D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape- In Through the Out Door (Full)


Queen of Everything
Jon and I are totally interested. I do normally end up playing similar characters so this would be a good chance to play something different. Are there any type of fairy characters available?

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Fey characters are definitely allowed. There are a few ways of handling pixies as far as homebrew races go, and I do like to play up the fey nature of elves, gnomes, unicorns goblins, hags, and so on. What exactly did you have in mind?


First Post
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]- I like all of your ideas a lot. :) I can definitely see potential story hooks on which to hang long-term quests on them, Omega, manticore1124, and Shard in particular. There are elements of the future and/or post-apocalyptic in all three, and that does fit well with the implications of Planescape, between the endless Blood War, the ancient empires of the mind flayers and spell weavers, worlds like Athas and Moil, and on and on. Grandfather and Macrisse I see as being a little more party-oriented-- not that that's a bad thing. I'd just want to see if and who they end up mentoring over or apprenticing under before I put any plans into motion.
[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] Excellent. :) This game is shaping up well.

I have a human earthling stuck in my brain. He's an older Black gentleman who plays trombone for jazz funerals in New Orleans, and is a practitioner of voo doo. A spell went badly awry during Hurricane Katrina and my jazz musician got swept away up into the Planes. Mechanically, he's a divine magic user of some species and may know a few healing spells. I have some really beautiful artwork of a jazz funeral that I'm using as a baseline for creating the character.

The other character idea I'm toying with is darker and more overtly evil with a punk/rogue/necromancer mood. My thoughts are less clear for this character, however, than they are for the jazz musician.

[MENTION=6755061]Kiraya_TiDrekan[/MENTION], please do not abandon Anna because I expressed interest in a Real World PC. Unsung said there could be more than one character from Earth.


I have a human earthling stuck in my brain. He's an older Black gentleman who plays trombone for jazz funerals in New Orleans, and is a practitioner of voo doo. A spell went badly awry during Hurricane Katrina and my jazz musician got swept away up into the Planes. Mechanically, he's a divine magic user of some species and may know a few healing spells. I have some really beautiful artwork of a jazz funeral that I'm using as a baseline for creating the character.

The other character idea I'm toying with is darker and more overtly evil with a punk/rogue/necromancer mood. My thoughts are less clear for this character, however, than they are for the jazz musician.

[MENTION=6755061]Kiraya_TiDrekan[/MENTION], please do not abandon Anna because I expressed interest in a Real World PC. Unsung said there could be more than one character from Earth.

Thanks. :D The more I thought about it, though, the more it sounded way too much like Agent Carter. ;)


On further reflection, I have decided I'd like to be less a center-of-attention type and more a party-adhesive. Straight-forward tiefling tout with a seen-it-all drawl and a done-it-all strut. His particular tiefling features are a rat tail, ram horns, and goat legs. He likes to chew coal. He sweats soot and stinks of brimstone. He's a namer in the Bleak Cabal, but has been known to pay a share of his cony-bobbing earnings to Kylie the Tout for protection, and to direct unsuspecting primes into Shemeska's lair when she needs to "hire" some clueless murder-hobos for some barmy task or other.

He grew up in the Hive Ward as a rag-picker and corpse collector, fell in with various gangs, did a little planeswalking, and is now settled into his comfortable touting gig for the foreseeable future. I can see him as either a fighter or thief, whichever is needed once the other characters are settled on. His name is Honest Thom.

If that works for you, then that's my final answer. Sorry for the misdirect with my first post. Both could be fun, but they are very spotlight-stealy. Honest Thom will make a fun, street-smart sidekick type.


So, if I'm going to go with Franken-Modron, I'd like to have another player character for it to imprint on, sort of a substitute for the Modron collective at first, until it sorts out its own individual identity. Any volunteers? :D


Honest Thom would love nothing more than to take the lost modron under his wing and teach it the modronly arts of carrying Honest Thom's satchel, threatening Honest Thom's enemies, and protecting Honest Thom's honest behind. It's literally the absolute least he could do.


First Post
[MENTION=21379]goatunit[/MENTION] Have you seen this party? I'd be more worried about fading into the background than stealing anyone's spotlight. ;) Seriously, though. Don't let that be your reason not to play a character. It's better if all the characters can steal the spotlight once in a while. Just as long as they're also able to give it up, eventually. If you're playing Thom because that's who you really want to play, then cool, because no Planescape is complete without meeting its quota in tieflings, and Lower Planar machinations are certainly likely to provide the party with...motivation. :p Even so, don't do it because you're worried about stepping on anyone's feet. The game hasn't even started yet.

I do still sort of prefer the first two characters because they seemed more obviously aligned with their faction's goals, which in and of itself provides a good reason to travel far afield of Sigil.

@CanadienneBacon I'm delighted with the idea of an older man having to relearn a completely new world. I can see a lot of potential for lessons shared, old stories of loose ends and past regrets, and all the more reason to want to get home again-- or maybe not, maybe enormous relief at being able to start again?

I'm not going to lie, though. Badass punks playing with magical fire will always have a spot in my heart. I'm backing Shadowrun Returns *again*, for their Hong Kong expansion. That should tell you something.


I'm feeling pretty sold on Thom, provided you didn't want the tout our primes hire to be an NPC. He can owe some favors back at the Gatehouse, and between Kylie and Shemeska he's probably got enough bosses to kick him through whatever portals you need him to hop into.

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