Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

Is he the same person as Vlad The Impaler from real life?
He has a very similar appearance. (I based his appearance off of Gabriel Belmont/Dracula from Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2). In the novel I'm writing, he is one of the children of the former Duad that split itself apart. Those pieces became the equivalent of First Ones, of which Vlad is one of. The Welkin Template is on the 2nd page of the forum, titled Nosferatu and Wlekin template.
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Here is roughly what he looks like, except he has 40 arms like some Hindu deities:


Spider Portfolio

Aspects: Types of Spiders

Opposed Portfolio: Fire

Examples: Anansi (African), Lolth (D&D)

Favored Animal: Spider (natural)

Favored Class: Rogue

Favored Place: Abandoned building

Favored Sacrifice: Helpless creature

Favored Time: Night

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Portfolio Trial: Trapping your worst enemy in a web of deceptions and lies, only to finish him off when he can no longer defend himself

Prerequisites: -

Symbol: Webs

Typical Quote: "The most dangerous webs are the ones you don't see."


Granted Power: You gain a primary natural bite attack that deals 1d6 plus your Str modifier (for a Medium size). You gain a climb speed of 30 ft. or your base higher between your movement speeds, whichever is higher. You gain the Web universal monster ability and you can throw a web and create sheets of sticky webbing an additional number of times per day equal to double your divine rank (the DC of Perception check for notice your sheets of sticky webbing increase to 20 + double your divine rank; or 40 + quadruple your divine rank for the double portfolio). You can move freely in natural webs and in magica webs generated by a deity up to one grade higher than you (Hero-deity, Quasideity, Demideity, etc.).

1 Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.

2 Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.

3 Web: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can grapple foes and impair movement.

4 Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally despite impediments to movement.

5 Giant Vermin: Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into giant vermin (spider only).

6 Mislead: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.

7 Creeping Doom: Swarms of centipedes attack at your command (reskined into spiders).

8 Trap the Soul: Imprisons subject within gem.

9 Microcosm: Creature or creature lives forevermore in world of his own imagination.


You create a spider kingdom in which everything is covered with webs and only the best creatures manage to survive in the struggle for survival.

Hazards: The whole realm is covered with webs and every hour the non-natives must make a Reflex save (DC 20 + divine rank of the immortal's + 1d20) or be trapped by a web that they have not noticed. If they get trapped they can break free as a full-roun action with an Escape Artist check or CMB check (same DC as the Reflex save). The problem is not so much being trapped in the web as that the predators of this realm sense that someone has been trapped and swarm over their prey en masse.

Inhabitants: Spiders and spider-like creatures will be attracted to these realms.

Spider Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: The Immortal shows traits of spiders: multiple eyes, spider legs on its back (like a Jorogumo), has a spider abdomen (like a Drider), etc.

Behavior: The immortal behaves in an almost lazy manner, making his moves only when he is sure of getting what he wants.

Spider Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: The Immortal is a giant spider with some traits of its original race (this is only a reskin, no real change to abilities [like the use of hands, or the slots of magic items])

Behavior: The immortal may not react even if a person walks over his body, sometimes even appearing dead from his lack of reactions. All of this disappears as soon as someone gets caught in a his trap, when his observed sprinting like lightning to deliver a quick blow to end the fight before it even begins.

(Single) Spider Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment
(non-lair) (Ex)

Fire Vulnerability (Ex)
Use any spider domain spell as spell-like ability

Competence penalty
(equal to your divine
rank) on all die rolls
while outside of your lair

Suffer 50% extra damage from fire based attacks and spells

Always Active
Poison Immunity (Su)​
You are immune to poison​
Always Active​
Spider Hole (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank while in an area covered with webs​
Always Active​
Improved Summoning (spider) (Ex)​
Spiderlike creatures summoned have 50% more HD​
Always Active​
Venomous (Su)​
Immunities against your poison effects are only 50% effective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Poison [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Poison Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Greater Deity​
Spider Queen (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD while in an area covered with webs​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Messiah of Spider (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Fire)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by spider and spider-like creatures of a lower divine status
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Elusion (Ex)​
You can avoid attacks with successful Reflex saves​
Always Active​

(Double) Spider Portfolio

Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Hostile Environment
(non-lair) (Ex)

