D&D Movie/TV Chris Pine To Star In D&D Movie

The long, slow process towards a modern take on D&D movies took a large step forward with the announcement of a huge star signed to the project. Considering that filming is set to start soon a cascade of announcements should be revealed in initiative order imminently. Filming begins in Q1 2021.

Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley will be directing the film which features "an ensemble cast and take a subversive approach to the game."


Chris Pine has closed a deal to star in Dungeons & Dragons, the live action film based on Hasbro’s massively popular role-playing game from Wizards of the Coast. Hasbro/eOne and Paramount are jointly producing and financing, with eOne distributing in the UK and Canada, and Paramount the rest of the world.

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In D&D terms, he's a +1 Chris of Movies.

A good Chris to be sure, far better than the Crisp Rat (The Cursed Chris of Movies).

But he's still not at the same level as the +2 Chris of Movies, which carries with him a Hemsworth that bestows a +2 CHA enhancement or the Legendary Chris of Evans, a Lawful Good Chris with a +2 STR that allows him to carry any movie.

So, like, it's set in RL with flashes in to the game? Or the characters get sucked in like Jumanji?
Or maybe it's subversive like that big ticket space-wizard-fantasy movie which I'm totally not naming that made a lot of people really upset?

How about "Let's just make a good movie" without trying to be subversive, shocking, statement-making, etc.? Just a good, fun story with engaging, 3-dimensional characters and no commentary on the real world.

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