D&D 5E Curse of Strahd - Death House


“Looky there!” the thug whispered to his partner. Trolling the foggy alleyways of Waterdeep was finally about to pay off. The woman was staggering drunk; they could smell the ale on her before they even reached her.

“Easy lass,” the second thug said. “Here, let us help you.” She looked up, smiled. She tried to speak, but the drink had taken her words and instead she only giggled. She tried to keep walking as he held her up but she couldn’t move. She noticed the grip around her arm tightening, and she realized that he wasn’t holding her up, but holding her still.

“Wai..” she tried to protest, but then her head slammed against the back alley wall of some run-down Waterdhavian dungheap. She slid down the wall, helpless. Their voices were an audible blur, but just before she lost consciousness she saw the fog-shrouded silhouette of one of the men unfastening his trousers.
Girri finds herself in an unfortunate position in a Waterdhavian alleyway.
Image by KirillArt

[MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION]; [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]
[sblock=Kasimir, Mr. Aldershot]
The large man lay against a sturdy tree, bleeding. The claw marks across his face and the gore seeping from beneath his tunic suggested he wasn’t long for the world and, looking at him, the small halfling thought that maybe the man was just fine with that. He seemed at peace despite the pain, and so the halfling set to let the hunter die in peace. He made his camp close by, and would maybe do what needs to be done in the morning when the hunter had passed.

Kasimir waited for death, longed for it in some way. The bear had done him a disservice by not killing him outright, but death would come soon enough he knew. And the Labourdine curse would finally be broken. He leaned over and coughed up a lump of blood and bile, then relaxed against the tree and watched the fog roll across the full moon and seep deep into the forest canopy.
Kasimir waits for death.
Image by frozenstocks

[MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION]; [MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION]; [MENTION=6829052]Wrex[/MENTION]
[sblock=Wergil, Farshid, Brother Rufus]
Wergil followed the heretic to a hovel in the docks district where he’d taken a bent up old street vendor with a promise of healing. He’d heard the stories, but this he had to see for himself. After all, his job was to investigate, not to intervene. And so he crept up to a window and watched.

Farshid lay the vendor on a filthy bed and set to work. The sun had set long ago and the heavy fog filtered the light of the full moon, but the heretic had candles and a bullseye lantern that lit the room plenty. With shaking hands he looked back to a shadowed corner of the room, and it was only then that Wergil noticed that there was a third man in the hovel. He was well armored, and armed with a halberd—a soldier, Wergil knew.

“Heal him, and prove yourself! Prove your Lord of Light! But fail….” He left the threat hanging, and Farshid returned to his work.

He laid his hands upon the old man, and Wergil saw his eyes roll back in his head. He began some incoherent chanting and the old man began to glow!

“I feel it! I feel the light!” the old man screamed, and Farshid’s chanting grew more fervent.

“Wait!” the old man screamed. “It hurts! It hurts! Sto…” but before he could finish his protest, the old man burst into flames, unleashing a fireball that blew out the wall, landing on top of Wergil outside. Farshid jumped back, knocking over the bullseye lantern. The entire hovel was instantly engulfed in flames, and Farshid and his captor were quickly overtaken by the smoke.
Farshid makes an error.
Image by Mrichston

Your head aches, and your muscles are screaming at you, but you manage to open your eyes to a cold, dank alleyway. The fog hangs thick, but it doesn’t obscure the two dead bodies lying close by with their throats torn out. Your hands are covered in blood, and you can hear the sound of bootheels clicking on the wet cobblestones.

[sblock=Mr. Aldershot]
You awaken early in the morning, the fog still hanging thick in the forest. You’d swear the trees aren’t the same ones that surrounded you last night. Still, you grab your gear and make your way to the hunter, ready to lay his broken body to rest. It takes you some time to find him, even though you know he was just over the hill, but when you do you’re shocked into silence. The hunter is not only still living, snoring peacefully under the tree, but he appears to have been fully healed! While his face and tunic are still smeared and caked with old blood, there is no sign of even the faintest scratch to be seen. Your badger companion begins to growl, and the hunter’s eyes bolt open!

You dream of walking through the forest with the bear that released you from your curse, your thick fingers happily entangled in the soft fur, offering a scratch behind the ears. But then the bear suddenly turns on you, and stands its full height on its hind legs and growls. Then your eyes bolt open, and your dream of death becomes a nightmare when you realize that death has yet to take you. There is a strange looking halfling man standing over you, and a growling badger next to him.

You manage to push the debris off of you and sit up. It takes several moments for you to recall the events of the night before; events that, by all rights, should have killed you. It is only then that you realize that the debris surrounding you is not burnt, nor is the building form which it came. Instead it is only old and decayed wood from a dilapidated shack on the edge of a woods. There is no other building in sight through the thick fog hanging in the air.