Fire Vulnerability (Ex)
Use any spider domain spell as spell-like ability

Competence penalty
(equal to double your divine rank) on all die rolls while outside of your lair

Suffer 100% extra damage from fire based attacks and spells

Always Active
Eternal Freedom (Ex)​
You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement​
Always Active​
Spider Lair (Ex)​
Competence bonus to attack rolls damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank while in an area covered with webs​
Always Active​
Perfect Summoning (spider) (Ex)​
Spiderlike creatures summoned have 200% more HD​
Always Active​
Toxic (Su)​
Immunities against your poison ineffective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Poison [Effect] (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Poison Mastery (Su) (x2 HD)​
Assault your enemies with poisonous attacks​
Greater Deity​
Spider Empress (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD while in an area covered with webs​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Mistress of Spiders (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Fire)
You automatically dominate all spiders and spider-like creatures of a lower divine status within your divine aura
Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
At Home in the Webs (Su)​
Your hit points are doubled while in an area covered with webs​
Always Active​
First One​
Perfect Defense (Ex)​
You cannot be hit​
Always Active​


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Nosferatu Template (Epic)

The nosferatu is the vampire king, they control entire kingdoms from the shadow for millennia.

“Nosferatu” is a template that can be added to any 20 level/HD character that has been a vampire or nosferatu (B4) for centuries.

Hit Dice: A nosferatu has maximum hit points per die (like it has rolled the maximum on all the die).

Armor Class: A nosferatu increase any previous natural armor bonuses by +20, and gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier.

Speed: All the nosferatu movements speed increase to 300 ft. if lesser.

Defensive Abilities: A nosferatu has all of the base vampire’s defensive abilities. It also has the defensive abilities listed below.

Channel Resistance (Ex)
A nosferatu increase his channel resistance to equal his HD.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
A nosferatu increase his damage reduction to 20/epic and wood.

Ego (Su)
A nosferatu gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws. This does not stack with similar ability that add Charisma as an untyped bonus to saving throws like the Unholy Resilience of the antipaladin or the Towering Ego of the mesmerist.

Fast Healing (Ex)
A nosferatu fast healing increase to 25.

Immunity (Ex)
A nosferatu gains immunity to acid, electricity, sonic.

Resistance (Ex)
A nosferatu gains resistance 50 to acid, electricity, sonic.

Spell Resistance (Ex)
A nosferatu gains spell resistance 15 + his HD.

Weakness: A nosferatu loses all of the weaknesses being a vampire gives.

Melee: A nosferatu gains a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage (Medium-size) and two claw attack that deals 1d4 damage (Medium-size) if it didn't already have they.

Special Attacks: A nosferatu has all of the base vampire’s special attacks. It also has the special attacks listed below.

Assimilate (Su)
Whenever a nosferatu kill a living creature or destroyed an undead creature, he can gain one of their single attributes in place of his own. He can only assimilate an ability score that is greater than his own and of an ability score that he has. His base score is the new characteristic (ex: Dracula, with Wisdom 29 (16 base + 2 race + 6 enhanced + 2 inherent + 1 level advancement) kill Van Helsing, with Wisdom 36 (24 base + 6 enhanced + 2 inherent + 2 sacred + 2 level advancement). Dracula chose to absorb his Wisdom and now has Wisdom 35 (24 base + 2 race + 6 enhanced + 2 inherent + 1 level advancement)).

Blood Drain (Ex)
A nosferatu blood drain damage increase from d4 to d8.

Blood Omen (Su)
A number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier, but no more than once per minute, as a standard action that provoke attack of opportunity, a nosferatu vampire can drain blood from all creatures within 30 feet. Each creature must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be affected by the nosferatu’s blood drain ability. The antediluvian vampire gains the normal benefits of all blood drained in this manner.

Children of the Eclipse (Su)
A nosferatu can use its children of the night ability once per hour instead of once per day. A nosferatu can call with children of the night any number of the same undead creature, while their total CR sum cannot exceed double his HD and the single creature cannot have a CR higher of his HD.

Dominate (Su)
Same as the base vampire but like Dominate Monster (CL equal to HD).

