Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


Destiny Portfolio

Aspects: Fate

Opposed Portfolio: Luck

Examples: Ananke (Greek), Pharasma (PF)

Favored Animal: Any animal considered by the native culture to be auspicious

Favored Class: Inquisitor

Favored Place: Anywhere a single event has occured that affected hundreds if not thousands of people

Favored Sacrifice: Sheets with your previson for the future written on them

Favored Time: Anniversary of legendary deeds

Favored Weapon: Libra (reskin mace)

Portfolio Trial: Accomplish a great quest that was foretold

Prerequisites: Any non-chaotic alignment; Cannot possess the Luck portfolio

Symbol: Y (representing a crossroads)

Typical Quote: "You do not have just one destiny, but many. It is up to you choose who you will become."


Granted Power: You gain the ability to reroll one roll that you have just made before the game master declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. You can use this ability a number of time per day equal to your divine rank. This is an extraordinary ability.

1 Destiny Dissonance: Your dissonant touch sickens a foe.

2 Augury: Learns whether an action will be good or bad.

3 Fate Link: You link the fates of two targets.

4 Bestow Curse: -6 to an ability score; -4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.

5 Second Chance: Reroll one attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check.

6 Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature.

7 Moment of Prescience: You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.

8 Bestow Greater Curse: -12 to an ability score; -8 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 75% chance of losing each action.

9 Master Destiny: As second chance except you can reroll one roll per round and keep the better of the two results.


You create a kingdom of absolute order, in which everything moves according to pre-established patterns, like a clock.

Hazards: There are no intrinsic hazards in such realms, however, there is a risk of being trapped in the internal mechanisms of the plan and never being able to leave it again.

Inhabitants: Creatures intrinsically linked to the concept of destiny, such as the Norn, will be attracted to these realms.

Destiny Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: The immortal’s manifestation appears cold and statuesque like a statue.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Demeanor: These deities are imperturbable towards the world, often with behaviors incomprehensible to those who do not understand the delicate mechanism of fate.

Destiny Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s manifestation seems emotionless, like a construct.

Demeanor: Such immortals’ imperturbability is led to excess.

(Single) Destiny Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment (Chaos)
Use any destiny destiny spell as spell-like ability
You cannot benefit from luck bonuses.
Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while within a chaos aligned environment

Always Active
Serendipty (Su)​
You do not treat the roll of a “1” on a d20 as an automatic failure​
Always Active​
Destiny's Hand (Ex)​
Once per round you can add your divine rank as bonus to any die roll you make​
Always Active​
Lord of the Chosen (Ex)​
Creatures you summon add your divine rank as an insight bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.​
Always Active​
Hand of Fate (Su)​
You can ignore ½ an opponent’s Luck bonuses​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Divine [Effect] (Su)​
Punish enemies with divine energy​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Divine Mastery (Su)​
Punish enemies with divine energy​
Greater Deity​
Quixotic (Su)​
You can choose to reroll each of your die rolls once​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Destiny Messiah (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Luck)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by creatures bound by destiny*
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Rune of Destiny (Su)​
Allies in your divine aura always use the best possible die rolls​
Always Active​
*creatures bound by destiny are those creatures under an effect which dictates a specific course of action or result like geas/quest

(Double) Destiny Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment (Chaos)
Use two destiny domain spell as spell-like abilities each round
You cannot benefit from luck bonuses.
Competence penalty (equal to double your divine rank) on all die rolls while within a chaos aligned environment (excluding yourself)

Always Active
Mirror of Fate (Su)​
Foes within your divine do not treat the roll of a “20” as an automatic success​
Always Active​
Destiny’s Champion (Ex)​
Once per round you can add twice your divine rank as bonus to any die roll​
Prince of the Chosen (Ex)​
Creatures you summon add twice your divine rank as an insight bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks​
Always Active​
Avatar of Fate (Su)​
You can ignore an opponent’s Luck bonuses​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Divine [Effect] (x2 HD) (Su)​
Punish enemies with divine energy​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Su)​
Punish enemies with divine energy​
Greater Deity​
Favored Soul​
50% chance that day of gaining regeneration equal to your HD​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Inner Eye (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Luck)
You always use the best possible die rolls
Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Weaver of Destiny​
Enemies must make two saves against your attacks and take the worst result​
Always Active​
First One​
Evil Eye​
Enemies within your divine aura use the worst possible die rolls​
Always Active​
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Hunefer Template

Hunefers are the mummies of demigods whose power has not utterly departed to astral realms.

Hunefers are withered and desiccated. Their features are hidden beneath ages-old funerary windings. They move with unbelievable celerity, quickly and efficiently defending their resting places. Most hunefers are inscribed with the symbols and pictured idols that were once important to the demigod mummy.

