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Anyone planning on running another Mutants and Masterminds Game?

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
Hi Kajamba Lion, totally room for one more, so please post a character if you want to. As for the character, yea I am not sure what totem type you where thinking, but so long as it is different enough from a spider (as that was what themaxx mentioned as his concept)... I think there is a lot of room to be different though (like a Bear totem character type is going to be very different from a spider or cat one).

Wow bkmanis both look good to me... I always loved that Harbinger of Justice, but I hope that you would not play him as a loner... and he was really dark (not sure how dark you would play him though, just maybe my thoughts from the character in Dark Champions, you of course would play him the way that you wanted and all)

The does bring up a couple of other points... first the characters are going to have to be willing to work together. Also while the world is darker I don't want the characters to be... to dark. Does that make sense? Vigilantes, etc can work so long as they are not so dark (i.e. killing every criminal they come across, etc).

Last I wanted to add one more thing to character development from the old DC Super's MEGS game - Heroic Motivations. Each hero had to have one and I always thought they worked pretty damn well to explain why you were a "super hero" and not just a "guy with powers."

They were (IIRC)...
1. Upholding the Good: believes steadfastly in traditional moral values; compassion, justice, truthfulness, and resolute faith in society's laws. (prime example - Superman)
2. Seeks Justice: will ignore anything that inheres with his quest; subverting society's laws, some of which he believe protect criminals (prime example - Batman)
3. Responsibility of Power: the character decides to change as a result of the assume powers and skills that separate him from the rest of the world. (prime example - Spiderman)
4. Unwanted Power: kind of a darker "responsibility of power"; this character generally joins super teams to gain the acceptances they can't get in normal society. (prime example - Cyborg)
5. Trill of Adventure: take extreme changes in combat and enjoy every moment of it. (prime example - Changeling, Guy Gardener)

Of course these are only a few, and if you want to come up with your own, so long as it fits with the basic idea that is fine with me.

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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Great. I'll hack out a character this afternoon and have it posted by this evening (probably fairly soon, but I need to work it out, so...). I think themaxx was the nature mystic/environmental guy and tokiwong is the spider, so I'll work around them and avoid the totem (most likely, although a bear is tempting).



First Post
Simon Edgar Frost (aka Winter)

Pardon the melodrama, but it just came out that way. :) Hope you like.

Simon Frost had a happy childhood, and was blessed with two intelligent, caring and wise parents. They gave him and his sibilings a wonderful education, and all three children eventually obtained high-tech jobs, with Simon going into Engineering, primarily involved with power production.

Simon progressed up through the ranks, being practical and effective at his job, and along the way he met a wonderful woman and decided to get married and start a family. They had two lovely children, and the years went on as Simon became a Senior Engineer in Vasta Energy Corp, the primary energy supplier for the Souther U.S.

The children became teenagers, and the eldest was just beginning to prepare for college, when things began to go wrong. Colds developed during the summer, and muscles became especially brittle. Simon's wife had multiple benign tumors that were easily removed, but scary nonetheless. The children had to be pulled out of school because they began to have trouble breathing, suffering from extrememe pneumonia. All the while, Simon felt no consequences, and no tests done on him showed anything.

As things got worse, the specialists figured out that radiation poisoning, from the nearby power facilities, from the water, and from the plants and animals they ate, was causing their illnesses. They also told Simon that his whole family had only about a year to live. He was devastated, angry and confused. He quit his job, starting to hate Vasta Corp and its slimy executives. He turned to religion, but could not find anything to soothe his pain.

Around the time his second child died, his wife and eldest child already succumbing to the radiation that had suffused them, Simon got positive results back from a radiation test. Evidently his blood had high amounts of isotopes, and they were surprised he showed no symptoms. This was the last straw for Simon, and he left. He left his home, his friends, and he went out to escape the grim existence he faced.

Simon Frost travelled for weeks, just walking. He forgot to eat, forgot to drink, and forgot to sleep. He became delusional, and lost much of his hold on reality. Eventually, unable to continue any longer through sheer will alone, he lay down in the wilderness to die. When he awoke, he could not tell if it had been mere minutes or whole months, but he was different.

Roots came from his toes. The leaves of the trees spoke to him. He rose and began to fly with the birds, and fly as the birds. His sight seemed limitless, and his body malleable and strong. Then he began hearing a voice unlike any other. It came not from inside him or from outside, but from everywhere. It did not speak in words but in feelings. And it was wonderful.

He began to listen more closely, and try to understand what had happened to him. This voice continued to communicate with him, and he realized that the earth, the plants, and the animals were all talking together, in one supreme channel, to him. It was they, and it, that had altered him so profoundly. He wanted to thank them. And he began to remember bits and pieces of his past life. He remembered the injustices that the corporations had committed, and he also began to learn about what had happened since he had left his former life. Since then his powers have grown, being nurtured by the spirits, animals and plants that he spends time with, and he has decided to start using them to correct some of the wrongs he sees.

He started with little things, like helping prevent industrial disasters, and saving plants and animals from damage and death. Then he began moving up, pursuing enemies that the government agentcies were having trouble apprehending, or taking action (sometimes drastic) to prevent egregious wrongs against the environment. After the first rumor or two of his sighting the media began to refer to him as Plant Man. As he became more courageous and obvious with his work, he began to also leave notes. Often interpreted as poems, they frequently alluded to the downfall of various corporations or individuals who polluted and damaged the environment, and the writings also mentioned the 'winter of industry' and a 'changing of the seasons.' Further similar analogies have earned him the nickname Winter, which is what most media references tend to use.