Create Spawn (Su)
Same as the base vampire except that if the creature have 20 or more HD, the nosferatu can chose, if he wants, to apply the nosferatu template after the vampire template (the new nosferatu is still under the control of the nosferatu that created it like normal vampire spawn or normal vampire). The nosferatu now does not have any limit to the number of creatures under his control with Create Spawn.

Energy Drain (Su)
A nosferatu energy drain ability triggers once per successful melee attack with natural attacks or melee weapon, up to a maximum of an extra trigger per round for every 7 level after 20 the nosferatu has (2 at 27th, 3 at 34th, 4 at 41th, etc.). This alter the vampire energy drain ability.

Mist Shapes (Su)
A nosferatu can summon and sculpt mist into realistic shapes as the mirage arcana spell (CL equal to the nosferatu’s total Hit Dice). A shape created in this way lasts for as long as the nosferatu can see and concentrate upon it.

Telekinesis (Su)
As a standard action, a nosferatu can use telekinesis (caster level equal to HD) without the maximum weight limit of 375 pounds at 15th level.

Spellcasting: A nosferatu has all of the base vampire’s spellcasting and spell-like ability. A nosferatu gains the following spell-like ability:

Constant—haste, true seeing;

At will—create greater undead, death knell, enervation;

3/day—astral projection, destruction, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm, overwhelming presence, plane shift, soul bind, storm of vengeance, wail of the banshee, weird;

1/day—eclipse [E], freedom, greater spell immunity, implosion, massacre, time stop;

1/year—demise unseen [E], dreamscape [E], momento mori [E], pestilence [E], rain of fire [E], soul dominion [E], true resurrection, wish;

A nosferatu use these spell-like abilities with caster level equal to his Hit Dice.

Special Qualities
A nosferatu has all of the base vampire’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Change Shape (Su)
A nosferatu Change Shape improved:
change shape (any creature; aberrant form III [Gothic Campaign Compendium of the Legendary Games], fey form IV, geniekind, magical beast shape, monstrous physique IV, ooze form III, shapechange, undead anatomy IV, vermin shape II);

Elusive Nature (Ex)
A nosferatu cannot be detected by anything that detect undeads and vampires.

Gaseous Form (Su)
A nosferatu gaseous form CL is equal to his HD and has a fly speed of 600 feet instead of 20 feet. A nosferatu, when reduced to geaseous form, does not need to return to his coffin in 2 hours or be destroyed, it may take as long as he want.

Hibernation (Ex)
A nosferatu can enter a state of voluntary hibernation. While in hibernation, it can take no actions, is helpless, and its fast healing ability ceases to function. The nosferatu also appears dead to most observers, though a successful Heal check DC 10 + nosferatu HD + its Charisma modifier reveal its undead nature. Magical senses like lifesense or spiritsense, automatically reveal the ruse. If it is jostled or damaged while hibernating, a nosferatu can attempt a DC 35 Will save. If it succeeds, it awakens in 2d4 rounds. Otherwise, it takes 1d4 days to awaken from hibernation. A nosferatu can set the length of its hibernation when it first enters this state, so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening at a set time in this manner, the nosferatu needs only 1d3 rounds to rouse itself, with no Will saving throw necessary.

Mastermind (Su)
A nosferatu can see, hear, and speak through the body of a creature it has dominated or one of its spawn and can communicate telepathically with it. The nosferatu can use this ability indefinitely on one creature at a time, as long as it and the creature under its control or spawn remain on the same plane. A nosferatu using this ability can’t move, but is still aware of its surroundings and can end this ability as a free action.

Mythic (Ex)
A nosferatu has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. A nosferatu can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. If the nosferatu is already mythic (like wizard 60/archmage 8), this pool of mythic power is apart and cannot be used for activate mythic path abilities (like the wild arcana path ability) and the nosferatu is considered 10th-rank or his other rank/tier, whichever of the two is higher. If his other rank/tier is higher, this pool improved: this pool can be used a number of time per day equal to his rank/tier and the surge increase as appropriate for the rank/tier.

See Through Blood (Su)
The nosferatu when use his blood drain attack can see into a being’s past and learn its history. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 nosferatu hit die + his charisma modifier) or have his entire history become known to the nosferatu. The nosferatu can attempt to discern an individual’s history any number of times, but each time the target successfully save against this ability, he gains, for a week, a cumulative +4 circumstance bonus on his next save against this ability. Each successful save reset the week duration. This is a mind-affecting affect but immunity against it instead give only a +8 racial bonus on the save.