Hunefers seek always to recapture their godly essence, though the separation of flesh (the hunefer) and spirit (isles in the astral realm) is remarkably difficult to bridge—the hunefer effectively an altogether different being, who is driven by the corpse memories of its body of past power, though destined to never possess it. Should a dead god rise from its grave in the Astral Plane, the cast-off flesh of a hunefer is likely forgotten, and no better (or worse) off than before, except for its undying rage at being left behind.

“Hunefer” is a template that can be added to any character that has been a Demi-God or higher and who subsequently died.

Alignment: Any evil alignment.

Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented). Do not recalculate its base attack bonus, saves, or skill ranks.

Divine Template: A Hunefer lose the divine template.

Hit Dice: The HD of a Hunefer remain the same (maximized, d20, d100, etc.).

Aura: A Hunefer lose the divine aura and gains the following aura.

Great Despair Aura (Su)
All creatures within a 120-foot radius that see a Hunefer must succeed at a Will saving throw or be paralyzed with fear for 2d4 rounds, then shaken for the following 1d4 rounds. Whether or not the saving throw is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same Hunefer’s great despair aura ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting paralysis and fear affect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Senses: A Hunefer keeps the bonus of divine sense and cosmic consciousness (if any) plus darkvision 60 ft. x divine sense and blindsight 300 ft.

Armor Class: A Hunefer increase any previous natural armor bonuses by +20, gains +10 insight bonus, and gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier.

Speed: Same as the base immortal.

Integrated Class Feature: The Hunefer maintain any integrated class feature.

Spell Like Abilities: The Hunefer loses any spell like abilities they may have gained from any level of divinity they may have once had, this applies to any portfolio spell like ability as well. A Hunefer gain the following spell-like abilities (CL=HD)

At will– chain lightning, displacement, haste, knock, greater dispel magic, passwall, scrying, teleport without error, true seeing, unholy aura, weird;

1/day–ruin [E].

Defensive Abilities: A Hunefer lose the immunities given by the divine template. A Hunefer, in addition to the immunities granted by its undead traits and defensive abilities of the base creature, gains the following defensive ability.

Channel Resistance (Ex)
A Hunefer increase his channel resistance to equal his HD.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
A Hunefer maintain any DR from the his former divine template and increase this damage reduction to /–.

Hatred (Su)
A Hunefer gains a profane bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Fast Healing (Ex)
A Hunefer gain fast healing 30 or increase any fast healing of 25, whichever give an higher result.

Resistant to Blows (Ex)
Physical attacks deal only half damage to Hunefers. Apply this effect before damage reduction.

Rejuvenation (Su)
One day after a Hunefer is destroyed, the necromantic energies that created the abomination begin to rebuild its body. This process takes 1d4 days. If the body is destroyed before that time passes, the process starts anew. After this time, the Hunefer awakens fully healed in its tomb. To permanently destroy a Hunefer, it must be destroyed and then its remains must be targeted by consecrate, hallow, and then dispel evil, all cast with a slot of 10th level or higher, cast in consecutive rounds and in that order.

Spell Resistance (Ex)
A Hunefer gains SR 15 + HD.

Weakness: A Hunefer gains vulnerability to fire.

Melee: A Hunefer gains 2 slam attack that deals 4d6 damage (Medium-size) if it didn't already have they. Those hit by a Hunefer’s slam attack also run the risk of succumbing to insidious hunefer rot (see Special Attacks below).

Special Attacks: A Hunefer has all of the base creature’s special attacks. It also has the following special attacks.

Channel Rot (Su)
A Hunefer can deliver its hunefer rot through melee weapon attacks, its slam attack, and any natural attacks it possesses.

Divine Abilities
A Hunefer lose all its divine ability.

Divine Artifacts
A Hunefer loses it's ability to summon any divine artifact is may have once had, those artifacts now also can be permanently destroyed if disjoined. The Hunefer may still use it's old gear, but that gear can be taken, stolen, destroyed or sundered like any normal artifact.

Hunefer Rot (Su)
Curse and disease—slam; save Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 the Hunefer’s Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier; onset 1 round; frequency 1/round; effect 1d6 Constitution and 1d6 Charisma damage; cure —. Hunefer rot is both a curse and disease, and can be cured only by first removing the curse and then curing the disease. Even after the curse element of hunefer rot is lifted, a creature suffering from it cannot recover naturally over time. Anyone casting a conjuration (healing) spell on the afflicted creature must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 11 + the Hunefer’s HD), or the spell is wasted and the healing has no effect. An afflicted creature that dies shrivels away into sand unless both remove disease and raise dead (or better) are cast on the remains within 2 rounds. If the remains are not so treated, on the third round the dust swirls and reform the dead character with the dread mummy template (Advanced Bestiary) under the hunefer's command.

