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[AU] Lost Dreams


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Yajarn, Mojh Warmain

Yajarn looks at the fleeing creatures and then at Vand running after one of them. The cowards, they are not even worth pursuing... He then wipes the blood on his sword on one of the humanoid's rags. He also removes the bolt from his shoulder, cursing once more in draconic.

Moving closer to both the fallen men and Malarky, Yajarn asks, without an hint of emotion: "He's dead ?"

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"So you have only join us winged folk recently then, welcome to the world above. Indeed I can recommend a good inn, the Bluetooth Inn is probably the best in Hollum. It is towards the docks." Loerwen replies to Finn's questions. The food arrives, she had ordered the suggested veal for you both a little while ago. Another small spryte carries the food up on a small tray that sits on its own two legs. She places the meal in front of you on the toadstool. The scent of wine and herbs tingles your nose.*


*Malarky moves over to the fallen man and checks to see if he is breathing. Indeed you can feel the movement of air escaping his nose as you lower your face in front of his. You are about to check his tabard on the front of his armor to see if you can discover his employer, but your vision begins to fail as Vand's light disappears down the alley to the south.*

*Yajarn, the failing light does not hinder you in the least and you can see that Malarky is visibly relieved, though he has not replied to your question yet.*

*Vand, the creature ducks around the edge of the building turning right at the next intersection about 50 or 60 paces ahead of you. As you whip around the corner you can see him turn left around the next building, you are catching up to him, but he is leading you deeper and deeper into the Worm. The lanes here are narrow and you can see that no effort has been made to keep them clean or clear of obstructions. Many small shanties have been constructed haphazardly against the buildings to either side. It was only by chance that you spotted him disappearing around the second corner. There are no people visible at the moment and little light spills out from the cracks in shutters already drawn closed. A drunk man tumbles out of his shoddy wooden room in front of you as you turn the next corner. It is another dark alley and you cant see Trigg at all.*

*As the other two are checking the man, you can hear the thunder of heavy boots on the cobblestones outside the alley. A sharp whistle blow can be heard just as light filters in. A man approaches the bottleneck with a torch. "Here they are!" He shouts back behind towards the road. He is wearing the colours of the city watch.*

OOC: Looks like things are slowing down for those in the second party. Please feel free to carry on with things down at the other inn. This is not meant to slow down everyones fun.


First Post
Aadin Lofgred, 3rd level Human Runethane

Aadin finishes his examination of the statue, and moves up towards Sharilan. He takes a chair, and smoothly addresses the waiter.
"Perhaps some refreshments to begin with. We'd also like to perhaps organise some lodging for the night - but I'd like a drink first. Perhaps a bottle of wine for the three of us?"
This last is addressed to Sharilan, and the young man lifts his eyebrow slightly. As he looks at the small faen, his eyes move past to take in the Litorian sitting at the other table.


First Post
Yajarn, Mojh Warmain

Yajarn resheathes his sword and shows no hostile intention. Keeping an eye on the watchman, he waits for things to develop.


First Post
Vand, Human, Mindwitch

"Bah, not worth chasing..."

Vand controls the small glowglobe to hover over him and hurries back to where Yajarn is probably still waiting. Vand wills his mind blade to vanish, but keeps his astral armor running.


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Malarky, loresong akashic

Malarky shook his head, relieved. "He breathes. He's badly hurt, but he should be alright, I think..." A sigh looking over the fallen man. As he hears the guards near he calls out, leading them to where they are.
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Finn Redtip, Spryte Greenbond 3

Finn smiles at Loerwen, and raises his glass to her in thanks. In Faen "Saluti!"

He then sits back and enjoys his meal, talking very little, merely enjoying the ambiance, the company and the delectable dinner. When it is finished, he rises and gives a full bow to his evening's acquaintance.

"Which way did you say the way was to that Inn, fair Spryte? The docks? Which way is that?"

After she tells him, he flies down to the bar

"Barkeep, I'd like to settle up. How much for my dinner and my companion's?" *If it isn't too much, I'll just buy her whole dinner. What a nice lady, I hope it isn't too much! Her gorgeous set of wings doesn't hurt either.*


*Aadin, joining Sharilan you place the order for the wine. The stiff looking gentleman in gray replies, "As you wish, sir. I will return with your order momentarily.". Pulling out the chair to your table, you find that despite its hard wooden appearance it is quite comfortable, especially after such a long journey. Looking over at the litorian, you see that he fits the monocromatic nature of the room as he looks very white. He is currently looking in your direction, though when he notices your gaze he looks away.*


*Led by Malarky's call a man in guard livery enters the alleyway bearing a torch. The light provides you with what you need to see the tabard on the fallen man. He belongs to the Order of the Axe. As the guard approaches you see another very large individual outside the bottleneck turn and head away. The guard in front of you says, "What has happened here? We received word of trouble in the Worm and here is a man lying on the ground."*

*Vand, as you round the corner heading back to the others you see another light heading around the opposite corner from you. As the light nears the corner you see a very very large giant in the uniform of a guard. This must be Sei-Ichi, the captain of the guard that you have heard about before. He approaches the entrance to the alley where the fight took place, moving in yoru direction.*


*Finn, the woman directs you to follow the main road towards the cliff side, then make a left and follow the large road, Trallforth Street, towards the docks. It sounds like the same blue building that the guard at the bridge originally recommended. Through the conversation that you had with her, you find out that she is a member of the Mages of the North, a group of magisters, witches and runethanes that resides in Loebrethin in the southern part of the city up the hill. The barkeep says that the meal and drinks for the two of you comes to 8 silver coins.*


First Post
Finn Redtip, Spryte Greenbond 3

As he pays the barkeep the full 8 silver, the red-headed spryte says "Thank you sir, for the best meal in recent memory."

As he flits off out the door, he thinks to himself *I've had good luck so far, and I'm feeling like this inn is a good bet. Two people have recommended it after all.*

With that, Finn sets out down the main road toward the cliff side, flying about 10' up, just over the heads of most folk. Of course, he keeps an eye out for interesting sights in the big city.

Voidrunner's Codex

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