D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape- In Through the Out Door (Full)

Wow, [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION], Liliana may be a tiny lady, but that's a whole lot of Fae! This is going to be fun.
[MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION], I was hoping you'd say that. This is so much fun!

And while I'd quite like the intriguing Bag of Holding of devastation, to be honest I'd prefer to have a Performance or not-quite-Performance proficiency- oh, and having Elvish as a bonus language. I'd forgotten just how prevalent elves were in Glantri! (It feels like I'm constantly asking for more add-on stuff, but honestly those two are the last aspects I'd request.)
[MENTION=6755061]Kiraya_TiDrekan[/MENTION], SUCH a cool concept for Drone. For some reason I don't really remember Transmutate from the show, but you could hardly go to a better source for inspiration- and Graydon is going to be so fascinated by his traveling companion! Drone is worth a dissertation all its own.

Incidentally, while low money is a given, is there a practical limitation on mundane gear? I didn't have particularly ambitious plans in mind, but better to check first than to guess wrong.

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@Kiraya_TiDrekan, SUCH a cool concept for Drone. For some reason I don't really remember Transmutate from the show, but you could hardly go to a better source for inspiration- and Graydon is going to be so fascinated by his traveling companion! Drone is worth a dissertation all its own.

Transmutate (both the character and the episode) was from Season 2 of Beast Wars, the episode directly after Code of Hero, in which Dinobot dies.

I've seen the whole show, and remember most of it- but for some reason Transmutate just doesn't ring a bell. I'm debating whether to rewatch for him, and now that I know the episode I think I will tomorrow. Much obliged!

I've seen the whole show, and remember most of it- but for some reason Transmutate just doesn't ring a bell. I'm debating whether to rewatch for him, and now that I know the episode I think I will tomorrow. Much obliged!

Its fascinating and tragic. Although Silverbolt's role in the episode feels a little forced, Rampage is exquisite. It takes on some really deep and sophisticated issues - prejudice and ableism chief among them.

I loved that show.

@Pembinasa Elvish and Performance? Sure, I'll allow those. Between that and the two extra spells, let's say you've still got most of a second magic item pick left.

There's no hard limit on mundane equipment per se, other than what you can physically carry, but if we get into 'my daywear consists of two crowns and so much jewelry I can't move my neck or fingers' territory I do reserve the right to veto. So long as you stick to practical and sentimental items, I'm sure it'll be fine.

[MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION] Hmm, most of a second item left... I read that as 'definitely don't pick uncommon.' Would two more illusion spells for the spellbook and a baseline potion of healing be too much? I don't see Graydon bringing scrolls, they're more something you acquire from an adventure and study later to him.

Aww, so much for my plan of having his entire wardrobe be comprised of various sizes of jade circlets. He'd be like the Michelin Man of precious stone! But here, let me lay it out and see if it works for you.

[sblock]1 set traveler's clothes
1 set common clothes
1 pair misshapen woolen socks (sentimental)
Quarterstaff (sentimental)
Light Crossbow
Case of 20 crossbow bolts
Spell component pouch
Scroll case
1/2 pound elfsoap
Thin, scratchy blanket
Small bottle of ink
Goosefeather quill
Letter from parents (sentimental)
Letter from sponsor (sentimental)
Internal belt pouch containing 1 Glantrese glowing platinum crown (sentimental), 18 gold, and 7 silver
Awesome bag of holding full of death that might be from an ancient civilization

If it seems like it's missing several important and practical items that would really help an adventurer out, well, Graydon's Planar visit wasn't exactly 'well-reasoned' or 'decided when sober.' He's got a bit of a taste for whisky, and tends to make interestingly poor choices when he's had a few too many. (I was thinking he found a mention of Sigil while studying and either used the Infinite Staircase (hurray, link to creativity!) or a portal that he can't remember the activation key for now. Figured the Infinite Staircase option would mean he could eventually find his way back if he worked at it, not so much for the portal- depending on if you wanted him stranded or not.)

Oh, and a couple things- while learning about spell keys should be an interesting and IC experience, I did want to ask about a couple other issues. Do you think that ICly remarking on some of the differences in magic between BECMI and 5th Edition would work? Not trying for OOTS meta-referencing, but more 'wow, even the fundamentals are different here!' Also, this one's just out of curiosity- are we sticking with tanar'ri and baatezu instead of demons and devils across the board? Figured it was worth finding out.

@CanadienneBacon, it's available on Youtube in 3 parts, or you could just go here and watch it in full. Those are the best options I've come up with so far, and I'm about to start watching now.

@goatunit NEVER MIND, I am fail. Somehow I conflated Eurid with his father, sorry about that!

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