A Hunefer loses all access to any Divine Portfolio it may have had including all spell like abilities, all immunities, and any granted power including the ability to grant spells or any ability to tap quintessence from worshippers.

Sandstorm Wrath (Su)
A number of time per day equal to its former divine rank, as a standard action, a Hunefer can exhale a blast of superheated sand in a 120-foot cone. The blast deals 4d8 points of fire and slashing damage for every 3 Hit Dice a Hunefer possesses. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.

Creatures that fail this save are also blinded.

Undead Empire (Su)
As a standard action, a Hunefer can attempt to bend any undead creature within 50 feet to its will. The targeted undead must succeed at a Will save or fall under the Hunefer’s control (the save DC is Charisma-based).

An undead with an Intelligence score is allowed an additional save every day to break free of the Hunefer’s control; for undead without an Intelligence score, the control is permanent. A creature that succeeds at its Will save cannot be affected again by the same Hunefer’s undead mastery for 24 hours. A Hunefer can control 12 Hit Dice of undead creatures for every Hit Die it has.

If the Hunefer exceeds this limit, any excess undead from earlier uses of this ability become uncontrolled, as per animate dead. If another creature is currently controlling an undead that fails its save against undead mastery, the Hunefer must roll an opposed Charisma check against the current controller. If the Hunefer succeeds, it wrests away control of the undead. Otherwise, the Hunefer’s undead mastery attempt has no effect.

Special Qualities
A Hunefer has all of the base creature’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Might (Ex)
A Hunefer maintain the might.

Mythic (Ex)
A Hunefer has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. A hunefer can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. If the hunefer is already mythic (like wizard 60/archmage 8), this pool of mythic power is apart and cannot be used for activate mythic path abilities (like the wild arcana path ability) and the hunefer is considered 10th-rank or his other rank/tier, whichever of the two is higher. If his other rank/tier is higher, this pool improved: this pool can be used a number of time per day equal to his rank/tier and the surge increase as appropriate for the rank/tier.

Only Flesh (Ex)
A Hunefer is generated when the spirit of an immortal and his body separate. Having no soul, a Hunefer is immune to all effects targeting a soul such as trap the soul, soul bind, etc., or the Spiritsense sense of Psychopomps. It cannot undergo effects that "free" a soul from the flesh such as Astral Projection.

Polyglot (Su)
Hunefers speak all spoken languages, though it takes one 1d4 rounds to switch between languages, as it digs through its memories.

Ability Scores: The Hunefer lost the base bonus to ability scores given by the divine template. The Hunefer gain Str +30, Dex +20, Int +10, Wis +10, Cha +20. As an undead creature, a Hunefer has no Constitution score.

Skills: The Hunefer lost the divine bonus to skills given by the divine template. A Hunefer gains a +20 racial bonus on Intimidate, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. It always treats Climb, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Stealth as class skills. Otherwise, its skills are the same as those of the base creature.

Epic Feats: A Hunefer gain Improved Combat Reflexes, Sixth Sense, and Superior Initiative as bonus epic feats without need to meet their prerequisite.


Master of the Flesh (Ex) [Cosmic Ability]
Prerequisites: Undead Type.

Benefit: You gain the Hunefer template adjusted as below.

Alignment: Any evil alignment.

Divine Template: The Hunefer does not lose the divine template if it gains the template with the Master of the Flesh cosmic ability.

Aura: A Hunefer gains the following aura.

Great Despair Aura (Su)
All creatures within a 120-foot radius that see a Hunefer must succeed at a Will saving throw or be paralyzed with fear for 2d4 rounds, then shaken for the following 1d4 rounds. Whether or not the saving throw is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same Hunefer’s great despair aura ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting paralysis and fear affect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Senses: A Hunefer gains darkvision 60 ft. x divine sense and blindsight 300 ft.

Armor Class: A Hunefer increase any previous natural armor bonuses by +20, and gains +10 insight bonus to AC.

Spell Like Abilities: A Hunefer gain the following spell-like abilities (CL=HD+Divine Rank)

At will– chain lightning, displacement, haste, knock, greater dispel magic, passwall, scrying, teleport without error, true seeing, unholy aura, weird;

1/day–ruin [E].

Defensive Abilities: A Hunefer, in addition to the immunities granted by its undead traits and defensive abilities of the base creature, gains the following defensive ability.

