Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

The divine abilities use d3 for divine damage, d4 for force damage, d6 for energy damage, d8 for aligned damage, d12 for bane damage, etc... what would be the equivalent die size for physical damage? Like Bludgeoning [Effect], Piercing [Effect], Slashing [Effect]?

I could imagine Bludgeoning [Effect] to be summoning ball bearings to crush your foes, with said ball bearings increasing in density as your divine rank increases (but they disappear after the round anyway). Piercing [Effect] would be as simple as shooting out needles or bullets, and Slashing [Effect] just sends out whirling blades.

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I made some divine abilities a bit ago that Krusty liked, some of them dealt with that very concept.

Blade [Effect] (Su)
Your [Effect] Ability manifests as tangible steel blades, inflicting +1/4 piercing damage and +1/4 slashing damage.
Prerequisites:[Effect] Ability
Benefit:Your [Effect] Ability manifests as tangible steel blades, inflicting +1/4 piercing damage and +1/4 slashing damage. These blades remain embedded upon inflicting damage, as they are quite real, and must be forcibly removed. Each time this ability is taken it applies to a different [Effect] ability. Up to 1 blade is created per die of damage. If less blades are created they are either larger, manufactured from better materials, sharper, or any combination of the aforementioned, however, this has no impact upon the effectiveness of this divine ability. If more blades are created they are either smaller, manufactured from lesser materials, duller, or any combination of the aforementioned, however, this has no impact upon the effectiveness of this divine ability.

Chain [Effect] (Su)
Your [Effect] Ability manifests as tangible steel chains, inflicting +1/6 bludgeoning damage, +1/6 piercing damage, and +1/6 slashing damage.
Prerequisites:[Effect] Ability
Benefit:Your [Effect] Ability manifests as tangible chains, inflicting +1/6 bludgeoning damage, +1/6 piercing damage, and +1/6 slashing damage. These chains can be used in conjunction with the Dancing Chains ability as they are quite real, although they only inflict damage when this is the desired effect. Each time this ability is taken it applies to a different [Effect] ability. Up to 1 chain is created per die of damage. If less chains are created they are either larger, manufactured from better materials, sharper, or any combination of the aforementioned, however, this has no impact upon the effectiveness of this divine ability. If more chains are created they are either smaller, manufactured from lesser materials, duller, or any combination of the aforementioned, however, this has no impact upon the effectiveness of this divine ability.

Dancing Chains (Su)
Your divine aura manifests corporeal chains that attack and move, according to your whims, as per a dancing chains spell.
Prerequisites: Divine Aura, Self Mastery.
Benefit:Your divine aura manifests corporeal chains that attack and move, according to your whims, as per a dancing chains spell. These chains are indestructible. This ability works in conjunction with Dancing Raiment, Mask of Darkness, and Raiment of Darkness. However, each attacking appendage you make with this ability subtracts one attacking appendage from your Dancing Raiment ability and vice versa. Thus limiting your attacking appendages (chains and/or raiment) to the original total dictated by the dancing chains spell.

Dancing Raiment (Su)
our Raiment of Darkness can now attack and move, according to your whims, in a manner similar to ghost touch chains controlled by a dancing chains spell.
Prerequisites: Dancing Chains, Divine Aura, Raiment of Darkness, Self Mastery.
Benefit:Your Raiment of Darkness can now attack and move, according to your whims, in a manner similar to ghost touch chains controlled by a dancing chains spell. These appendages are indestructible. This ability works in conjunction with Dancing Chains, Mask of Darkness, and Raiment of Darkness. However, each attacking appendage you make with this ability subtracts one attacking chain from your Dancing Chains ability and vice versa. Thus limiting your attacking appendages (chains and/or raiment) to the original total dictated by the dancing chains spell.

Mask of Darkness (Su)
Your divine aura either manifests, or manifests as, a seemingly porcelain mask that only you can remove.
Prerequisites:Apocrypha, Divine Aura, True Seeing.
Benefit:Your divine aura either manifests, or manifests as, a seemingly porcelain mask that only you can remove. No other being, including those of higher divine rank, or circumstances can remove this mask. Furthermore this mask is impenetrable to all forms of discernment or divination, effectively concealing you identity. This mask also renders it's wearer impervious to all gaze attacks and effects, as well as all attacks and effects reliant upon hearing, scent, sight, and taste. Removing or replacing this mask is a free action. This ability works in conjunction with Dancing Chains, Dancing Raiment, and Raiment of Darkness.

Raiment of Darkness (Su)
Your divine aura manifests as an intangible raiment of darkness that moves according to your whims.
Prerequisites:Apocrypha, Divine Aura, Self Mastery.
Benefit:Your divine aura manifests as an intangible raiment of darkness that moves according to your whims. Your divine aura acquires the additional effect of the Apocrypha ability. This effect benefits all of your allies. It also provides a +20 equipment bonus to all hide and move silently checks for both you and your allies. This raiment cannot be destroyed or removed and is never a hindrance to you. This raiment resembles any form of clothing ensemble desired. This ability works in conjunction with Dancing Chains, Dancing Raiment, and Mask of Darkness.
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Hmmm, those seem interesting. So it's HD/2 static physical damage; 4/HD at the Perfect level? Why not use dice instead of static damage?

With that aside, I'm trying to come up with an ability that recreates the standard battle tactic of Dio Brando (from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) and Sakuya Izayoi (from the Touhou Project): stopping time, followed by throwing numerous daggers at the opponent which freeze after being released, then resuming time so that the daggers continue their path.

