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Anyone planning on running another Mutants and Masterminds Game?


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Just curious, I would love to play the game myself, and see how it is on the other side of the fence, as far as playing is concerned, and I am open to any superheoic playing style... rom my own preferred gritty style, to 4-color, to Silver Age... to well whatever... alright... well lets see if there is some interest... :)

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Sen Udo-Mal

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Maybe, I have been working on a "Beyond Freedom" game setting for a while (mostly other world stuff as I don't have Freedom City yet and would like to wait for that before doing to much with the city itself. There are a few 'know' pieces of info like the Atom family, ASTRO city, etc.)

The idea of course is that it is 35 or 40 years in the future. 20 years ago there was some huge "big-bad" (ATOMIC BRAIN maybe?!?!!?) that cause a big diseaser and most if not all the well know heroes died or disappeared. Super-heroes (and most villians for that matter) activity dropped off and faded from the national limlight. Now a diseaser calls out the next generation of heroes. Legacy heroes are ok (maybe even incuraged) and include those from Freedom City and META -4 (Super-U world, and most of the characters pictured in the main M&M rules book).

I am still working on some stuff (more then likely PL 10, standard rules with errata and maybe [1] house rule - skills) AND as I am playing in two PbP games here and one weekly live-action one I would not mind trying to run one again. I have tried running on PbP about a year ago and don't want to mess up though...

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
I am curious what other types of supers games people might want to see. I am thinking about something other then the games that we have going on here right now but would be interested in just about anything. Here is a post of info that I have collected for the face-to-face Beyond Freedom that I might be interested in doing here if there is interest...


Beyond Freedom
PL10 standard characters using the M&M rules and errata. The game takes place in a future, darker Freedom City (kind of a Batman Beyond, but in Freedom City, hence the name)

The setting is a mix of 4-color/gritty (i.e. heroes are mostly good and want to help people, villains are mostly evil; BUT the world has a slight “cyber-punkish” look and feel - huge buildings and powerful corporations, cyber and gene enhancements, gangs and high street violence. Also people get hurt and die, bad things can happen, there are bad cops and politicians, collateral damage happens and innocent people can get hurt during super battles etc). All super-types are available BUT most have not been very active the last 20 years or so. So while the heroes will be some of the most resent costumed heroes to appear in Freedom City in the last 20 years, they are not the first heroes. Legacy Heroes are available and encouraged (and I am assuming all META-4 and Freedom City heroes are available. If you want to do a villain let me know before hand to see if it can be worked out but I would prefer not. This includes all the heroes listed in the basic M&M rules book and those pictures listed on SU website, etc).

A brief history of the world as you know it is that it… the year is 2043, the city is Freedom City. With a population estimated at 16 million, the city has grown very quickly and it is feeling those growing pains… bad traffic, gangs, huge corporations, huge skyscraper apartments and office buildings spreading everywhere, violence, greed, corruption, poor social services, high unemployment, low-paid public employees (including police), Federal enforcement and infringement into “individual privacy” etc. The current Mayor, Randall Cross, has promised “new jobs, new hope, a brighter future” for the city and promised to clean up crime. With federal backing by the DCC (Department of Civil Control), the mayor promises to control crime and gangs that all but rule the city streets here, thus jobs will return to the city (actually most jobs are in the higher-tech professional area and there is still a strong market in this area; most unemployed are low-skilled, lower-income people who moved here within the last 10 years drawn by the apparent strong economy when compared to the rest of the nation).

Most of the worlds Superheroes disappeared, died or have gone into hiding for the last 20 years. Why? 20 years ago, during the “L.A. Disaster”, Atomic Brain destroyed the city with a mega-bomb after his demands to be given control of the state of California were rejected by the US government. Most of the worlds heroes (and a fair number of villains) where in or around L.A. at the time either working against or for the Atomic Brain (it appears that those villains working for him did not know that he actually had a bomb!). 10 million people died and most of the heroes of the world disappeared in the fiery flash. Most people and governments turned against the heroes then, accusing them of failure and bringing the disaster onto the innocent. Repressive registration laws and agencies were created and those heroes and most villains still alive faded away (retiring or disappearing all together).

Today the US government maintains a federally sectioned super-team known as “Section One” in Washington D.C. (main job is protection of politicians and their families, etc. as a branch of the Secret Service) but they don’t actively suppress or promote any other supers. Most of the laws that where enacted after the L.A. Disaster where declared unconstitutional but the damage had been done; the older heroes didn’t reappear, the villains hung up their costumes and pursued their master plans in some civilian ID.

Also the L.A. basin is an uninhibited ruin, and much of California suffers from the environmental impact caused by the event; most people have moved away. Political bonders around the world have been redrawn as new dynasties raise and old ones fall.