Winter was very troubled by the Atomic Brain's actions in California, which he found out about after the fact. It did give him a substantial push to increase his efforts and take more serious action, and so he has become more active. In addition, Winter and a friend or two have set up a number of private parks, land being used to shelter wildlife and protect the natural flora and fauna from the expansion of industry. He puts all the resources he can into these park projects, and travels far and wide to both protect endagered plants and animals and stop those who would harm them. He hopes to find any who may have survived the cooperation with the Atomic Brain and remove them from power, usng whatever means necessary.
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First Post
Current Concepts:

Zero: Female ninja, mutant, with powers of amazing agility, clinging, and stealthy skills... teenaged hero

Ghost: Incorpreal hero, an actual ghost of a dead cop, returned from the grave for justice, weilding two phantom [istols for justice... did I mention she wad dead :)

Ares: The War God transplanted and placed in the body of a mortal, his powers stripped until he proves himself for crimes in Olympus, he has a dual identity as Janus Pratchet, a budding iluustrator

Kid-Paragon: An alternate universe hero, of an original type in this world, created from the genes of the now dead hero in that world. Basically a kid-original type, at the age of 13, great power and responsibility, in an idealistic youth :)


First Post
Motivations, friends, enemies, character

Thought I should split this up, so it doesn't get huge.

EDIT: changed skills, assigned extra points, remembered that I need Attack and Defense (doh!).

As for heroic motivation, I see a combination of Seeking Justice, and also Responsibility of Power. He thinks he has a connection with the spirit of Earth, and that is a big responsibility, but he is embracing it and acting as best he can.

a) His cousin, Allen Appletree, a scientist and friend. He helps out with Winter's pet project, not actually knowing that Simon Frost is involved. He's a skilled environmental engineer and ecologist.
b) Assistant manager of the EPA (or equivalent agency at this point), Harold Atkinson. Winter often feeds him info, or does favors, and Harold helps certain actions get overlooked, and sometiems provides funding or resources.
c) Carmela Ramirez, an employee of Vasta Corp, and a contact to this day, who is very disatisfied with how things are done, but also very subtle in her leaks.
d) Wendy Arturo, scientist and inventor, who concentrates on renewable energy and pollution-free living. She often receives help from Winter whenever possible, and he sees her work as vital and pivotal.
e) more later...

a) Vasta Corp, its executives, its operations, its lawyers.
b) Majestic Industries, for frequently violating the law on emissions, and for carelessness.
c) The Atomic Brain, or his minions if he is dead. He committed a most heinous sin, and must be punished. Mistreating the earth in such a way is vile and cruel.
d) Anybody who has acted similarly to the Atomic Brain, by carelessly exposing large areas to danger or pollution.

Simon Frost, aka Winter

Attack Bonus: 2 (6)
Defense Bonus: 5 (10)

Abilities (24)
Str: 10
Dex: 18
Con: 20
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 8

Skills (10)
Handle Animal 2
Spot 4
Listen 4
Survival 8
Search 2

Feats (4)

Powers (100)
Alternate Form (Semisolid: flock of birds, swarm of bees, etc., Extra form: Radiation): Rank 10 (60 points) Source: Mutation
[includes Immunities: Disease, Energy: Radiation, Fire, Cold, Electricity, Darkness, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation)
Plant Control (Plant Stride, Regeneration, Plant Sense): Rank 7 35 points) Source: Mystical
Obscure : Rank 5 (10) Source: Mystical
Super Senses: Rank 5 (10) Source: Training
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Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
Wow very cool... and seems to be more interest then I thought! OK as of right now we have 9 people interested -

Set Harth
Kajamba Lion

I think I will hold it to this number and better put up a Full notice or something :)

Like Winter themaxx... and as for skills yea I go back and forth on this one; but I think I can justify balance in the game with a 2:1 cost so...

Skills will cost 1PP per 2 Skill Ranks. Debating what to do with Skill Focus and Talented

Tokiwong I like ALL of your character a lot (the thing I hate most about supers games in that I can't play ALL the characters I come up with either). The one I like the most... can't tell you... maybe Ghost or Kid-Paragon but man I like them all... hard choose there :)
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First Post
Here's my characters, in the order I'm most keen to:

Poseidon: (Building of of Toki's idea, I'd had the same thougth for weeks, and it'd rock if we both played these characters!) The greco-roman god of the oceans, exiled from Olympus for the same crimes as his cousin, Ares. Poseidon has been much humbled by his time as a mortal, and has begun to regain some measure of his former power. (Superswimming, strength, and an attitude) [Aquaman archetype]

Shard: Fed-up with the crime, injustice and genetic criminals that were plauging his city, Dr. Alexis Scott designed a solution: the Super-Human-Armored-Robot-Drone, S.H.A.R.D. Now, Dr. Scott is able to battle criminals by remote control! (Iron Man as R.C. superhero!) [Ironman archetype]

Mesmer: A prominant and popular stage-magician, Henry Scott- better known as the Uncanny Canuck, the Hypnotic Henri 'Hodini' Hudson! Who ran afoul with one of Freedom City's mafia groups. Fatally shot and left for dead, Henry actually managed to trick Death and was given a renewed lease on life. He now seeks redemntion by fighting crime with his keen mind, acrobatic skill, and array of "magic" gadgets. [Batman archetype]

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
All good Thain, and now that I think about it woud be kind of cool if you and toki played banished gods :) that is something I had not thought about before but is very cool.

OH yea wanted to add... post your character ideas here to flesh them out. Then post them over on the Beyond Freedom (M&M PbP) thread I just started. I will put more world info there also
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First Post
Okay Toki, its up to you- do we play banished gods, or do I have to warp my mind figuring out how to stat up a super-hero robot and the crippled Doctor that "pilots" him by remote?

(I'm leaning to stating SHARD as a construct PC character, with the Doctor as a "sidekick." And calling it a big case of SFX)

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