Swarm Form (Su)
As a standard action, a nosferatu can change into a bat swarm, centipede swarm, rat swarm, or spider swarm. The nosferatu gains the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of the swarm he has transformed into. The swarm has the same number of hit points as the nosferatu and count its swarm damage using the nosferatu HD, without the limit of 5d6 swarm damage for sub-epic swarms. While in swarm form, a nosferatu can’t use his natural weapons or any of his special attacks but can use any of the swarm’s abilities and defenses, but still is an undead creature (but see elusive nature). It can remain in swarm form indefinitely and can resume his normal form as a move action. This is a polymorph effect.

Telepathy (Su)
A nosferatu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 60 feet that has a language. In addition, a nosferatu can use this ability to communicate with any animal, magical beast, or vermin.

Uncanny Climber (Ex)
A nosferatu can climb with his hands (or upper limbs) free and even walk about on the ceiling as if affected by a spider climb spell, using his base speed as his climb speed, instead of 20 ft. In addition, he can use the accelerated climb action to cover any distance up to four times his climb speed, with each check allowing him to climb a distance equal to his climb speed. Climbing a distance equal to or less than his climb speed is a move-equivalent action.

Ability Scores: Str +30, Dex +20, Int +10, Wis +10, Cha +20. As an undead creature, a nosferatu has no Constitution score.

Skills: A nosferatu increase any racial bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth by +20.

Epic Feats: Nosferatu gain Cat’s Fall, Improved Combat Reflexes, Hibernate, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, and Superior Initiative as bonus epic feats without need to meet their prerequisite.
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Welkin Template (Epic)

Welkin is the vampire god, emperor among the king. He watch the aeons pass, and he remain on his throne. "The Inevitable End Of All But Me"

“Welkin” is a template that can be added to any 120 level/HD character that has been a nosferatu for millennial.

Hit Dice: A welkin has d20 for Hid Dice and has maximum hit points per die (like it has rolled the maximum on all the die).

Armor Class: A welkin increase any previous natural armor bonuses by +150.

Speed: All the welkin movements speed increase to 900 ft. if lesser.

Defensive Abilities: A welkin has all of the base nosferatu’s defensive abilities. It also gains Resistance to Universal and inferior Hazards and has the defensive abilities listed below.

Channel Resistance (Ex)
A welkin has channel resistance +200 or his HD, whichever is higher. This overlaps (does not stack with) the base nosferatu’s channel resistance.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
A welkin increase his damage reduction to 120/—.

Dark Armor (Su)
A welkin generate a personal dark armor that stops a number of hit points of physical damage (whether that damage came from mundane or magical sources does not matter) equal to ½ his maximum hit points. It should be noted that this ability prevents any special attacks that accompany an attack provided the entire amount of damage of the attack is blocked. This dark armor regenerates its protection at a rate of 1 point per HD of the welkin per round.

Dread Recuperation (Ex)
At the start and at the end of its turn, the welkin automatically shake off any one adverse condition and effect (disease, mind-effecting effects, imprisonment, stun, sanity damage, madness, negative level, ability damage or drain, etc.), even if they can only be removed normally in a specific way (eg. microcosm, normally removable only with wish or miracle, is removed with Dread Recuperation). This ability cannot be removed or suppressed in any means, even by effects that normally suppress or remove Ex such as baleful polymorph (which would still be removed on its turn) or remove abilities like Force Vulnerability of the Spawn Slayer (Slayer archetype) or the Consuming Curse of the Consuming Creature (template).

Eternal (Ex)
If somehow the welkin is destroyed, his body with all of his equipment turns into blood and dissolves. After 1d4 hours he dramatically reappears in a safe location from any blood shed at the moment of his destruction, there is no way for stop this from happening. His soul cannot be imprisoned, absorbed or destroyed in any means. The welkin cannot be restored to life in any means, not even divine powers can. This ability cannot be removed or suppressed in any means, even by effects that normally suppress or remove Ex such as baleful polymorph or remove abilities like Force Vulnerability of the Spawn Slayer (Slayer archetype) or the Consuming Curse of the Consuming Creature (template). Abrogate can remove this only if the source is at least two divine tier (intermediate deity, greater deity, elder one, etc.) higher than the wealkin.