The smell of burned flesh wakens you, but as you open your eyes you find that you are alone. There are no others, burned or otherwise. You are not in the hovel of the night before, but a closed cell with four fully intact walls. A small barred window peeks out onto the fog-shrouded cobblestone streets and a ghostly song of intangible whispers swims through your head.

[sblock=Brother Rufus]
You wake up seemingly from a dream and find yourself walking down a strange, foggy road. The events of last night seem so distant, you’re not even sure if they really happened. This place… this town, if it is one, is deathly quiet. If it weren’t for the three figures at the end of the alley, you’d swear it was abandoned. Is that blood on her hands?
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[section]Girri scrubbed sleep from her eyes. Her hands were sticky. Wh--? It was the smell that did it. Copper hung thick in the air, cloying. Her eyes swam, then refocused on the ruin of a man at her feet, at the ragged flesh that had been his throat. And at the wide pool of congealed blood drying beneath her right boot. Panic rose like bile in her throat; she shifted her head to the right and retched, sicking up last night's meal of ale. Then retched again as the new smell mingled with the tang of blood from the dead man. Dead men, she corrected herself, sitting up gingerly. Why does this always happen to me?

Boot heels clicked on cobblestones somewhere close at hand. Girri used the lip of a barrel to pull herself to standing, startling a pair of pigeons, who took to wing with a cry and a whir. "Shhhh!" Shushing birds was boneheaded, she realized a beat later. They'd already gone anyway, preferring to roost on an upper storey window ledge. The clicking of heels got louder. Not a passer-by, then. Her panic returned, slamming into her with full force and stealing breath. Hide or run. Hide or run. Hide or run. But where? The fog was thick--when was the last time it was foggy this time of year? She dismissed the errant thought, shaking her head as if by doing so she might rid herself of tangents and focus. Girri's eyes flicked involuntarily to the dead men. She turned tail and fled.[/section]

[sblock]HP: 8/8
AC: 13
Initiative: +2
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Halfling (race), Vistari (background)
Passive Perception: +4

STR: 8 DEX: 15 CON: 10 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 15

Spell Save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Cantrips (2): light, prestidigitation
1st level (2/2): cure wounds, dissonant whispers, faerie fire, sleep

Bardic Inspiration: (2/2), long rest. Bonus action, choose one creature other than yourself within 60' who can hear you. d6 to an ability check, attack roll, or save w/i 10 min.

Bladed Scarf +4, 1d4+2, finesse, 10 ft reach
Dagger +4, 1d4+2, thrown, finesse, light, 20'

Acrobatics 4
Arcana 3
Insight 4
Investigation 3
Perception 4
Performance 4
Persuasion 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Stealth 4[/sblock]


Wergil sat upright in the debris and checked himself, and then his equipment for damage. Though there were some scuff marks on his shield, it seemed intact, and he remembered sheltering behind it as soon as he had realised that the wall was collapsing. Consequently, the rest of his possessions were undamaged.

Something or someone had obviously moved him while he was unconscious, a fact which initially irritated him, since he did not recognise his surroundings at all. However, his mood brightened when he realised that he had not been robbed or harmed. Why would someone move him out of the city, instead of tending him at the nearest inn? And what had happened to the soldier, and that fanatic, out of control, outlander? Just the memory of that distorted, crazed faced made him subconsciously squeeze the grip of his shield.

Wergil looked around the shack, to see if there was anything of interest and then gathered his kit and left, walking around the outside of the shack to see if there was a path or anything which would prevent him getting lost in the fog. He also looked up, trying to see if there was a sun up which would burn through the mist, or if it was night time.

If no path or trail leads to the shack, he will walk along the edge of the woods, keeping the trees on his left, so as not to get lost in the woods. Passive Stealth 13.

[sblock=status]Wergil hp 15/15
Str +0(+2 Saves) Dex +3, Con +3(+5 Saves), Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +0
Athletics +2, History +1, Perception +2, Persuasion +2, Survival +2
AC 18
Inspiration yes
Rages 2/2
HD: 1/1[/sblock]
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The door is locked. All is quiet outside.

There is a dirt path close to the ruined building that seems to cut directly through the woods. The sun has risen, but remains hidden behind the dense fog and thick, grey storm clouds.

You run blindly through fog, and come to a dead end blocked by a stone wall. You can hear a voice calling out in the distance.

Brother Rufus:
The woman with the bloody hands runs off, disappearing into the fog. You can hear a voice calling out in the distance.

