Nosferatu Template (Epic)
The nosferatu is the vampire king, they control entire kingdoms from the shadow for millennia.
“Nosferatu” is a template that can be added to any 20 level/HD character that has been a vampire or nosferatu (B4) for centuries.
Hit Dice: A nosferatu has maximum hit points per die (like it has rolled the maximum on all the die).
Armor Class: A nosferatu increase any previous natural armor bonuses by +20, and gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier.
Speed: All the nosferatu movements speed increase to 300 ft. if lesser.
Defensive Abilities: A nosferatu has all of the base vampire’s defensive abilities. It also has the defensive abilities listed below.
Channel Resistance (Ex)
A nosferatu increase his channel resistance to equal his HD.
Damage Reduction (Ex)
A nosferatu increase his damage reduction to 20/epic and wood.
Ego (Su)
A nosferatu gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws. This does not stack with similar ability that add Charisma as an untyped bonus to saving throws like the Unholy Resilience of the antipaladin or the Towering Ego of the mesmerist.
Fast Healing (Ex)
A nosferatu fast healing increase to 25.
Immunity (Ex)
A nosferatu gains immunity to acid, electricity, sonic.
Resistance (Ex)
A nosferatu gains resistance 50 to acid, electricity, sonic.
Spell Resistance (Ex)
A nosferatu gains spell resistance 15 + his HD.
Weakness: A nosferatu loses all of the weaknesses being a vampire gives.
Melee: A nosferatu gains a bite attack that deals 1d6 damage (Medium-size) and two claw attack that deals 1d4 damage (Medium-size) if it didn't already have they.
Special Attacks: A nosferatu has all of the base vampire’s special attacks. It also has the special attacks listed below.
Assimilate (Su)
Whenever a nosferatu kill a living creature or destroyed an undead creature, he can gain one of their single attributes in place of his own. He can only assimilate an ability score that is greater than his own and of an ability score that he has. His base score is the new characteristic (ex: Dracula, with Wisdom 29 (16 base + 2 race + 6 enhanced + 2 inherent + 1 level advancement) kill Van Helsing, with Wisdom 36 (24 base + 6 enhanced + 2 inherent + 2 sacred + 2 level advancement). Dracula chose to absorb his Wisdom and now has Wisdom 35 (24 base + 2 race + 6 enhanced + 2 inherent + 1 level advancement)).
Blood Drain (Ex)
A nosferatu blood drain damage increase from d4 to d8.
Blood Omen (Su)
A number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier, but no more than once per minute, as a standard action that provoke attack of opportunity, a nosferatu vampire can drain blood from all creatures within 30 feet. Each creature must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be affected by the nosferatu’s blood drain ability. The antediluvian vampire gains the normal benefits of all blood drained in this manner.
Children of the Eclipse (Su)
A nosferatu can use its children of the night ability once per hour instead of once per day. A nosferatu can call with children of the night any number of the same undead creature, while their total CR sum cannot exceed double his HD and the single creature cannot have a CR higher of his HD.
Dominate (Su)
Same as the base vampire but like Dominate Monster (CL equal to HD).
Create Spawn (Su)
Same as the base vampire except that if the creature have 20 or more HD, the nosferatu can chose, if he wants, to apply the nosferatu template after the vampire template (the new nosferatu is still under the control of the nosferatu that created it like normal vampire spawn or normal vampire). The nosferatu now does not have any limit to the number of creatures under his control with Create Spawn.
Energy Drain (Su)
A nosferatu energy drain ability triggers once per successful melee attack with natural attacks or melee weapon, up to a maximum of an extra trigger per round for every 7 level after 20 the nosferatu has (2 at 27th, 3 at 34th, 4 at 41th, etc.). This alter the vampire energy drain ability.
Mist Shapes (Su)
A nosferatu can summon and sculpt mist into realistic shapes as the
mirage arcana spell (CL equal to the nosferatu’s total Hit Dice). A shape created in this way lasts for as long as the nosferatu can see and concentrate upon it.
Telekinesis (Su)
As a standard action, a nosferatu can use
telekinesis (caster level equal to HD) without the maximum weight limit of 375 pounds at 15th level.
Spellcasting: A nosferatu has all of the base vampire’s spellcasting and spell-like ability. A nosferatu gains the following spell-like ability:
Constant—haste, true seeing;
At will—create greater undead, death knell, enervation;
3/day—astral projection, destruction, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, harm, overwhelming presence, plane shift, soul bind, storm of vengeance, wail of the banshee, weird;
1/day—eclipse [E], freedom, greater spell immunity, implosion, massacre, time stop;
1/year—demise unseen [E], dreamscape [E], momento mori [E], pestilence [E], rain of fire [E], soul dominion [E], true resurrection, wish;
A nosferatu use these spell-like abilities with caster level equal to his Hit Dice.
