• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CLOSED Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings


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Entering the Stockade

The pathetic lock on the door proves not even the most rudimentary challenge to the growing skill of Jovik. Two tumblers, probably salvaged from some ship-wreck or the junk thrown into the rubbish tip by the men of Sandpoint. It clicked once, twice, easily. The door eased open.

The young rogue put his ear up against the slivered gap, listening. There was nothing to hear. He pushed the door a few inches, feeling the tension in those who waited behind him. It swung open, revealing an entrance hall some 25 feet long, and twenty feet wide. A door on the left, one at the end on the left, a double door at the centre of the end wall, and a small passage leading off to the right.


The floor of this room is hard packed soul, as if the builders either ran out of lumber after buildings the walls and roof, or as if they simply never thought about building a floor. A number of poorly preserved horse and dog heads are mounted along the eastern wall, while along the southern wall hangs a pair of large batlike wings tacked to the wall with daggers.

The room smells .. not great. I guess that this is what the inside of a goblin house smells like. A mix of pickle and filth.

The room is empty.

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"Care to listen at the other doors, Jovik?" asks Danth, keping his voice low. The priest stood next to the entrance, as if to keep an eye out for any any goblins returning home while his companions went about their business.


First Post

OOC: Each "Door" indicates a separate entrance, so 6 in total. They are, from left to right, door 1 through 6.

Jokad moves forward bravely, entering the heart of the enemy's territory. Somewhere within here that demon woman Nualia is hiding, and with her no doubt are scores of goblins.

Other than the aforementioned trophies, this large entrance hall is empty. There are muffled noises of distant activity within the structure, but heard to pin-point exactly where they are coming from. No goblins are present here, but it is clear that it will not be long before you stumble upon some.

The question now is: where do you want to go next?

OOC: Can you roll listen checks for Jovik at each door (so 6 checks please, from left to right). I will post the results of that. If there is no Jovik post by tonight, I will have to make it myself to move things on.


First Post
Jovik moves from door to door, padding ever so carefully across the beaten earth floor, and pressing his cupped hands and ear against the doors in turn. It is a nervous wait as he moves sleekly about. You all find yourselves inadvertently breathing quietly, standing rigid. The various muted, distant noises only add to your nerves.

From door one (on the left), the only noise Jovik can hear is the faintest whisper of wind. He places his hand against the bottom of the door, and feels a slight breeze, suggesting that the room beyond is either open air, or perhaps leads into an open area.

From door two, there are noises, but impossible to determine what.

From door three, nothing.

From door four, nothing. Just silence.

From door five, nothing ... but then ... a noise. Soft, ill defined. Snoring perhaps, or moaning? The noise is close to the door, regular, and then another, like something shifting. Then silence again, then the regular noise starts up again.

From door six, distant laughter, as if from above. Two voices. Goblin for sure, and engaged in a mix of jocular and argumentative chatter.
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Jovik relays what he has heard to the group.

"I say we try for the fifth door. Someone is there, if we can kill them quickly and quietly we have a better shot at the other doors." he whispers

Voidrunner's Codex

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