Gift Of Life (Su) [Divine]
Your divine power resurrect lesser creatures.
Prerequisites: DR 3 and Healing, Life, or Nature Portfolio, or DR 7.
Benefit: An immortal with this ability can restore a dead creature to life as a full-round action, no matter how long the creature has been dead or what the condition of the body.
This ability works like a supernatural true resurrection spell, except that the amount of time the subject has been dead is irrelevant. This ability can restore a creature to life against its will, but only with the permission of whatever deity rules the underworld or the divine realm where the mortal’s soul resides. This ability can resurrect an outsider or an undead and can resurrect a creature whose soul is trapped, provided the soul is not held by a deity with a status higher than the user–3 (eg. a Greater Deity is necessary for steal a soul trapped by a Demi-Deity). This ability cannot restore life to a creature that has been slain by the Hand of Death ability or the Life and Death ability of a deity with an equal or higher status or that has a status higher than the user–3 (eg. a Greater Deity is necessary for resurrect a Demi-Deity).
Hand of Death (Su) [Divine]
Your divine power destroy lesser creatures.
Prerequisites: DR 3 and Death, Destruction, or Entropy Portfolio, or DR 7.
Benefit: An immortal with this ability can points to any creature that he can perceive (including with remove ways like scrying) and snuffs out its life as a full-round action. This ability instantly slays the subject and consumes its remains (but not its equipment and possessions) utterly. The creature is allowed a Fortitude saving throw with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the deity HD + the deity’s Charisma bonus + the deity’s divine rank. This attack ignore the racial immunity against Fortitude save of the construct and undead type. Even if the save succeeds, the subject takes 1d6 points of damage per HD of the immortal, which may kill it anyway. If the attack slay the creature (either through a failed saving throw or through damage), the creature cannot be raised or resurrected afterward, except by a deity of equal or higher status using the Gift of Life or Life and Death divine abilities. Creatures with a status higher than the user–3 are immune to the Hand of Death ability (eg. a Greater Deity cannot destroy with this power a creature more powerful than a Demi-Deity) while creatures immune to divine damage are also automatically immune to it.
Life and Death (Su) [Divine]
Your divine power govern the life and death of lesser creatures.
Prerequisites: DR 13, Gift of Life and Hand of Death abilities.
Benefit: The immortal can designate any number of creatures that he can perceive as a full-round action and use the Hand of Dead ability on them (with the same limitation of Hand of Dead). Or he can designate any number of dead creatures as a full-round action and restore them to life as for the Gift of Life ability (with the same limitation of Gift of Life). The immortal cannot use both version of this ability at the same time.
No two creatures affected by a single use of this ability can be more than one mile apart per divine rank of the deity.
After using either version of this ability, the immortal is exhausted (even if normally immune) and cannot use this ability again for 1 minute per levels or Hit Dice of the creatures affected. This exhaustion cannot be removed by nothing short of a wish used by an immortal with one status higher or natural rest.
Superior Life and Death (Su) [Cosmic]
Your cosmic power govern the life and death of lesser creatures.
Prerequisites: Life and Death.
Benefit: Your limitation of Life and Death is reduced to only creatures 2 status lesser than your own (eg. a Old One can destroy or resurrect with Life and Death a creature up to Greater Deity).
Perfect Life and Death (Su) [Transcendental]
Your transcendental power govern the life and death of lesser creatures.
Prerequisites: Superior Life and Death.
Benefit: Your limitation of Life and Death is reduced to only creatures 1 status lesser than your own (eg. a Demiurge Stage I can destroy or resurrect with Life and Death a creature up to First One).