Special Qualities
A nosferatu has all of the base vampire’s special qualities. It also has the special qualities listed below.
Change Shape (Su)
A nosferatu Change Shape improved:
change shape (any creature; aberrant form III [Gothic Campaign Compendium of the Legendary Games], fey form IV, geniekind, magical beast shape, monstrous physique IV, ooze form III, shapechange, undead anatomy IV, vermin shape II);
Elusive Nature (Ex)
A nosferatu cannot be detected by anything that detect undeads and vampires.
Gaseous Form (Su)
A nosferatu gaseous form CL is equal to his HD and has a fly speed of 600 feet instead of 20 feet. A nosferatu, when reduced to geaseous form, does not need to return to his coffin in 2 hours or be destroyed, it may take as long as he want.
Hibernation (Ex)
A nosferatu can enter a state of voluntary hibernation. While in hibernation, it can take no actions, is helpless, and its fast healing ability ceases to function. The nosferatu also appears dead to most observers, though a successful Heal check DC 10 + nosferatu HD + its Charisma modifier reveal its undead nature. Magical senses like lifesense or spiritsense, automatically reveal the ruse. If it is jostled or damaged while hibernating, a nosferatu can attempt a DC 35 Will save. If it succeeds, it awakens in 2d4 rounds. Otherwise, it takes 1d4 days to awaken from hibernation. A nosferatu can set the length of its hibernation when it first enters this state, so that it can awaken after a set amount of time has passed. When awakening at a set time in this manner, the nosferatu needs only 1d3 rounds to rouse itself, with no Will saving throw necessary.
Mastermind (Su)
A nosferatu can see, hear, and speak through the body of a creature it has dominated or one of its spawn and can communicate telepathically with it. The nosferatu can use this ability indefinitely on one creature at a time, as long as it and the creature under its control or spawn remain on the same plane. A nosferatu using this ability can’t move, but is still aware of its surroundings and can end this ability as a free action.
Mythic (Ex)
A nosferatu has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. A nosferatu can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. If the nosferatu is already mythic (like wizard 60/archmage 8), this pool of mythic power is apart and cannot be used for activate mythic path abilities (like the wild arcana path ability) and the nosferatu is considered 10th-rank or his other rank/tier, whichever of the two is higher. If his other rank/tier is higher, this pool improved: this pool can be used a number of time per day equal to his rank/tier and the surge increase as appropriate for the rank/tier.
See Through Blood (Su)
The nosferatu when use his blood drain attack can see into a being’s past and learn its history. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 nosferatu hit die + his charisma modifier) or have his entire history become known to the nosferatu. The nosferatu can attempt to discern an individual’s history any number of times, but each time the target successfully save against this ability, he gains, for a week, a cumulative +4 circumstance bonus on his next save against this ability. Each successful save reset the week duration. This is a mind-affecting affect but immunity against it instead give only a +8 racial bonus on the save.
Swarm Form (Su)
As a standard action, a nosferatu can change into a bat swarm, centipede swarm, rat swarm, or spider swarm. The nosferatu gains the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of the swarm he has transformed into. The swarm has the same number of hit points as the nosferatu and count its swarm damage using the nosferatu HD, without the limit of 5d6 swarm damage for sub-epic swarms. While in swarm form, a nosferatu can’t use his natural weapons or any of his special attacks but can use any of the swarm’s abilities and defenses, but still is an undead creature (but see elusive nature). It can remain in swarm form indefinitely and can resume his normal form as a move action. This is a polymorph effect.
Telepathy (Su)
A nosferatu can communicate telepathically with any creature within 60 feet that has a language. In addition, a nosferatu can use this ability to communicate with any animal, magical beast, or vermin.
Uncanny Climber (Ex)
A nosferatu can climb with his hands (or upper limbs) free and even walk about on the ceiling as if affected by a
spider climb spell, using his base speed as his climb speed, instead of 20 ft. In addition, he can use the accelerated climb action to cover any distance up to four times his climb speed, with each check allowing him to climb a distance equal to his climb speed. Climbing a distance equal to or less than his climb speed is a move-equivalent action.
Ability Scores: Str +30, Dex +20, Int +10, Wis +10, Cha +20. As an undead creature, a nosferatu has no Constitution score.
Skills: A nosferatu increase any racial bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth by +20.
Epic Feats: Nosferatu gain Cat’s Fall, Improved Combat Reflexes, Hibernate, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, and Superior Initiative as bonus epic feats without need to meet their prerequisite.