Channel Resistance (Ex)
A Hunefer increase his channel resistance to equal his HD.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
A Hunefer increase his damage reduction to /–.

Hatred (Su)
A Hunefer gains a profane bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Fast Healing (Ex)
A Hunefer gain fast healing 30 or increase any fast healing of 25, whichever give an higher result.

Resistant to Blows (Ex)
Physical attacks deal only half damage to Hunefers. Apply this effect before damage reduction.

Rejuvenation (Su)
One day after a Hunefer is destroyed, the necromantic energies that created the abomination begin to rebuild its body. This process takes 1d4 days. If the body is destroyed before that time passes, the process starts anew. After this time, the Hunefer awakens fully healed in its tomb. To permanently destroy a Hunefer, it must be destroyed and then its remains must be targeted by consecrate, hallow, and then dispel evil, all cast with a slot of 10th level or higher, cast in consecutive rounds and in that order.

Spell Resistance (Ex)
A Hunefer gains SR 15 + HD.

Weakness: A Hunefer gains vulnerability to fire.

Melee: A Hunefer gains 2 slam attack that deals 4d6 damage (Medium-size) if it didn't already have they. Those hit by a Hunefer’s slam attack also run the risk of succumbing to insidious hunefer rot (see Special Attacks below).

Special Attacks: A Hunefer has all of the base creature’s special attacks. It also has the following special attacks.

Channel Rot (Su)
A Hunefer can deliver its hunefer rot through melee weapon attacks, its slam attack, and any natural attacks it possesses.

Hunefer Rot (Su)
Curse and disease—slam; save Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 the Hunefer’s Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier; onset 1 round; frequency 1/round; effect 1d6 Constitution and 1d6 Charisma damage; cure —. Hunefer rot is both a curse and disease, and can be cured only by first removing the curse and then curing the disease. Even after the curse element of hunefer rot is lifted, a creature suffering from it cannot recover naturally over time. Anyone casting a conjuration (healing) spell on the afflicted creature must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 11 + the Hunefer’s HD), or the spell is wasted and the healing has no effect. An afflicted creature that dies shrivels away into sand unless both remove disease and raise dead (or better) are cast on the remains within 2 rounds. If the remains are not so treated, on the third round the dust swirls and reform the dead character with the dread mummy template (Advanced Bestiary) under the hunefer's command.

Sandstorm Wrath (Su)
A number of time per day equal to its divine rank, as a standard action, a Hunefer can exhale a blast of superheated sand in a 120-foot cone. The blast deals 4d8 points of fire and slashing damage for every 3 Hit Dice a Hunefer possesses. A successful Reflex save halves this damage.

Creatures that fail this save are also blinded.

Undead Empire (Su)
As a standard action, a Hunefer can attempt to bend any undead creature within 50 feet to its will. The targeted undead must succeed at a Will save or fall under the Hunefer’s control (the save DC is Charisma-based).

An undead with an Intelligence score is allowed an additional save every day to break free of the Hunefer’s control; for undead without an Intelligence score, the control is permanent. A creature that succeeds at its Will save cannot be affected again by the same Hunefer’s undead mastery for 24 hours. A Hunefer can control 12 Hit Dice of undead creatures for every Hit Die it has.

If the Hunefer exceeds this limit, any excess undead from earlier uses of this ability become uncontrolled, as per animate dead. If another creature is currently controlling an undead that fails its save against undead mastery, the Hunefer must roll an opposed Charisma check against the current controller. If the Hunefer succeeds, it wrests away control of the undead. Otherwise, the Hunefer’s undead mastery attempt has no effect.

Special Qualities
A Hunefer has all of the base creature’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Only Flesh (Ex)
A Hunefer is generated when the spirit of an immortal and his body separate. Having no soul, a Hunefer is immune to all effects targeting a soul such as trap the soul, soul bind, etc., or the Spiritsense sense of Psychopomps. It cannot undergo effects that "free" a soul from the flesh such as Astral Projection.

Polyglot (Su)
Hunefers speak all spoken languages, though it takes one 1d4 rounds to switch between languages, as it digs through its memories.

Ability Scores: The Hunefer gain Str +30, Dex +20, Int +10, Wis +10, Cha +20. As an undead creature, a Hunefer has no Constitution score.

Skills: A Hunefer gains a +20 racial bonus on Intimidate, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. It always treats Climb, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Stealth as class skills. Otherwise, its skills are the same as those of the base creature.

