D&D 5E Companion thread to 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XV: The FINAL ROUND)

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One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
But for the sake of discussion? If I did think that wizards were too powerful, I'd go the super-easy route and add this to my house-rules: "The wizard class has been removed from this campaign. If you were interested in playing a wizardly character, ask me about other options." And then if someone had any heartburn with it, I'd chat with them, find out what they were hoping to get out of the wizard, and meet them in the middle. If it was just certain cantrips or the 6th+ level spells, I could add those to the Artificer spell list. If they were just hoping for a Necromancer with the Arcane Recovery feature, I could replace the cleric's Channel Divinity ability with it. And so on.
For an easy lower-magic balancing patch you could probably just put the wizard on the sorcerer’s spell slot progression, so wizard has a wider array of spells to pick from while sorcerer has metamagics.

But that’s just something I thought of offhand so there’s probably better ways to do it


The High Aldwin
But arguably wizards are the class least subject to "ask the DM" because spells are units of player authorized fiat.
Solution: Limit Wizards to ONE spell learned per spell level instead of two. Now DM fiat is HUGE because otherwise they will never find new spells, etc.

Which brings up a HUGE issue with casters (again, please stop singling out Wizards, all of this applies to any full caster.... :) ), is spell access.

Clerics and Druids and Paladins have total access to all their spells! That is crazy IMO!

Wizards don't have access to all their spells, but with 2 per level makes it relatively easy IME to pick the most useful spells, with no check to learn or master them.

Meanwhile, Bards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks all have other features, many are at will.

Now, arguably, any non-caster is really not subject to DM fiat. They can use many of their features whenever they want so DM fiat isn't an issue with them, either. ;)

The only time IMO DM fiat becomes an issue with rests. Rests dictate when feature replenish. I think this is a bad part of 5E design. The recharge mechanic for dragon breaths, for example, is better IMO and removes such instances of DM fiat.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
... is really not subject to DM fiat.
...so DM fiat isn't an issue with them, either...
The only time IMO DM fiat becomes an issue ...
...and removes such instances of DM fiat.

There is nothing in the game that can't be "subject to DM fiat."
Some DMs are more subtle than others, and the best ones aren't even noticeable, but no part of the game is out of the DM's reach. And whether this is a good thing or a bad thing will depend entirely, like everything else, on the DM.
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There is nothing in the game that can't be "subject to DM fiat."
Some DMs are more subtle than others, and the best ones aren't even noticeable, but no part of the game is out of the DM's reach. And whether this is a good thing or a bad thing will depend entirely, like everything else, on the DM.
.You say this but Jeremy Crawford has explicitly said that one of the goals of One D&D is to move player abilities away from "Mother May I."


The High Aldwin
There is nothing in the game that can't be "subject to DM fiat."
Short of just not running the game, I have to disagree.

DM fiat is subject to player acceptance. When my PC gains a level, I choose what my PC gains as far as features, etc. If, prior to playing, the DM limits something and I agree to that limitation, then that is on me. If I choose not to, I can find another DM or just run my own game.

DM fiat goes a long way, certainly, but if I decide to use Second Wind on my turn as my bonus action, there is really nothing the DM can do about it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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