Temporal Momentum (Su)
Prerequisites: Time Dilation, ????
Benefit: Your prowess in twisting time lets you store up free rounds of actions from your Time Dilation cosmic abilities, letting you unleash them later in an unmatched burst of temporal celerity.

Any time you would have received a free round(s)' worth of actions from Time Dilation while in a combat encounter, you can instead choose to suppress them for later use. As a free action, you can then choose to activate those stored rounds, granting you all of their rounds' worth of actions at once.

These stored rounds must be used before the encounter is over. Otherwise, they are wasted.

eg. Kala, a 120 HD Elder One, begins a battle with Alabaster, an Amidah Vampire Fighter 117. Kala has 5 Time Dilation abilities and the Temporal Momentum ability. For the first 5 rounds of combat, Kala chooses to store up her bonus actions. On the 6th round, Kala unleashes all of them, giving her a total of 31 (1 base + 25 stored + 5 Time Dilation for that round) rounds' worth of actions.

Should this be a divine ability or cosmic ability? Also, should it be adjusted so that you need to take as many Temporal Momentums as you have Time Dilations (eg. if you have 5 Time Dilations, you need to take 5 Temporal Momentums to store actions)?
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First Post
That's definitely a Cosmic ability.

Dante's version of the physical effects look like they're meant as modifiers to existing effects, not a new ability set in themselves. If you were to make a new ability like that, I'd put it at d6. Comparable to energy, since DR applies to it. It would definitely pierce DR/Epic, and maybe one material of the deity's choice.


Alexander's Guitar (Major Artifact; Description: This extremely beautiful, custom-built, deep crimson and deep jet-black, 36-string, acoustic/bass, solid body, electric guitar with built in amplifier, keyboard, mic., speaker ensemble, and vibrato bar, is Alexander's own creation. It combines the best aesthetic and utility features of eastern and western electric guitars.; Powers: Alexander's Guitar grants it's owner Integrated Bard Levels (see Integrated Class Features, Immortals Handbook: Ascension), these Integrated Class Features are in addition to any preexisting Integrated Class Features, although, they overlap with any preexisting Bard Levels and Integrated Bard Levels, rather than stacking with them. Alexander's Guitar also grants it's owner the Music Portfolio (see Extra Portfolio, Immortal's Handbook: Ascension).; Special: Alexander's Guitar can be modified.)

This is something my primary character Alexander has.
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Curtain Fire (Ex)
Prerequisites: Any [Effect] ability, ???

You have mastered the art of curtain fire, a distinctive style of [Effect] shooting that focuses on creating dense clouds of self-propelling bullets at seemingly impossible angles and sending them at your opponent. Your reflexes and reaction skills are key in positioning these missiles, and so too are they key in dodging your opponent's own curtain fire.

Benefit: The save DCs for all of your [Effect] abilities are Dexterity-based, and you gain the Evasion and Improved Evasion class features if you did not have them before. In addition, a target with Improved Evasion that fails his/her saving throw against an [Effect] ability that requires a Reflex save still takes full damage.

Normal: The save DCs for your [Effect] abilities are either Constitution- or Charisma-based. A target with Improved Evasion that fails his/her saving throw against an [Effect] ability that requires a Reflex save takes only half damage.

Boundless Step
Prerequisites: ???

Your tactical positioning is now augmented by your unfeasibly high movement speed, allowing you to effortlessly make great steps in battle.

Benefit: Your 5-foot step now covers 1/6 your base movement speed in squares, rounded down. These squares of movement do not have to be in a straight line. For example, if you have a movement speed of 9600 feet (1920 squares), then your 5-foot step is now a 1600-foot step (320 squares).

Normal: Your 5-foot step covers only 1 square of movement.

I'm pretty sure that Curtain Fire is a divine ability, but is it a relatively weak or strong one? Boundless Step is certainly powerful with Superluminal... divine or cosmic?

How many feet do you push an enemy back with a Perfect Gusting Beam? 5' per HD, 10' per HD, 15' per HD, or 20' per HD? And how much damage does a grounded or airborne creature take per feet moved?

Anyway, I wast thinking of a Reverse Gusting [Effect], or Suction [Effect], if you will. Combine it with Gravitic [Effect] and you have your stereotypical and cliched gravity well generator. Would a Reverse Gusting [Effect] move an enemy the same distance as Gusting [Effect], or half or twice as much to account for its different tactical usage?


First Post
What would the power level be of an ability that allowed you to stack levels in one class to another to determine the strength of class features. Say I have a 20 Rogue/30 Sorcerer. This ability allows me to add my Sorcerer level to my Rogue level to determine how powerful my Sneak Attack ability is. I think if used on a single feature, it would be divine. Past that, I'm not to sure. Any thoughts?

Adslahnit said:
How many feet do you push an enemy back with a Perfect Gusting Beam? 5' per HD, 10' per HD, 15' per HD, or 20' per HD? And how much damage does a grounded or airborne creature take per feet moved?

Anyway, I wast thinking of a Reverse Gusting [Effect], or Suction [Effect], if you will. Combine it with Gravitic [Effect] and you have your stereotypical and cliched gravity well generator. Would a Reverse Gusting [Effect] move an enemy the same distance as Gusting [Effect], or half or twice as much to account for its different tactical usage?

I think making it the same is the easiest option.

But remember any single immortal combining Gusting and Gravitic into the one attack will find both powers halved.

Voidrunner's Codex

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