Epic Skill focus with your divine rank or +30, whichever is higher.
Divine Skill Emphasis:
Prerequisites: Divine Skill Focus in chosen skill
Benefit: You gain a +30 bonus on a single skill of your choice which stacks with any other bonuses you may have. This skill may be taken multiple times but must be taken for different skills
I will say that you gain your divine rank as a bonus.
Unearthly Skill Focus
Prerequisites: Divine Skill Focus, chosen Skill at at least 70 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +360 bonus to a single skill of your choice, this stacks with any other bonuses you may have. This ability may be taken multiple times, but must be taken for different skills
I will say that you replace the bonus of Divine Skill focus with double your divine rank or +60, whichever is higher.
Unearthly Skill Emphasis
Prerequisites: Unearthly Skill Focus in chosen skill
Benefit: You gain a +180 bonus to a single skill of your choice, this stacks with any other bonuses you may have. This ability may be taken multiple times, but must be taken for different skills
I will say that you gain double your divine rank as a bonus.
Ultimate Skill Mastery:
Prerequisites: Unearthly Skill Focus, chosen skill at at least 130 ranks
Benefit: You never fail a chosen skill. You are treated as always succeeding at all times with that skill and are treated as always rolling natural '20s' with that skill. This ability is countered by other users of that skill with this ability, and when encountered the skill must be rolled normally.
I will say that you replace the bonus of Unearthly Skill focus with triple your divine rank or +800, whichever is higher.

This is ok.

"once per day you may use this feat to succeed on one skill check regardless of difficulty." This is absolutely not ok.

This is ok.

I will say that you replace the bonus of Epic Skill focus with your divine rank or +30, whichever is higher.

I will say that you gain your divine rank as a bonus.

I will say that you replace the bonus of Divine Skill focus with double your divine rank or +60, whichever is higher.

I will say that you gain double your divine rank as a bonus.

I will say that you replace the bonus of Unearthly Skill focus with triple your divine rank or +800, whichever is higher.
Thanks for the feedback, but I think the suggestions you put are pretty unbalanced, here's why:

Mine is based off of preexisting powers progression. A +60 for a Cosmic power is laughably underpowered when considering the Epic Feat version is +10 already, like why would I screw people over? The base Skill Focus grows as you get stronger, Epic Skill Focus is +10, 6 feats equal 1 divine ability, so +60 makes sense, so why nerf it?

Regarding Unearthly Skill Emphasis, Skill Emphasis is supposed to be half as strong as Skill Focus, it's a V for Victory WW2 setting Feat that I've used for people who really just want their skill a little higher. The epic, divine and cosmic versions are based on the same progression as Skill Focus above.

With Ultimate Skill Mastery, a simple +800 becomes both pedantic and pointless at those high levels. You can have a + bazillion to a skill, but if someone has "Infinte" in a certain stat, all their associated skills become infinte as well, meaning that +800 becomes utterly useless.


Thanks for the feedback, but I think the suggestions you put are pretty unbalanced, here's why:

Mine is based off of preexisting powers progression. A +60 for a Cosmic power is laughably underpowered when considering the Epic Feat version is +10 already, like why would I screw people over? The base Skill Focus grows as you get stronger, so why nerf it?
I purposely put all bonuses low for a very specific reason: there aren't many ways to upgrade your skills using divine abilities. The various Body, Mind, Soul never give way to add bonuses to skills so they always remain within a "limit". Mine give a bonus if you really want to specialize in build issues but they will never make you skyrocket.
With Ultimate Skill Mastery, a simple +800 becomes both pedantic and pointless at those high levels. You can have a + bazillion to a skill, but if someone has "Infinte" in a certain stat, all their associated skills become infinte as well, meaning that +800 becomes utterly useless.
Ok Infinite, but it is an Omnific ability and as far as I can find them in almost every single build on this forum for the Time Lords and above for them it is an esoteric ability. Normally only the Supernals have it (in fact Ultimate Skill Mastery is for the Eternals) while normally among the Eternal, maybe there is one in 1000 or even less. It is not normal for one to have them. When you get access to the Omnifics you get Infinito not Ultimate Skill Mastery but before it is a valid option.

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