D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape- In Through the Out Door (Full)


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Pembinasa said:
Awesome bag of holding full of death that might be from an ancient civilization

Yes, yes, hardy har har.

But yes, two spells should be fine, depending on what you had in mind. And a 2d4 +2 potion of healing, sure, no problem. That's an equipment list with some personality to it, so good on you. :)

Portals aren't necessarily two-way, and even if the one Graydon arrived through was, the key isn't always the same going back. While I don't think portals to Mystara are scarce the way portals to, say, Krynn or Athas would be, I wouldn't think they're as well-worn as the ones to Toril, either. I'd say it would be more of a problem of finding someone who knew of Mystara, or who knew it by name. There are countless prime worlds, and portals aren't as common elsewhere as they are in Sigil. The first portal back to Mystara you find might not necessarily be a portal directly back to Glantri.

But hey, it's a learning experience. :D

Up to you how much you want to discuss the system changes in-character. Personally I liked the Time of Troubles quite a bit, and I even liked Die Vecna Die!, but the Spellplague was a step too far, while simultaneously being kinda half-baked? But Planescape is as good a platform as any to talk about changing the laws of reality.

Baatezu/devils, and tanar'ri/demons, respectively-- as long as you don't mistake one for the other, you're generally okay. Neither set of terms is wrong. Baatezu and tanar'ri are just a little more...proper. Although as the (even somewhat less-than-clueless) prime, you should probably be the last one to know better anyway. Chalk it up to language differences.

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Beast Wars was 90s. ;) One of the first fully computer animated cartoons, by the some production company that did Reboot.

Much as I might tout Beast Wars as the superior show, I would have to say that, as inspiration for Planescape, ReBoot has all the best episodes. The Medusa Bug, the Web, Matrix and AndrAIa (and Frisket!) riding the games between systems... But the episode to watch, for me? Painted Windows. If there was one character from ReBoot I'd want to see in Planescape, it's Hexadecimel.


Much as I might tout Beast Wars as the superior show, I would have to say that, as inspiration for Planescape, ReBoot has all the best episodes. The Medusa Bug, the Web, Matrix and AndrAIa (and Frisket!) riding the games between systems... But the episode to watch, for me? Painted Windows. If there was one character from ReBoot I'd want to see in Planescape, it's Hexadecimel.

Hexadecimal is like a bizarre cross between the Lady of Pain and the Joker. ;)


First Post
Hexadecimal is like a bizarre cross between the Lady of Pain and the Joker. ;)

That's one of the best descriptions for her I've ever seen. Hex and Planescape are like chocolate and peanut butter; they just WORK together!
[MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION], it doesn't help that I have an ancient civilization in mind does it? Of course, that depends entirely on whether he got it before or after he came to Sigil.

The spells intended are Color Spray and Phantasmal Force, understood entirely on the portals (Graydon proooobably should have read a little longer), I hadn't intended to get into edition wars as Mystara pretty well folded even before 2nd Edition so it's a pretty dramatic jump from not-quite-1st straight to 5th, and I think I'll have him stick with the improper terminology until he learns better. Also, I like the phrase 'less-than-clueless' prime. Even worse than total ignorance is someone with just a little bit of knowledge, that may or may not be wrong... :D


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A little knowledge, right? It's a dangerous thing. Wise is he that knows that he knows nothing-- maybe that's what makes Cagers so insufferably smug.

Wait, so you were being serious about the bag full of an ancient civilization idea? PM me about it, maybe we can talk.


First Post
Bag full of ancient civilization eh? If only there was some shattered remnant of an ancient being who might know about such a thing.


Oh wait.


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[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], I can see that Shard will be even more fun than I'd originally envisioned- and that's a high bar to pass!


Queen of Everything
Okay, so I have been on the page CB linked to for character sheets - that is for comments on the wiki, I believe. It would not take my character sheet, it said the comments were too long? Actually it said " Could not find phrase 'vw_text_toolong'." SO, I don't know what that means. Yeah, my sheet is pretty long because if I don't have the spell info there I will be hung up when playing: "Fenris, where'd ya put the damn book?" texted 20 times while he can't answer because he is in clas. :l

So, I don't really know much about the wiki's.

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