Eternal Freedom (Su)
A welkin is immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. He is also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.

Fast Healing (Ex)
A welking fast healing increase to 125.

Immunity (Ex)
A welkin gains immunity to acid, electricity, sonic.

Spell Resistance (Ex)
A welkin gains spell resistance 60 + his HD. This overlaps (does not stack with) the base nosferatu’s spell resistance.

Special Attacks: A welkin has all of the base nosferatu’s special attacks. It also has the special attacks listed below.

Digestio (Su)
A welkin gains all aspects of a defeated opponent that are more powerful than what him already possess. He must have personally defeated the opponent (he must take the majority beneficiary of any EXP gained from the opponents defeat for this power to take effect). This assimilation include ability scores:

ex: If he defeat an opponent with a higher strength score than himself, he gains its strength score (see assimilate of the nosferatu).

It also includes Hit Dice (only the amount of Hit Dice is pertinent, not the type). If the opponent had more Hit Dice than him, his Hit Dice increases to its Hit Dice as a racial Hit Dice.

ex: If a welkin with 60 Hit Dice defeats an enemy with 90 Hit Dice, then the welking would gains 30 racial Hit Dice.

Lastly it includes powers and abilities.

The welkin would gains all the defeated enemy mortal, divine, cosmic, transcendental and omnific abilities, even class abilities.

Special: In the likely event of any ambiguity over what exactly is gained, the GM has the final say.

Blood Drain (Ex)
A welkin blood drain damage increase from d8 to d12.

Children of the Terror (Su)
A welkin can use its children of the night ability every round instead of once per hour. A welkin can call with children of the night any number of the same undead creature, while their total CR sum cannot exceed triple his HD and the single creature cannot have a CR higher of his HD. He can have any number of summon active at any given time and the creatures summoned forth serve the welkin until released.

Dominate (Su)
A welkin can chose to use its Dominate special attack with only its voice, without the need of the eyes. When used in this way, instead of a gaze attack, this ability is a sonic, and language-dependent effect and the target must be able to hear the welkin. Creatures controlled obey suicidal orders and do not gains a new saving throw if they are forced to take actions against their nature. The welkin does not need spend at least 1 round concentrating on the ability each day. This ability works now even while the welkin and the controlled creature are not on the same plane. Protection from evil and similar ability does not block this ability if the effect is not at a CL of at least the welkin HD-10.

Create Spawn (Su)
Same as the base nosferatu except that if the creature have 120 or more HD, the welkin can chose, if he wants, to apply the welkin template after the nosferatu and vampire templates (the new welkin is still under the control of the welkin that created it like normal vampire spawn or normal vampire).

Energy Drain (Su)
A welkin energy drain ability triggers once per successful attack, up to a maximum of an extra trigger per round for every 7 level after 20 the welkin has (2 at 27th, 3 at 34th, 4 at 41th, etc.) on a given creature, and his mastery over unlife allows him to use his energy drain attack against any creature, even creatures normally immune to energy drains like undead or construct. The number of negative level bestowed with a successful attack increase to one negative level for every 12 HD of the welkin. This alter the nosferatu energy drain ability.

Mercurial (Ex)
The welkin gain a cumulative +1 attack per round (beginning after the first) provided he keep attacking the same opponent. The attack is made using the welkin full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation.

Special: If the welkin use the two-weapon fighting then he gains two cumulative attacks per round, if he use the multiweapon fighting style he would gains multiple extra weapon attacks each round, one per functional hands actually used for attack (ex: if the welkin is a kasatha which used 3 swords and one wand, he gains three extra attack each round).

Spellcasting: A welkin has all of the base nosferatu’s spellcasting and spell-like ability. A welkin replace the spell-like ability of the nosferatu template with the following:

Constant—haste, true seeing;

At will—astral projection, create greater undead, death knell, destruction, eclipse [E], enervation, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm, plane shift, soul bind, storm of vengeance, time stop;

3/day—demise unseen [E], dreamscape [E], implosion, imprisonment, momento mori [E], overwhelming presence, pestilence [E], polar midnight, rain of fire [E], soul dominion [E], wail of the banshee, weird, wish;

1/day—dire winter [E];

Welkin use these spell-like abilities with caster level equal to his Hit Dice.