Epic Feats: A Hunefer gain Improved Combat Reflexes, Sixth Sense, and Superior Initiative as bonus epic feats without need to meet their prerequisite


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Deicide Portfolio

Aspects: Blasphemy, Sacrilege, Abomination, Anathema, Execration

Opposed Portfolio: All

Examples: XXXXXX

Favored Animal: Raccoon

Favored Class: Godslayer

Favored Place: A Ruined Temple

Favored Sacrifice: An Immortal

Favored Time: The First Moment of Dawn

Favored Weapon: Any

Portfolio Trial: You must kill an Immortal in single combat

Prerequisites: Must not have a divine template (but can have a divine rank)

Symbol: Any

Typical Quote: “I am death, the death of all gods!”


Granted Power: Once per day per divine rank, you may use Smite Immortal.
*Smite Immortal (Su)
A deicide can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies. As a swift action, the deicide chooses one target within sight to smite. If this target is an Immortal, the deicide gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his HD plus his opponent's Divine Rank**, deals extra damage or permanent damage (deicide choice) on his Damage Rolls equal to double his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank against the Immortal and attacks automatically bypass any DR the Immortal might possess. In addition, while smite immortal is in effect, the deicide gains an insight bonus equal to double his opponent's Divine Rank to his AC and saving throw against attacks and ability made by the target of the smite. If the deicide targets a creature that was not an Immortals, the smite is wasted with no effect. The smite immortal effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the deicide rests and regains his use of this ability. This ability count as smite for prerequisite of feat and ability (like the Perfect Smite Cosmic Ability). If the Immortal target of the smite immortal has at least 49 divine rank, the base smite immortal damage (before apply superior and perfect smiting) increase to his HD x his opponent's Divine Rank x 100.

** for calculate the divine rank of Immortal without divine rank like Cogent or Cometary Dragon, use his equivalent bonus to AC (ex: a Cogent a rank 16, while an Old Cometary Dragon a rank 44).

1 Doom: One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.

2 Undetectable Alignment: Conceals alignment for 24 hours.

3 Nondetection: Hides subject from divination, scrying.

4 Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional movement.

5 Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane.

6 Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft.

7 Destruction: Kills subject and destroys remains.

8 Trap the Soul: Imprisons subject within gem.

9 Gate: Connects two planes for travel or summoning.


The realm of an entity with the Deicide Portfolio is constructed on the ruins of divine structures, temples, churches, and holy sites. The bodies of priests, prophets, heralds, disciples, and divine servants litter the ground. The Immortal’s stronghold is constructed of the bodies of other, slain divinities.

Hazards: All creatures with divine rank within a Deicide-aspected realm take damage equal to their Divine Bonus each round.

Inhabitants: A Deicide-aspected realm is inhabited by all manner of god-defying creatures, including Defiants, Ur-Priests, Godslayers, Infernals, Umbrals, and even Untrammeled Titans of Oblivion.

Deicide Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: An entity with the single Deicide Portfolio appears covered in tattoos, brands, and icons of occult, blasphemous imagery.

Demeanor: Entities with the Deicide Portfolio are either icily collected, possessed by a vicious, frozen hatred for all things divine, or a raging inferno of rapturous unholiness.

Deicide Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Entities with the double Deicide Portfolio are afflicted with a host of horrifying physical deformities, appearing as though they have been cursed by every god in existence. (Note: this is a purely cosmetic effect)

Demeanor: Entities with the double Deicide Portfolio are utterly obsessed with God-slaughter. Their eyes perpetually focus into the horizon, as if they are lustily searching the heavens for potential victims.

*Because the entity cannot have a Divine Template, use the creature Divine Rank (or equivalent, like the Perfection bonus for Hyperboreans) for calculate when they gain the powers (7 rank for Lesser Deity, 13 for Greater Deity, 33 for First One, etc.)

(Single) Deicide Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Obsessed (Weakness)
Use any deicide domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura

You become infamous across the pantheon, becoming a target for assassinations attempts by powerful divine servants or adventuring parties

Always Active
Pernicious Armor (Su)​
You are immune to Divine Damage​
Always Active​
Scion of Godslaughter (Ex)​
You gain your most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks​
Always Active​
Profane Ritual (Ex)​
All summoned allies cannot be Banished​
Always Active​
Antidivinity (Su)​
All Divine Damage you do is treated as Antidivine Damage, which deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers)​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Divine [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with divine energy​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Divine Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with divine energy​
Greater Deity​
Fundament of Sacrilege (Ex)​
You gain Regeneration equal to the total Divine Bonus of all foes in your Divine Aura​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Nemesis (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Soul Object)
You treat all Immortals as the Favored Enemy of a ranger equal to your HD, multiplying the bonus tenfold
One soul object in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Diabolism (Su)​
Divine Magic (and magic of Immortals) does not function in your Divine Aura​
Always Active​