OOC: [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION]; [MENTION=6829052]Wrex[/MENTION] - I'd love to hear from you guys to make sure you're with us.
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First Post

Damnable sorcery. Rufus quickly took in his surroundings and looked for the so-called "healer", simultaneously checking his gear. This must have been his doing, but he didn't seem near powerful enough for this type of magic. What had happened? Where did he go?. But quickly his attention focused ahead of him, to the girl with the bloody hands. Friend or foe, she may know what is going on.

As she ran off, he considered calling out, but instead decided to check out the bodies. He didn't want to jump to conclusions...if blood on ones hands indicated evil, he himself would be a devil. He moved forward to look at the bodies, and then move after the girl.

OOC: Check out the bodies, then move after the girl. (Not sure how to do the OOC tags yet!)


Brother Rufus:
Your gear seems fine; everything is accounted for and intact. Both of the bodies are male humans, and they are very dead. They appear to have had their throats torn out by some sort of animal. One of them appears to have been caught with his pants down.

[section]Girri skidded to a stop at the looming dead end stone wall. No way out! Her heart thrummed hard and fast, panic robbing thought but spurring action. She cast her eyes upward, looking to see whether she could climb. The stone wall rose high and straight, wedged between the sides of two multi-storey buildings; there was no foot- or handhold, and no window through which to slip. Girri spun around and peered back down the narrow alley, trying to catch a glimpse of her pursuer. There was nowhere to hide, no crate, no barrel, no midden heap. She pressed herself against the side of the building and wrapped the length of an orange patterned scarf around her right hand, letting the end fall freely at her side. Let him come, then. She readied herself for a fight, muttering a quick prayer to Istus that her fate cord not be snipped today.[/section]

OOC: [roll0]. What does Girri see?

[sblock]HP: 8/8
AC: 13
Initiative: +2
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Halfling (race), Vistari (background)
Passive Perception: +4

STR: 8 DEX: 15 CON: 10 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 15

Spell Save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Cantrips (2): light, prestidigitation
1st level (2/2): cure wounds, dissonant whispers, faerie fire, sleep

Bardic Inspiration: (2/2), long rest. Bonus action, choose one creature other than yourself within 60' who can hear you. d6 to an ability check, attack roll, or save w/i 10 min.

Bladed Scarf +4, 1d4+2, finesse, 10 ft reach
Dagger +4, 1d4+2, thrown, finesse, light, 20'

Acrobatics 4
Arcana 3
Insight 4
Investigation 3
Perception 4
Performance 4
Persuasion 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Stealth 4[/sblock]
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By rights, Kasimir should be dead but he could feel rough bark against the back of his head, the pungent scent of pine in the air tickled his nose, and he could hear the growl of some displeased creature. His eyes bolted open, surprising even himself, and he stared blankly at a halfling that stood over him. It seemed unnatural that he should stare so long without blinking but finally the man twitched, blinked, and turned his head to stare at the badger. He seemed unconcerned with the hostility of the beast and turned his head back to the halfling. He took a deep breath and let it out with a long sigh. Unfortunately, it seemed he was still alive.

”Move that thing off if you aren’t going to have it kill me.” The man sat up, risking the wrath of the badger, and looked around in confusion. ”Who are you, and where did you bring me?” Thick fingered hands, strong, warrior's hands, felt around his chest and discovered he no longer was wounded. ”And why, by all that is holy, did you not let me die?”

[sblock=Kasimir’s Stats]
CG Variant Human Barbarian 1
Init +1; Senses passive Perception 13
AC 13/14 (Unarmored Defense/Dual Wield); hp 14 (1d12+2)
Saves Strength +5, Constitution +4
Speed 30 ft

Str 16 (+3), Dex 13 (+1), Con 15 (+2), Int 8 (-1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10

Longsword +5 1d8+3 slashing
(bonus) Dual Wield - Handaxe +5 1d6 slashing
(bonus) Rage 2/2
Javelin +5 1d6+3 piercing; range (30/120)

Feats Dual Wielder
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidate +2, Perception +3, Stealth +3, Survival +3
Languages Common, Abyssal, Orc
Special Wanderer

Gear longsword, handaxe (x2), explorer’s pack, javelin (x4), staff, hunting trap (bear trap), trophy (wolf skin cloak), traveler’s clothes, belt pouch, wooden flute, 8 gp

Wild I rush in, where angels fear to tread. (Trait)
Rebel Your manners, your titles; they mean nothing when the dark comes for you. (Trait)
Abnegation Labourdine honor may be lost, but no else will fall to its curse while I still draw breath. (Ideal)
Outcast I let no one close. (Bond)
Secret I crave and fear the wild power of the Labourdine curse. (Flaw)

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