Dark Fairytale IC

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Heading back down to the lower level opening up the trap door reveals a small crawl space about 4ft high with manacles attached to the walls and thick cobweb covering the entrance hatch.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Heading back down to the lower level opening up the trap door reveals a small crawl space about 4ft high with manacles attached to the walls and thick cobweb covering the entrance hatch.
OOC: what kind of walls? earth? stone? bone/shell?
worked? natural? Is it only small space for one prisoner or a tunnel? Leonan puts the head inside if needed and after cleaning the cobwebs, but doesn't go down.

"Normally, I'd go first," Shildoor says. "But that looks a bit cramped for me. I'll take the rear for this one." He swings his flail in a circle to emphasize that he needs room to work.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Not really happy to be the first one in the cramped tunnel, wiry sorcerer sighs, but lowers himself down into the space. Looking as far forward as he can, he makes an illusion of himself, crouching a bit further into the tunnel, holding a torch.

OOC: ready with either shield, counterspell or just plain jumping out :)


The illusion heads out in front phasing through a few cobwebs, the passageway seems to span the entire ship with manacles at regular intervals across on both sides as Leonan heads deeper the cobwebs becomes thicker and more dense until after about 35ft the walls and floor cannot be seen anymore.

Voidrunner's Codex

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