D&D 5E Are D&D sales declining? Teos Abadia takes a look.

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Out of curiosity, did any of the switchers -- such as to pathfinder -- stick?
Sorta? I dropped D&D during 4E and kept up with Pathfinder until PF2 came out, though I was (and am) still playing 5E.

Right now Dragonsbane has become my alternative to 5E of choice, though I still buy 5E product - mostly non-WotC.


The EN World kitten
Out of curiosity, did any of the switchers -- such as to pathfinder -- stick?
My group did. After official support for 3.5 ended, I had determined that 4E wasn't for me, and shortly thereafter met several other people who felt the same way. We're still playing PF1 to this day.

EDIT: Didn't see the subsequent post clarifying that you meant after the OGL debacle from this January. As (I hope) the young people still say, my bad!


Have we seen anyone let go lately? If not, I'd guess DnD is on course.....

That’s a really good point.

I remember the days when the axe would fall every Christmas as WotC. It was just like clockwork.

Now? Maybe I’m out of the loop but I can’t remember the last person who left.

Voidrunner's Codex

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