(Double) Deicide Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Lunatic’s Atheism (Weakness)
Use two deicide domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to double your divine rank for one month if you ever retreat the battlefield so long as a single enemy Immortal remains alive within your Divine Aura

Immortals target you above all others in combat

Always Active
Pernicious Ascendency (Su)​
You are healed by Divine Damage​
Always Active​
Greater Scion of Godslaughter (Ex)​
You gain your two most powerful opponent’s in your Divine Aura Divine Bonus to Armor Class, Attacks, Damage, Saves, and Checks​
Always Active​
Execration Ritual (Ex)​
All summoned allies maximize all die rolls if there is an Immortal within your Divine Aura​
Always Active​
Vile Divinity (Su)​
All Antidivine Damage you do is considered Permanent Damage​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Divine [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with divine energy​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Divine Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with divine energy​
Greater Deity​
Font of Perdition (Ex)​
All Immortals within your Divine Aura take damage equal to the combined total of the Divine Bonus of all Immortals within your Divine Aura (including your own) every round​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Divine Nullification (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Soul Object)
All Immortals within your Divine Aura lose access to their Divine Abilities
Two soul object in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Devourer (Su)​
Immortals you slay are permanently destroyed as if slain in their Divine Realm​
Always Active​
First One​
Omega (Su)​
All Immortals within your Divine Aura with divine rank lower than yours lose their Divine template (but still count as Immortal with their Divine Rank for your ability)​
Always Active​


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Pollution Portfolio

Aspects: Contamination, Foul, Nasty

Opposed Portfolio: Nature

Examples: XXX

Favored Animal: Nuckelavee (spread pollution instead of punish it)

Favored Class: Druid (Blight or Swarm Monger archetype) or Kineticist (Technokinesis)

Favored Place: Highly polluted areas

Favored Sacrifice: Fresh nature object to contaminate

Favored Time: During acid rain

Favored Weapon: Syringe spear

Portfolio Trial: Contaminate and make an area of 100 square miles unlivable for at least 100 years (unless outside intervention)

Prerequisites: Evil alignment

Symbol: Chimneys that throw out smog or barrel from which contaminating liquids drip

Typical Quote: "You'll love my toxic love."


Granted Power: You are immune to the natural pollution and to the magical pollution generated by a deity up to one grade higher than you (Hero-deity, Quasideity, Demideity, etc.).

1 Air Bubble: Creates a small pocket of air around your head or an object.

2 Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision.

3 Aggravate Affliction: All recurring afflictions possessed by the targeted creature immediately trigger, requiring an immediate saving throw to avoid suffering their effects.

4 Poisonous Balm: As cure serious wounds, but leave behind a latent venom.

5 Cloudkill: Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.

6 Overwhelming Poison: Make a poison more difficult to resist.

7 Blood Mist: Mist causes Wisdom damage and rage.

8 Supreme Curse Terrain: Curse an area with seven deadly hazards.

9 Storm of Vengeance: Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.


You create a polluted kingdom in which filthy and disgusting are the masters. The sky is not visible because it is covered by smog, the rivers are contaminated and unlivable and the earth exudes disease.

Hazards: For each hour spent in this realm, creatures must make a Fortitude saving throw with DC equal to 20 + divine rank of the Immortal or take 1d4 points of damage to a random ability score. This is a poison effect.

Inhabitants: Creatures that live in contaminated places, such as the Nuckelavee or Fungus Queen will be attracted to these realms.

Pollution Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: Part of the immortal looks like made of petroleum or other pollutants.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Demeanor: The immortal is slimy and malevolent but extremely tempting, looking extremely beautiful physically.

Pollution Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s entire manifestation looks like made of petroleum or other pollutants.

Demeanor: Same as the single portfolio except it is even more beautiful but as soon as it loses its patience or begins to fight its physical form loses any beauty and becomes a revolting horror.

(Single) Pollution Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment (Nature)(Ex)
Sterility (Ex)
Use any pollution domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while in a non-polluted natural terrain

You cannot produce offspring, even magically

Always Active
Pollution Ward (Su)​
You are immune to poison​
Always Active​
Pollution Born (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class while in a polluted terrain​
Always Active​
Pollution Brethren (Ex)​
Aberration and Vermin creatures you summon have 50% more HD​
Always Active​
Instrument of the Pollution (Su)​
50% chance to ignore an opponent’s poison immunity​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Poisonous [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poison based attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Poisonous Mastery [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poison based attacks​
Greater Deity​
Polluted Blooded (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to half your HD while in a polluted terrain​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Messiah of Pollution (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Nature)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by pollution creatures of a lower divine status
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Symbol of the Pollutin (Su)​
Spells/effects that enhance the nature cease to function in your divine realm​
Always Active​

