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D&D 5E Curse of Strahd - Death House


Mr. Aldershot can hear nothing but the sound of his own breathing, though if he concentrates on the mist long enough, he could swear it was beckoning to him as it surrounds the path on all sides, leaving visibility to only ten or twenty feet in any direction.

Girri leads the others from the burning building to find the the mist and the smoke have completely encapsulated the small town square. Their search for authorities leads to nothing but boarded up and abandoned buildings. The tall pine trees of the neighboring forest are silhouetted through the mist, which have lifted enough to reveal a dirt path leading into the woods.

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[section]Frustrated with the lack of people, Girri stormed through the square, looking here and there. When she spied the woods through the now heavy fog, she took off like a shot, calling for the others. "There's a dirt path, just here!" She pointed at the path, peering into the woods beyond but unable to see much. "Hallo? HALLLO?!" Girri called loudly into the woods. "Anyone there?" When the others joined her, she eyed the first to arrive and murmured with a shiver against the cold, "Where is everyone in this place?"[/section]

[sblock=Stats]Variant Human Bard 1
HP: 8/8
AC: 13
Initiative: +2
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Halfling (race), Vistari (background)
Passive Perception: +4

STR: 8 DEX: 15 CON: 10 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 15

Spell Save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Cantrips (2): light, prestidigitation
1st level (2/2): cure wounds, dissonant whispers, faerie fire, sleep

Bardic Inspiration: (2/2), long rest. Bonus action, choose one creature other than yourself within 60' who can hear you. d6 to an ability check, attack roll, or save w/i 10 min.

Bladed Scarf +4, 1d4+2, finesse, 10 ft reach
Dagger +4, 1d4+2, thrown, finesse, light, 20'

Acrobatics 4
Arcana 3
Insight 4
Investigation 3
Perception 4
Performance 4
Persuasion 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Stealth 4[/sblock]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Mr. Aldershot keeps his hand empty, but proceeds to explore. "I'l stay within range of my voice," he says, disappearing in the mist.

[section]"Hmmmmm?" Girri murmured at Farshid. "Rufus and I have been through a goodly section of this burg already, and not seen a living soul." Girri was careful with her word choice. "If shouting and hollering will bring someone--anyone--out of hiding, even a foe, it would go a long way toward dispelling my unease. I'm starting to think there is no one here but us." She cast a dark look behind her, in the direction of the town square. "Those buildings speak of people and life, but where have they all gone?" Girri stopped talking and eyed the path into the woods. She misliked the look of the trees, and so stayed put.[/section]

OOC: [roll0]. Does she see, hear, or sense anything?

[sblock=Stats]Variant Human Bard 1
HP: 8/8
AC: 13
Initiative: +2
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Halfling (race), Vistari (background)
Passive Perception: +4

STR: 8 DEX: 15 CON: 10 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 15

Spell Save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Cantrips (2): light, prestidigitation
1st level (2/2): cure wounds, dissonant whispers, faerie fire, sleep

Bardic Inspiration: (2/2), long rest. Bonus action, choose one creature other than yourself within 60' who can hear you. d6 to an ability check, attack roll, or save w/i 10 min.

Bladed Scarf +4, 1d4+2, finesse, 10 ft reach
Dagger +4, 1d4+2, thrown, finesse, light, 20'

Acrobatics 4
Arcana 3
Insight 4
Investigation 3
Perception 4
Performance 4
Persuasion 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Stealth 4[/sblock]


First Post
Rufus nodded at Girri. "She is right. At this point I'd take ambush of this desolation. Something has happened here. It cannot be coincidence we are here."

He let his guard down, but only slightly. If this Farshid had been planning an attack, he would have done something by now. He was not behind this. Something was wrong.

"If we three are here, there may be others, but they are not in that town."



Kasimir keeps up his steady trot moving down the trail until he comes to something worth investigating.

[sblock=Kasimir’s Stats]
CG Variant Human Barbarian 1
Init +1; Senses passive Perception 13
AC 13/14 (Unarmored Defense/Dual Wield); hp 14 (1d12+2)
Saves Strength +5, Constitution +4
Speed 30 ft

Str 16 (+3), Dex 13 (+1), Con 15 (+2), Int 8 (-1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10

Longsword +5 1d8+3 slashing
(bonus) Dual Wield - Handaxe +5 1d6 slashing
(bonus) Rage 2/2
Javelin +5 1d6+3 piercing; range (30/120)

Feats Dual Wielder
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidate +2, Perception +3, Stealth +3, Survival +3
Languages Common, Abyssal, Orc
Special Wanderer

Gear longsword, handaxe (x2), explorer’s pack, javelin (x4), staff, hunting trap (bear trap), trophy (wolf skin cloak), traveler’s clothes, belt pouch, wooden flute, 8 gp

Wild I rush in, where angels fear to tread. (Trait)
Rebel Your manners, your titles; they mean nothing when the dark comes for you. (Trait)
Abnegation Labourdine honor may be lost, but no else will fall to its curse while I still draw breath. (Ideal)
Outcast I let no one close. (Bond)
Secret I crave and fear the wild power of the Labourdine curse. (Flaw)



Wergil sticks closely to Kasimir, having no trouble matching his pace and sharing his desire to find someone who might know what is going on, or failing that, someone to beat up.

[sblock=status]Wergil hp 15/15
Str +0(+2 Saves) Dex +3, Con +3(+5 Saves), Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +0
Athletics +2, History +1, Perception +2, Persuasion +2, Survival +2
AC 18
Inspiration yes
Rages 2/2
HD: 1/1[/sblock]


Girri notices many pairs of eyes glowing from the borders of the mist near the town center, now nearly entirely cloaked by the mist. There are voices coming from further down the path leading into the woods.

Kasimir, Wergil, and Mr. Aldershot continue down the damp path. There are voices ahead.

[section]Girri felt the fine hairs on her arms and the back of her neck raise in fear. Unnerved, she backed up, away from the glowing eyes shining through the fog by the town square. Rufus, who'd moved forward to join Girri and Farshid, found his toes trod upon. "Oof! Sorry!" Girri shivered as she stepped on Rufus, her eyes glued to the fog. She didn't point, but she did murmur a quiet, "D'you two see all those eyes, just there, in the fog? Closer to the square?" She inclined her head the barest fraction of an inch toward the glowing eyes. A moment later, she heard voices. "Shhhhh!" she hushed, to no one in particular, swiveling her head to contemplate the dirt path. "Someone's out there. Down the path? Or is the fog doing strange things to sound?" Girri couldn't help but cast a look over her shoulder, back toward the town square. The noise seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere.[/section]

[sblock=Stats]Variant Human Bard 1
HP: 8/8
AC: 13
Initiative: +2
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Languages: Common, Halfling (race), Vistari (background)
Passive Perception: +4

STR: 8 DEX: 15 CON: 10 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 15

Spell Save DC: 12
Spell attack modifier: +4
Cantrips (2): light, prestidigitation
1st level (2/2): cure wounds, dissonant whispers, faerie fire, sleep

Bardic Inspiration: (2/2), long rest. Bonus action, choose one creature other than yourself within 60' who can hear you. d6 to an ability check, attack roll, or save w/i 10 min.

Bladed Scarf +4, 1d4+2, finesse, 10 ft reach
Dagger +4, 1d4+2, thrown, finesse, light, 20'

Acrobatics 4
Arcana 3
Insight 4
Investigation 3
Perception 4
Performance 4
Persuasion 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Stealth 4[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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