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[AU] Lost Dreams


First Post
Gren, Human Wolf Totem Warrior

GladiusNP said:
Aadin sidesteps the reveler - and stumbles slightly. Catching his balance, he turns to his companions, and says in a slightly embarrassed tone,
"There's a wobbly cobblestone here. Maybe the Stone Troll would be quieter - I'm certainly looking forward to a soft bed, rather than a tall flagon of ale."

Gren seems a bit tense as he gazes about his unfamiliar surroundings. The reveler's sudden arrival actually startled the totem warrior a touch. He protectively moves a bit closer to Aadin after the other man's near stumble, interposing his bulk between his friend and any who might bump into him.

"Your words are wise, Aadin. While I sense no danger, the chaos of that establishment sets me on edge. I am not used to such revelry and drunkenness. I should have probably waited outside the city. I have no grace for these settings and will likely embarass you both."

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Off to the inns

*Finn as you depart the massive giant who stands more than a full head taller than all the others around him, a messenger comes running up to him. The smaller human speaks rapidly to the giant and they take off at a booming run down the street south of the market. You flit over to the Jumping Beetle and find that it is indeed very odd. The doors are large and look like beetle wings all painted red with white polka-dots. The rest of the building is painted in bright garish colours. From your vantage point you can see a second set of wing-doors painted to resemble butterfly wings set above the beetle wings. Apparently the higher doors accomodate someone of your stature.*

*As you enter the excentric inn you find yourself in another world entirely. A light blue smoke fills the room as an eiry music plays inthe background. A forest of mushrooms and trees fill the room and smells of all sorts of incense filter through your senses. Many faen sit among the chairs on the ground near the bar, but a few sprytes recline on top of the mushroom caps. This place was obviously made by a mad-man.*


*Aadin leads the group over to the Stone Troll, hoping for a quieter inn than the one that disgorged its loud contents moments before. From the outside it looks more somber, bearing a solid brick exterior with a small wooden sign hanging from above the door bearing the name of the inn. Indeed when you open the door it is much quieter, though as you peer in you are greeted by a great stone face leering at you. An ugly snout a top a great hairy stone body stands slightly cracked just inside. The dimly lit room has few patrons, its tables for the most part empty. Those within are quietly eating their food, sitting apart from one another. You are still standing on the threshold debating whether to enter.*


OOC: I think for the moment that I would like to stick to one thread as it helps me keep it all together. But if there is demand after the two groups are together then I will split it off. At the moment there is 3 groups and a fourth when we get our last player. Re: combat - I will continue it when I get Zhure's post on Vand's actions.


First Post
Vand, 25/25 hp, AC 16, +5 to hit (touch), 1d6+5 dmg

Vand, delays until after he has a clear path into the adjoining alleyway. He'll wriggle through as soon as his mojh companion is through.

Sorry for the delay


Round 1 continues

*Vand stands ready to move into the alley once his friend Yajarn has had a chance to go through. His glowglobe now illuminates the scene quite clearly. The man on the ground is wearing a now tattered cloak over some chain. His face is bruised and bloody. As he stands watching, the little green creature standing over the man smashes his face with a club. The man's feeble cries have been quieted though you dont know if he is unconcious or dead.*

*The two other creatures a top the garbage get their crossbows ready and fire at Yajarn before he can force his way through. The first misses completely, sending it's bolt into a wooden plank that is lying on the ground nearby. The second shot however finds a kink in the Mojh's armour, jabbing into his shoulder above his shield. The crossbow bolt sticks out wickedly from the wound, causing pain to course up and down the Mojh's arm. The creature who hit offers a shout of pleasure seeing his shot hit. Then the two of them drop their crossbows and draw thier clubs.*

*Yajarn squeezes past the bottleneck, having to move sideways and hold his tail in an awkward position as he moves into the alley way beyond. There he turns his sword on the creature that shot him trying to hit it with the flat of his blade. It smacks the creature upside the head, scoring a difficult hit but knocking the creature unconcious. It falls down behind the debris out of sight.*

*The creature that faces Malarky hefts his spikestick, the spikes looking quite deadly. As it returns the wild swing Malarky had made, the creature manages to scrape the wicked weapon along the faen's leg inflicting a light wound. It laughs in a high pitched sound and says, "Hehe interrupt Trigg will you! Taste a little of our steel then meddlers."*

Malarky - miss
Vand - hold action
Creature 1 - hit the victim
Creature 2 - hit Yajarn - 6 damage.
Creature 3 - missed
Yajarn - hit Creature 2 - 10 subdual damage.
Trigg - hit Malarky - 3 damage.