Special Qualities
A welkin has all of the base nosferatu’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.

Maven (Ex)
A welkin has maximum ranks in all skills it knows.

Mythic (Ex)
A welkin has Mythic Power (32/day, Surge +20d6) and counts as a 32th-rank Mythic creature. A welkin can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. If the welkin is already mythic (like wizard 80/archmage 26), this pool of mythic power is apart and cannot be used for activate mythic path abilities (like the wild arcana path ability) and the welkin is considered 32th-rank or his other rank/tier, whichever of the two is higher. If his other rank/tier is higher, this pool improved: this pool can be used a number of time per day equal to his rank/tier and the surge increase as appropriate for the rank/tier. This replace the mythic nosferatu ability.

Omnicompetent (Ex)
A welkin knows all skills.

Vicissitude (Ex)
A welkin can develop an entirely new alter-ego. Thereafter he can change between these two identities at will as a move action (only the welkin can choose to do so and he can do so at any time, usually when his alter-ego is incapacitated). The alter-ego begins with a hit die/level no greater than the welkin HD (from then on advancing as a separate entity). It can be of any alignment, be of any race or class and is otherwise untraceable to the original manifestation. The welkin always knows what his alter-ego does and knows everything he knows, but his alter-ego does not know it in turn: indeed it is possible that he does not even know that he is only an alter-ego of another entity and considers the moments when the welkin comes out and is in control like blackouts where he passed out. This is not a transmutation or a polymorph effect.

Ability Scores: Str +150, Dex +100, Int +50, Wis +50, Cha +100. As an undead creature, a welkin has no Constitution score.

Skills: A welkin increase any racial bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth by +100. This replace the nosferatu skill bonus.

Epic Feats: Welkin gain Anoxia, Expert Strike, Fire Baptism, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Second Strike as bonus epic feats without need to meet their prerequisite.
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Dream Portfolio

Aspects: Fantasy, Freedom

Opposed Portfolio: Labour

Examples: Desna (PF), Hypnos (Greek)

Favored Animal: Nightingale (natural) or butterfly (familiar)

Favored Class: Bard

Favored Place: Places where you can rest or give vent to your dreams

Favored Sacrifice: Sheets with your dreams for the future written on them

Favored Time: Night

Favored Weapon: Starknife

Portfolio Trial: Make a person's dream come true

Prerequisites: Must be able to dream

Symbol: A half-closed eye

Typical Quote: "Your dreams are a reality waiting to happen."


Granted Power: Choose either Spell Focus (enchantment) or Spell Focus (illusion) as a bonus feat.

1 Sleep: You can put 4 HD of creatures to sleep.

2 Hypnotic Pattern: Fascinates 2d4 + level HD of creatures.

3 Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.

4 Phantasmal Killer: Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.

5 Dream: Sends message to anyone sleeping.

6 Dream Travel: Travel to other places through dreams.

7 Dream Council: Communicate with multiple sleeping creatures.

8 Dream Voyage: As dream travel, but with more flexibility and able to affect more creatures.

9 Microcosm: Creature or creature lives forevermore in world of his own imagination.


You create a realm of pure fantasy abridging the Dimension of Dream, where incredible and incomprehensible things happen all the time.

Hazards: There are no intrinsic hazards in such realms, however, people unfamiliar with the type of environment have difficulty finding their way around. Those venturing in these realms must make a Survival check every hour (DC 20 + divine rank of the immortal’s + 1d20) or get lost.

Inhabitants: Fantasy and freedom-loving creatures, such as Azata, Fey or creatures from the Dimension of Dream, will be attracted to these realms.

Dream Template (Single Portfolio)​

Appearance: Part of the immortal looks like something out of a fairy tale. This may simply be the immortal’s eyes. Usually however, it is dependant on the second portfolio.

e.g. An immortal with the Dream and Sea portfolios may only manifest a mermaid tail in which the scales change color every second, making the tail look like a magical rainbow. Whereas one with the Dream and Sky portfolios may have butterfly wings composed of glass that constantly changes color, like a kaleidoscope.

NB. When the immortal adopts a different form (through Shapechanging or Wildshape for instance), this trait is also adopted.

