D&D 5E Can Tavern Brawler use cards as Improvised Weapons?


Oh this is where the title goes?
Same answer as predicted. Fantasy is thrown out the window and logic and physics is shoved in. So much for creativity, staying to a theme and it is true rules are written in stone. Man did Guardians of Order get it right. RIP.

ookaay... just about everyone here said that its up to you and your DM but that it wouldn't be unbalanced. And about half went on to say they would probably allow it if they were DM, and about half probably wouldn't. That doesn't sound like you're being shut down.

Then OK there's a side discussion about how dnd darts compare to pub darts but that isn't even relevant to your question.

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Darts weigh 1/4 lb. or 4 ounces, a regulation dart can weigh up to 1.4 ounces. So using the inverse square law,if you doubled a pub dart it would be 11 ounces. Or over twice as heavy as the DnD Dart. So the DnD Dart is roughly 1.5x the size of a standard pub dart.

Huh? 1.4 doubled is not 11. It's 2.8. A reproduction dart can be seen here. That's nowhere near a pub dart. A playing card weighs 1.7 grams, which is 0.06 ounces. So I have a hard time seeing how something weighing 1.7 grams and clearly not designed to hurt anything could be equivalent to something that weights 113 grams and has a sharp pointy end (the D&D dart)


ookaay... just about everyone here said that its up to you and your DM but that it wouldn't be unbalanced. .

Well, I said it would be unbalanced, but by an encumbrance perspective (unlimited ammo). Which to me, I would probably not allow for that reason. That's a huge advantage.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Same answer as predicted. Fantasy is thrown out the window and logic and physics is shoved in. So much for creativity, staying to a theme and it is true rules are written in stone. Man did Guardians of Order get it right. RIP.

Yeah uh, if you could read the comments you got as opposed to the ones you imagined you got, that would be great.


First Post
If you take an object, and double it in every dimension(length, width and height), it becomes 8 times heavier. 1.4 x 8 = 11.2.

However in layman's terms you would say the dart is twice as big (if it was twice the length, height, and weight).

If you look at the enlarge/reduce spell its actually even modeled in game!

My point was mainly that the idea you could only carry a dozen of the 1/4 lb darts and that they are significantly larger than pub darts are both wrong.


Elder Thing
Can a thrown playing card deal 1d4 + str mod if used with the Tavern Brawler's Improvised Weapon ability? If not, how can I use a deck of cards as an ammunition-based throwing weapon?

And here's the inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxB5CseJqDg

D&D is literally playing a game of make believe. I fail to see how anybody could answer "no" to your question.

Your video shows people throwing standard playing cards in a manner that they stick in a wall. If you want to play that as an improvised weapon, go to town. If you'd rather use the dart statistics, as some have suggested, go to town. If you want to use the statistics from a javelin of lightning, go to town. See above note re: make believe.

You seem dissatisfied with the overwhelming "sure, go ahead" response you received. Please, what reaction were you hoping for? In what way can we be of greater assistance here?


There are so many bad jokes I can make there ... just the tip ... but I won't.

After I wrote it, I realized just how wide I opened the door....

I will say this. It's really impressive in a small theater! I know that if I was attacked by a bunch of rabid watermelons, I'd rather have Ricky Jay with me, than against me.

Ricky Jay is clearly a paladin though, on a holy crusade to eradicate the heretical watermelons. That might change your opinion...

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