Will update the map tonight. Zhure please let me know if you want to act sooner than the end of the round. No problems with the timing of the post. I dont expect everyone to keep up with my manic posting.


First Post
Malarky, hp10/13, AC 17, atk +4, dmg 1d6+1

The faen tries unsuccessfully to move out of the way of the creature's blow. He lets out a groan as the nails scrape on flesh and thin gashes gush blood, pain spiderwebbing up. He curses, noticing the fallen man's cries have been replaced by silence, sparing a look at the broken battered form. He refuses to believe the man is dead... if so, he'll carve an answer from this lot. Only way to find out though, is to flatten the one attacker in front of him and make for the other before he hits the unconscious man. Luckily it seems the other too are occupied with the mojh, and so distracted from his actions.

A quick blessing to Srena, goddess of Light in Dark Alleys, as readjusting his weight to the uninjured leg he braces and swings out at the other, an oddly fierce snarl from the small man.

"I meddle where I wish, and I see another being assaulted, creature!"


First Post
Finn Redtip, Spryte Greenbond 3

Finn inhales deeply, *Ah! I could live on these smells!*. He continues to enjoy the ambiance as he scans the room.

Spotting a likely looking fellow Spryte on one of the big mushroom perches, Finn flies over, attemping to land with some grace for once. He does so, only stumbling slightly due to the unexpected sponginess of the big 'shroom. *Yeah! All the flying the last couple days has really helped me get a feel for this.*

Addressing the reclining Spryte, Finn says, "Hi, my name is Finn. I'd be happy to buy you a drink if you can suggest something good to eat from the kitchen here."


"Nice to meet you Finn, my name is Loerwen Scarletwing. Is this your first time to Ao Manasa? Oh, thank you for the offer. I recommend the veal, it comes in a delicate wine sauce that is just divine." replies the woman whom you have joined on the giant toadstool.

*It is a very comfortable perch seeming to move a little to accomodate your light frame. Loerwen calls the maid up to place an order for a couple of glasses of wine and your veal, though she looks to you to double check that this is alright. In the poor light you can see that Loerwen's wings are indeed a scarlet red and she is dressed in an elegant dress that leaves her wings free to flit about while she sits. She is currently enjoying a small side dish of what looks like a green salad.*


First Post
Yajarn, hp 25/31, AC 22, atk +8, dam 1d10+5

"Aarrrgghh" Yajarn cries out in pain as a result of his sword swing. If these little buggers want to hurt me ... I'll show them the meaning of hurt. He turns to the other creature and lauches an attack routine Scalis taugh him, going for the kill this time.

If he successfullly dispatches his second adversary, Yajarn will say to the one facing Malarky : "You are next weakling, flee while you still have the chance !"

Intimidate +5


First Post
Aadin Lofgred, 3rd Level Human Runethane

Speaking softly to Gren, Aadin says,
"I wouldn't worry Gren. I remember far stranger fellows than you passing unremarked in the streets of Ka-Rone."
Aadin steps over the threshold. He moves to the stone troll, and places his hand upon the sculpture's forehead.
"Curious. A strange thing to make a statue of." He moves his hand slightly, sketching a strange figure, some kind of symbol. He seems to be focusing intently upon the forehead, his eyes squinting at the stone, reading something which isn't apparent to anyone else.

OOC: Aadin draws a rune of Knowledge on the statue


Cryptic Runes

*Aadin focuses on his rune tracing the lines he has been taught. Once the symbols within circles are completed a brief flash of deep earthy color sparks from their center. Slowly the symbols start to re-arrange themselves within the circular confines. When they stop Aadin is able to read the following from them*

Solid stone, became this troll in the year of Frozen Dreams, 1103 on Runecurse in the month of Sunshadow.

OOC: New map up for the end of round 1. Click the Maps link in my sig.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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