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Anyone planning on running another Mutants and Masterminds Game?


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Thain, do you want to get Mental Link, for our characters, or should we just go without it? I may switch Ares to Apollo... hmm... I will do both and see what I get... up to you Thain :)
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I aim to misbehave

Still interested and studying the book. Looking at either a psychic archtype or a speedster. Probably won't get to character building until Fri-Sat. Can probably come up with a name and superhero name before then though.


[Edit] Background will be the son of two of the former superheros of the past. Both of them disappeared around 5 years ago (when he was 16). Alone since then, he carried on with his life and went to college. He had no idea that they were (at least he suspects that the were) until his powers started to develop. Strange new abilities have been emerging in him and he left college (at 21, he's a junior) to head to Freedom City for follow a lead on where they might be....
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First Post
My character is generally distrustful of super-powered entities- his parents were vacationing in LA 20 years ago. He seeks to elimate dangerous supers, cybers, and splicers because they're too dangerous, but prefers non lethal means for mundane crooks. In his secret ID, Michael Evans is a consulting engineer that specializes in turning super science gadgets into viable products. He's worked on some DoD projects involving advanced tech, including a battle suit project. As the activity of supers has recently picked up, he realized that he could use his military design experience to create a more refined version of the special battlesuits once used against super villains.

I was thinking max ranks in Flight, EB (with lots of secondary modes), and protection, low ranks in obscure, immoveable, super senses, and sensory protection, and moderate ranks in Super strength. Hopefully, I'll be able to squeeze in neutralize too. Plus a sophistated battle computer (feats+bab) and sensor package.


First Post
Okay, I had written this before I found out that Toki was goign to play Apollo; should be an easy fix, tho... Was trying to do a combination of Wonder Woman / Hawkman & Hawkwoman with this orgin.

Formerly nigh-omnipotent beings, who must give up divintiy for the sake of humanity; While on Earth they come to love and appreicate mankind.



Name: Athena
Secret Identiy: Toula Prachett
Age: N/A (physcially late- to mid-20s)
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Greek
Nationality: American
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Olive Green
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Family: Ares/Janus Prachett(brother), Greco-Roman Pantheon
Occupation: Civics Professor, FCSU (holds Ph.D. in Philosphy, bar liscenced lawyer)
Hobbies: Poetry, Politics, Cooking
Dislikes: Horses, Violence, Genetic manipulation
Fav. Food: Olives
Least Favorite: Beer

The myths and legends surrounding the gods of the Ancient Greeks and the Romans are well known and widly told. What few living today realise, is that the Gods of the Ancients are as real as the super-heros of their grandparents. Powerful, petty, and aloof they retreated to their moutain tops, ocean depths and their underworlds... where humanity forgot about them, and created new myths and new gods. But the gods did not forget humanity.

The greatest inventor of his age, Daedelus, was gifted with immortality after the death of his son, Icarus. He lived for long years among the mortals, sometimes retreating to suclusion but never for very long, he became a champion, then a hero, and later a superhero. Daedelus the Undying. Daedelus the Brave. Daedelus the Genius... When his fame and reputation became to grow so great as to cause humanity at large to begin to alternatly question whether he was greater than the old and forgotten Gods, or to begin to seek out the Ancient's Pantheon, the Gods took notice.

But among the Gods, were many who had grown ever more petty and cruel in their forgotten days. Hera, Queen of the Gods, hated Daedulus with all her heart. Hera turned her husband, Zeus, and his brothers Posiden and Hades, agianst the man they had once promised so much. Hera convinced them to send the Kindly Ones, the dreaded Furies to plauge Daedelus. When he and his allies -the famed Freedom Force- were able to escape the Furies punishments, Hera devised something more devious: she sent her daughter, Nemesis to slay the very man she had made immortal.

This was more than many of the Lesser Gods and Goddesses could bear. Long they may have been apart from the mortal world, but the mortal world was always a part of who they were. Concepts such as fairness, honour, and a most new idea- one first adopted by Athena, and then her sister Aphrodeiti- had spread throughout most of the lesser gods of Olympus: that the ruler ruled only with the consent of the "people."

Athena, and a sizeable host of her fellow gods protested Hera's plan. When Hera ignored them, and dispatched Nemesis to Earth anyway, something even more drastic than Athena's protest took place. Ares, God of War, drew his blade struck Hera a swift blow. Hera was wounded, her right eye forever lost; and a civil war was begun in the heavens. On one side stood Zeus, Posedein, Hades and the most powerful of the Olympians, on the other were a thousand score of the small gods, the lesser deities and they were led into battle by Athena and Ares.

The war was long, brutal and ultimatly a stalemate. Daedelus himself was forced to mediate the final solution, the heroic inventor aged to give his gift of immortality back to the Gods; Athena and Ares likwise agreed to a 1,001 years of exile among the mortals for their hubris. Proud Hera, humbled by Ares blade, agreed to the same exile.

Athena and Ares took up residence in the city that was home to Daedelus for so long, Freedom City, on America's eastern coast. Athena admired what the American's had done for democracy and for women, Ares liked their military might and equality. They adopted mortal guises and mortal lives, and began to sink into their lives as ordinary citizens. That all ended, however, in a bright flash over the City of Angels...

With the death of most of the worlds superheros, nearly 20 years ago, Athena and Ares have worked and trained for the last two decades as vigillante heros. Bringing aid, comfort and justice to those without.

Athena has taken up the identity of Dr. Toula Prachett, a tenured professor of civics and philosophy at Freedom City State University. By day, she teaches political theory and civics to some of FCSU's most promising students; by night she partols Freedom City's rooftops and back-alleys. A liscenced lawyer, she also frequently provides the downtrodden with pro bono legal aid.


Here's a rough draft of Athena stat-wise:

STR 18 [54 pp.]
DEX 18
CON 18
INT 20
WIS 20
CHA 20

BAB +6 [18 pp.]
BDef +10 [20 pp.]

Skills 30 [15 pp.]
Still working out the specifics.

Feats 10 [20 pp.]
Attack Focus - Shield
Attack Focus - Unarmed
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Richochet Attack
Immunity - Aging
Mental Link - Ares


Shield +12 [Extras: Deflection +12, Weapon +7 [Extras: Mighty; Power Stunts: Ranged]; Flaws: Device; Source: Divine; Cost: Variable pp]. (total: 28 pp)

Deflection +12
_w/ Weapon +7 [Extra: Mighty; Power Stunts: Ranged]

Armor +5 (total: 5 pp.)

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
Looks good Thain but I am not 100% that we are going to be PL12, as I stated earlier I wanted everyone to make up PL10 level characters and then if later I went with PL12 it would be easier to add points instead of taking them away. Sorry :( I still might go for PL12 but I want to see all the characters first

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Hey there. I'll have history and all that for Ursus Maior late tonight (or early tomorrow morning, as the case may be). Got a load of work I need to fight through first. Good thing I like grad school, eh? :D


Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
No worries man... I am taking a quick break myself right now as work loves to pill everything onto my plate on Friday's WHY OH WAY!?!?! I will try and post some more later today but it might not be until really late tonight when I get home (if they wife lets me log on, she seems to think I spend to much time online :))

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