(Double) Pollution Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment (Nature)(Ex)
Sterility (Ex)
Use two pollution domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty (equal to double your divine rank) on all die rolls while in a non-polluted natural terrain

You cannot produce offspring, even magically

Always Active
Poisonous Blood (Su)​
You gain the poisonous blood ability (see Poisonous [Effect])​
Always Active​
Champion of the Pollution (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to double divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class while in a polluted terrain​
Always Active​
Child of the Pollution (Ex)​
Aberration and Vermin creatures you summon have 200% more HD​
Always Active​
Embodiment of the Pollution (Su)​
You totally ignore an opponent’s poison immunity​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Poisonous [Effect] (X2 HD) (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poison based attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Poisonous Mastery [Effect] (X2 HD) (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poison based attacks​
Greater Deity​
Polluted Soul (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD while in a polluted terrain​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Lord of the Pollution (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Nature)
Dominate any polluted creatures of a lower divine rank within your divine aura/realm
Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Architect of the Pollution (Su)​
Your hit points are doubled while standing upon a polluted terrain​
First One​
Transgenic (Ex)​
You become immune to whatever subsequently destroyed your manifestation​


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Desert Portfolio

Aspects: Aridity, Heat of the day, Cold of the night

Opposed Portfolio: Sea

Examples: Seth (Egypt)

Favored Animal: Camels, Meerkat, Jackal

Favored Class: Druid

Favored Place: Desert

Favored Sacrifice: Water

Favored Time: Summer solstice

Favored Weapon: Wood stack

Portfolio Trial: Survive in the desert for 1 year without help or magical means

Prerequisites: -

Symbol: Sun or moon over the dunes

Typical Quote: "The desert can give, but it can also take."


Granted Power: You cannot be tracked in desert, suffer no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics or Stealth checks when moving through sandy or desert terrain, are immune to the blinding and dazzling effect of the desert and to the damage of natural sandstorm, and you ignore the effects of a hot climate as if using endure elements (and cold climate, but only the night of the desert). You also have a reduced need to eat and drink, as if wearing a ring of sustenance (though normal sleep is still required). Additionally, you can see perfectly well in sandstorms, regardless of whether they are natural or supernatural (like a scouring winds spell), and do not take penalties on Perception checks when in sandstorm conditions, as well as concealment due to sand.

1 Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.

2 Soften Earth and Stone: Turns stone to clay, or dirt to sand or mud.

3 Shifting Sand: Creates difficult terrain and erases tracks, can carry along some creatures and objects.

4 Dust Form: You become an incorporeal creature of dust for a short period of time.

5 Control Weather (as a druid and in desert only): Changes weather in local area.

6 Wind Walk: You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.

7 Scouring Winds: Winds block vision and deal 3d6 damage per round.

8 Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.

9 Sea of Dust: Permanently drive water out of a region to create a desert.

You create a desert kingdom in which only the creatures most resistant to heat and thirst can resist.

Hazards: The hazards are the same as those found in a normal desert (Desert Terrain – d20PFSRD). Those venturing in these realms must make a Survival check every hour (DC 20 + divine rank of the immortal’s + 1d20) or get lost instead of the normal Survival in a desert.

Inhabitants: Desert creatures, such as the Genie, Girtablilu or the Jackalwere will be attracted to these realms.

Desert Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: Part of the immortal looks like made of sand or like a desert creature.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Demeanor: The immortal can go from calm like a warm day to aggressive like a sandstorm with few words or poorly thought out actions.

Desert Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s entire manifestation looks like made of sand or like a desert creature.

Demeanor: Same as the single portfolio except it takes little or nothing to make him aggressive.

(Single) Desert Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment (Sea)(Ex)
Sterility (Ex)
Use any desert domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while underwater

You cannot produce offspring, even magically

Always Active
Desert Ward (Su)​
You gain cold and fire resistance equal to ¼ your HD​
Always Active​
Desert Born (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class while in a sandy or desert terrain​
Always Active​
Desert Brethren (Ex)​
Desert creatures you summon have 50% more HD​
Always Active​
Instrument of the Desert (Su)​
Your cold or fire* damage is treated as 50% divine damage​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Flaywind [Effect] (Su)**​
Assault your enemies with flaywind attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Flaywind Mastery [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with flaywind attacks​
Greater Deity​
Heart of the Desert (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to half your HD while in a sandy or desert terrain​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Messiah of Desert (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Sea)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by desert creatures of a lower divine status
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability

Always Active
Old One​
Symbol of the Desert (Su)​
Water based spells/effects (except of the Desert Portfolio) cease to function in your divine realm​
Always Active​
*pick cold (night) or fire (day) when first you gain this template. This cannot be changed later except with the help of a higher ranking Deity with the Desert Portfolio that has the element you want to get.

