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D&D 5E Curse of Strahd - Death House

[section]Girri left off hiding under the portico and joined the armored man in observing the prison cell through its barred window. She looked around and, not seeing anyone at all other than herself, the armored man, and the man in white robes inside the cell, whispered to her new colleague, "Where is everyone, anyway? We haven't seen anyone alive other than this fellow here. Did you know him?" She turned querulous eyes on Rufus.[/section]

OOC: Girri's looking around, trying to see what she can see. [roll0]

[sblock=Stats]Variant Human Bard 1
HP: 8/8
AC: 13
Initiative: +2
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Halfling (race), Vistari (background)
Passive Perception: +4

STR: 8 DEX: 15 CON: 10 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 15

Spell Save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Cantrips (2): light, prestidigitation
1st level (2/2): cure wounds, dissonant whispers, faerie fire, sleep

Bardic Inspiration: (2/2), long rest. Bonus action, choose one creature other than yourself within 60' who can hear you. d6 to an ability check, attack roll, or save w/i 10 min.

Bladed Scarf +4, 1d4+2, finesse, 10 ft reach
Dagger +4, 1d4+2, thrown, finesse, light, 20'

Acrobatics 4
Arcana 3
Insight 4
Investigation 3
Perception 4
Performance 4
Persuasion 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Stealth 4[/sblock]

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That Mr Aldershot offers little in the way of conversation suits Kasimir just fine. He follows along, not speaking, occasionally getting close to tromping on Mr Aldershot's heels but stopping then and sniffing deeply of the pine-scented air until enough space has opened between them before resuming his march. To Mr Aldershot's trained eye, Kasimir has some small amount of wood lore.

When the trail is found and soon after something or someone is heard moving towards them, Kasimir grins when Mr Aldershot suggests that he hide. Instead he draws a pair of handaxes, holds them ready, and steps up next to the halfling.

"Protect me? Ha!" His laugh is loud and echoes strangely in the fog. "I want for no protection." Kasimir is coiled tight as a spring and seems ready to race down the trail to face whatever lies ahead of them.

[sblock=Kasimir’s Stats]
CG Variant Human Barbarian 1
Init +1; Senses passive Perception 13
AC 13/14 (Unarmored Defense/Dual Wield); hp 14 (1d12+2)
Saves Strength +5, Constitution +4
Speed 30 ft

Str 16 (+3), Dex 13 (+1), Con 15 (+2), Int 8 (-1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10

Longsword +5 1d8+3 slashing
(bonus) Dual Wield - Handaxe +5 1d6 slashing
(bonus) Rage 2/2
Javelin +5 1d6+3 piercing; range (30/120)

Feats Dual Wielder
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidate +2, Perception +3, Stealth +3, Survival +3
Languages Common, Abyssal, Orc
Special Wanderer

Gear longsword, handaxe (x2), explorer’s pack, javelin (x4), staff, hunting trap (bear trap), trophy (wolf skin cloak), traveler’s clothes, belt pouch, wooden flute, 8 gp

Wild I rush in, where angels fear to tread. (Trait)
Rebel Your manners, your titles; they mean nothing when the dark comes for you. (Trait)
Abnegation Labourdine honor may be lost, but no else will fall to its curse while I still draw breath. (Ideal)
Outcast I let no one close. (Bond)
Secret I crave and fear the wild power of the Labourdine curse. (Flaw)


Girri doesn't see anything except an abandoned village center surrounded by woods. And fog. Lots of fog. In fact, the fog seems to be closing in on the village, or whatever it is. Girri thinks she might see shapes swirling around in the mist as it moves in.


First Post

"Last time I saw this man, he was busy killing an ill merchant", said Rufus, glaring between the bars. It didn't make sense. Why did it seem like he was locked up? To protect himself? Doubt nagged at his thoughts. Something about this was off.

"Psst. Mister. Psst. The fog, it's moving."

The urgency in her voice snapped him back from his hateful gaze on the robed murderer. "This day..." started Rufus, turning his halberd to the encroaching fog "...is starting to annoy me. Stand behind me, but mind the bars". Rufus scanned the fog, while trying to listen for the inevitable babbling of the man in the cell.


First Post

"I will assist you, the same way you assisted that sick man..." barked Rufus, still scanning the fog, "As soon as I figure out what is going on in this gods-forsaken place".

[section]The geas tugged at Girri, an uncomfortable tightening across her ribs. She knew what she had to do, but grit her teeth in ire at the thought of doing it. She couldn't very well leave a man locked up in a cell alone. He'd starve without captors to feed him, and there didn't seem to be anyone in the village, gaoler or otherwise. Girri shuffled around the back side of the cranky armored man and looked for a door that might lead inside the building containing the prisoner. She'd figure out how she might free him once she got inside, which had the additional boon of providing cover against whatever it was that was swirling in the fog. [/section]

OOC: Enter the prison. Where's Farshid's cell? Does Girri see a set of keys, or any other tools or implements that might could be used to open the cell door?

[sblock=Stats]Variant Human Bard 1
HP: 8/8
AC: 13
Initiative: +2
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Halfling (race), Vistari (background)
Passive Perception: +4

STR: 8 DEX: 15 CON: 10 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 15

Spell Save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Cantrips (2): light, prestidigitation
1st level (2/2): cure wounds, dissonant whispers, faerie fire, sleep

Bardic Inspiration: (2/2), long rest. Bonus action, choose one creature other than yourself within 60' who can hear you. d6 to an ability check, attack roll, or save w/i 10 min.

Bladed Scarf +4, 1d4+2, finesse, 10 ft reach
Dagger +4, 1d4+2, thrown, finesse, light, 20'

Acrobatics 4
Arcana 3
Insight 4
Investigation 3
Perception 4
Performance 4
Persuasion 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Stealth 4[/sblock]


[MENTION=11146]CanadienneBacon[/MENTION]: Girri find the entrance to the small prison with no problems. Inside is only a small office with a desk. Four small cells line an adjacent hallway. The door to one of the cells has suddenly burst into flames.
[MENTION=6829052]Wrex[/MENTION]: The swirling mist seems to close faster, and grow thicker.
[MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION]: The growing mist seems to be chasing you down your path. Up ahead, you notice two strangers lurking on the side of the path.
[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION], [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION]: You notice the fog growing in intensity behind the man as he approaches your position.
[MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION]: Someone is in the building! And your door is on fire. And there's a guy outside your window who seems a little upset with you. With an ax.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Identify yourself," shouts the halfling to the shape before him, as he holds his ground in the middle of the road.

Voidrunner's Codex

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