Freedom City has no “Freedom Force” or any public known members of the Atomic Family; in fact no know costumed heroes have operated in the city for a long time. The only publicly know groups that seem to embrace the 'costume gene' are a couple of trill-kill gangs in Freedom City, like the “Hyena Dog Soldiers” (lots of ‘splicers’ or gene-splicers, in this group, lead by a heavily modified cyber-splicer who calls himself Hyena), the “Gepetto Fun Boys” (dress up like mimes and crazy clowns, and are into ‘boost’ drugs), and the War Mongers (heavy into cyber-modification, this biker gang is lead by Mars, a crazy cyber freak whom is more machine then man. They tend to dress in neo Greek Centurion ballistic armor and ride around on their bikes raising hell).

In the news of late – earthquakes have been hitting the lower parts of California and New Mexico. Nothing to major, but they seem to be increasing in strength and frequency. Scientists call it a natural ‘re-settling’ of the major faults in that area. The weather has been acting funny all summer; July snow storms in Kansas, Tornados in Idaho, to much rain in Arizonian, etc. Men and women in dark costumes have been seen late at night in many cities, some righting wrongs while other commit terrible crimes. None of appeared on TV yet but main believe that the heroes of old are returning, right when the innocent need them the most. Some kid in San Francisco even has a fuzzy, black and white picture of a armored humanoid walking away in the rain… he swore to reporters that the armor had a green glow to it and that the guys head was “funny-looking” head…like a bubble or something

I don’t want to get into the disaster that “calls all the heroes out” but the basic idea is this … character have powers and have recently decided that it is time to start helping people (or they have been doing it secretly for a while but now with a big public emergency, they are coming out into the light… at least a little bit). You can have any origin that you want and your power source(s) should be defined, but up until now you have kept a low profile and have not gotten into this whole hero thing; but that is about to change. Please make your characters somewhat well rounded AND post a basic background. Also if you could I would ask for you to post a “3x3” about your character. This is where you give me 3 allies, 3 contacts and 3 ‘enemies’ (or locations) for your character. This only have to be a couple of lines but I just want to flesh out a little about each character on who they know and who they trust and who really hates them. Note that enemies don’t have to be super-villains, they could be your neighbor or ex, something like that. Remember that most super heroes and villains have not been very public these last 20 years or so… but that is all about to change in a really big way!

And a few things that we (well me) know about Freedom City that I am using (this is REALLY incomplete, but just taken from hints about both Freedom City and META-4 info on GR site and the basic M&M rules book)…


Evil Organizations
The Freedom City Mafia.
Majestic Industries and the Grant Conglomerate.
The Foundry.
Overthrow, a network of anti-government terrorists which is actually a front for...
SHADOW (the Secret Hierarchy of Agents for Domination Over the World)
UNITROL: a global psueo-governmental army of extortionists
ANTAG (Advanced Neural Technology Application Group)
Octopus Umbrella

Other stuff will be added as the book becomes available and as I add stuff myself.


First Post
Hey Sen mind if I join? I have a couple of character concepts bouncing around in my head. I'll work on it and let you know what I come up with, if it’s okay.



J'Accuse PirateCat!
That looks like a great idea. I have interest in playing, and also wanted to note that I was planning on starting my own M&M game. This is the ultra-thin explanation, but should hopefully get across some of the promise: The basic conceit is that of Bendis' "Powers", which follows the lives of two normal homicide detectives as they go around closing cases, except for that all the cases in their division, Powers, revolve around super-powered crime and murder.

NYPD Powers: Corpses and Capes will revolve around two tightly linked groups of players. One group (a) will be a pair (maybe 3 or 4) of NYPD homicide detectives in the Powers division, investigating and solving crimes. The other group of players will include detectives/policemen/swat team members who used to be with the department a month ago, and were actually working with group (a) on a case, when an accident happened, and in the midst of horrible event X, they gained powers as a side effect. They were immediately catalogued, and thrown off the force, and out of a job.

I think there's a whole lot of neat tightly linked roleplay to explore, with the relationships between characters, the investigations, the roles the other PC's will play in these investigations, and how all these people get on with their life in a world turned upside down. I'm not sure if I'm expressing this well enough, but it's a really interesting concept to me.

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
I always loved powers :)

We could do both (hehehe). Anyway looks like some interest in thsi. I am working out a couple of things and might be ready to start by Monday if we can get a few heroes posted.

Of course bkmanis if you are interested you are in. I will post some additional info this afternoon but right now got to get to training (AGR)


First Post
Count me in

I'd like to join the Freedom City game, and I have a concept that I've been pondering for a while. Shall I post here or in Rogues Gallery?

Edit: I'm thinking about doing some sort of ultra-environmentalist hero who is very anti-corporation and fights people who are polluting and contaminating the world. He also takes time out to help the needy and the innocent, but his true passion is to reform corporations and corrupt governments and prevent their abuses. Not sure about what powers I'd want to use yet.
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