**As Wind [Effect] except the Wind itself is lesser powerful but transport sand that inflict damage: you use ½ HD for calculate the strength of the Wind [Effect] but inflict 1d6/HD (you do not use ½ HD like for the Wind for this damage) half cold/fire and half slashing (based on what you chose with Instrument of the Desert)

(Double) Desert Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment (Sea)(Ex)
Sterility (Ex)
Use two desert domain spell as spell-like ability
Competence penalty (equal to double your divine rank) on all die rolls while underwater

You cannot produce offspring, even magically

Always Active
Desert Shield (Su)​
You gain cold and fire resistance equal to ½ your HD​
Always Active​
Champion of the Desert (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to double your divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class while in a sandy or desert terrain​
Always Active​
Child of the Desert (Ex)​
Desert creatures you summon have 200% more HD​
Always Active​
Embodiment of the Desert (Su)​
Your cold or fire damage is treated as 100% divine damage​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Flaywind [Effect] (x2 HD) (Su)​
Assault your enemies with flaywind attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Flaywind Mastery [Effect] (x2 HD) (Su)​
Assault your enemies with flaywind attacks​
Greater Deity​
Desert Soul (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD while in a sandy or desert terrain​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Lord of Desert (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Sea)
Dominate any desert creatures of a lower divine rank within your divine aura/realm
Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Architect of the Desert (Su)​
Your hit points are doubled while standing upon sandy or desert terrain​
First One​
At One with the Desert (Su)​
You can create/delete deserts throughout the universe​

The terrible flaywind is feared throughout the planes. It propels sand with such velocity that it reduces a living creature to bare bones within hours, and exposed bone to fine powder in a matter of days. Minethys, the third layer of Carceri, is constantly scoured by flaywinds. A flaywind might exist on its own or as the sinister core of a larger sandstorm. The storm typically lasts 1d4×10 hours, but some flaywinds of legend have lasted for days. The strength of flaywinds can vary. However, one is always of at least sandstorm grade. A creature caught in a flaywind, or any object with hardness less than 5, takes 1d4 points of lethal slashing damage per round instead of the nonlethal damage dealt by a Material Plane sandstorm. Wearing heavy clothing (or any form of armor) reduces the damage to 1d3 points per round, but it cannot protect entirely from the abrasion. A barricade or enclosed space is the only sure protection. Inhabitants of regions scourged by flaywinds have developed a special garment to block the stinging grit, but it is a hazard of its own in the stifling heat of most waste environments, imposing a –6 penalty on Fortitude saves to avoid succumbing to heat instead of the normal –4 for heavy clothing. This garment cost 1.200 gp and weight 55 pounds.

Necrotic Flaywinds: When a flaywind arises in an area of black sand (see below), the storm is known as a necrotic flay wind. A creature killed by such a storm is reduced to bone, which the negative energy of the black sand then animates into a skeleton (use the skeleton template). When a necrotic flaywind passes on, it might leave behind armies of skeletal beings.

Avoiding Flaywinds: In general, creatures in an area about to be struck by a flaywind are entitled to DC 20 Survival checks to detect the approaching danger 1 minute before it strikes. This might not be enough time to get out of the storm’s path, but it could provide an opportunity to seek shelter or make other preparations.

Mundane volcanic lands sometimes feature black sand composed of ground-up cinders. Other than its striking color, such sand is no different from any other. However, magical black sand is a vile peril, whether on the scoured surface of Geb or in other lands cursed by necromantic magic. Black sand is infused with negative energy. A region of black sand literally swallows light; magical darkness rises to a height of 20 feet over the surface. Nothing short of a sunburst spell can disperse this darkness, and even then only for a period of 1 hour per caster level. In addition, creatures that come in direct contact with the sand without heavy garment for protection take 1d4 points of damage per round from negative energy. Upon reaching 0 hit points, they crumble and join the black sand.

Inspired by this old post Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


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So, I mentioned an idea for this on the previous page, and thought I would post it here

Divine Ability: Divine Telepathy (su)
Prerequisites: divine aura, 40 Cha
Benefit: You can use telepathy with a range equal to the radius of your divine aura, or the limits of your sight/perception, whichever is further. When in your godly realm, your telepathy range is always at least equal to the radius of the realm

I know Beefermatic pointed out gods can cast sending at will, but that doesn't seem as good as actual telepathy to me since you can only send up to 25 words per casting.
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