Demeanor: These immortals often seem distracted, as if their attention was elsewhere.

Dream Template (Double Portfolio)​

Appearance: Same as the single portfolio except the immortal’s entire manifestation looks like something out of a fairy tale.

Demeanor: Such immortals’ are perpetually with their head in the clouds.

(Single) Dream Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Dream-bound (Ex)
Fear the Dreamless (Ex)
Use any dream domain spell as spell-like ability
You suffer a penalty equal to your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if you have not slept, dreaming, for at least 1 hour in the past 24 hours

You suffer 50% extra damage from attacks by creatures that possess the mindless quality

Always Active
Shield of Dream (Su)​
You are immune to illusions and mind-affecting effects​
Always Active​
Scion of Dreams (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that has dreamed in the last 24 hours​
Always Active​
Children of Dream (Ex)​
Creatures you summon gain Luck bonus equal to your divine rank to all rolls​
Always Active​
Instrument of Dreams (Su)​
Immunities against your illusions and mind-affecting effects are only 50% effective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Withering (Wis.) [Effect] (Su)​
Assault your enemies with wisdom draining attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Withering (Wis.) Mastery (Su)​
Assault your enemies with wisdom draining attacks​
Greater Deity​
Heart of Dream (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to half your HD if there is a sleeping creature with an Intelligence score within your divine aura​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Messiah of Dream (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Labor)
You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by creatures of a lower divine status who have dreamed in the last 24 hours
One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Divine Inspiration​
You can gain a single changeable divine ability​

(Double) Dream Portfolio
Divine Status
Ability/Weakness Gained
Spell-like Abilities
Dream-bound (Ex)
Fear the Dreamless (Ex)
Use two dream domain spell as spell-like ability
You suffer a penalty equal to double your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if you have not slept, dreaming, for at least 1 hour in the past 24 hours

You suffer 100% extra damage from attacks by creatures that possess the mindless quality

Always Active
Ward of Dream​
Allies in your aura are immune to illusions and mind-affecting effects​
Always Active​
Greater Scion of Dreams (Ex)​
Competence bonus (equal to double divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that has dreamed in the last 24 hours​
Always Active​
Children of Dream (Ex)​
Creatures you summon gain Luck bonus equal to your divine rank x2 to all rolls​
Always Active​
Embodiment of Dreams (Su)​
Immunities against your illusions and mind-affecting effects ineffective​
Always Active​
Lesser Deity​
Superior Withering (Wis.) [Effect] (x2 HD) (Su)​
Assault your enemies with wisdom draining attacks​
Intermediate Deity​
Uncanny Withering (Wis.) Mastery (x2 HD) (Su)​
Assault your enemies with wisdom draining attacks​
Greater Deity​
Dream Soul (Ex)​
You gain regeneration equal to your HD if there is a sleeping creature with an Intelligence score within your divine aura​
Always Active​
Elder One​
Dream King/Queen (Su)
Cosmic Imperfection (Labor)
You automatically dominate any creatures of a lower divine status who have dreamed in the last 24 hours
Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
Always Active

Always Active
Old One​
Divine Presence (creatures who have dreamed in the last 24 hours only) (Su)​
Allies within your divine aura gain a divine ability of your choice​
First One​
Sophism (Su)​
Ignore assaults by making a Will save (DC = opponent HD)​


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MIRACULOUS SAVIOUR (Su) [Cosmic Ability]

Your would die for your allies.
Prerequisites: Any Non-Evil alignment, Divine Aura, Saviour, Cha 70.
Benefit: You can chose to suffer half or all the damage suffered by an ally within your divine aura.If you chose to suffer half the damage, only hit points damage are divided between you and your ally, all other effects that accompanying the attack are suffered by him (like poison, death attack, banishment of the smite good of an antipaladin of 20th if him has the extraplanar subtype, etc.). If you chose to suffer all the damage, all the effects that accompanying the attack are suffered by you. Even if you are resistante or immute to that type of damage (like a deity with fire portfolio against fire damage) you still suffer that damage but count as that type of damage for interaction with effects (if you transfer fire damage and have an effect that activates when you take fire damage, that effect activates; if you transfer vile or permanent damage you will have a hard time healing it, etc.).
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