Dark Fairytale IC


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Can I have some fire downhere? There are webs everywhere and honest cleaning would help..."
OOC: depending on the density of the same around him, Leonan would get out if he would get burned by the fire.

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Grabbing the torch from Kaleth Leo steps back and hurls the torch at the thickest patch of webs it goes up in flames with a popping sound, the fire travels along the webbing illuminating the darkness with vivid orange and crimson colours. A large black a little larger than a dog comes hurtling out the shadows towards the sorcerer who lifts his hand to cast a defensive spell just as the spider collapses in front of him charred from the flames.

GM: No spell slot used.


GM: OK so at this point you have fully explored the ship, indulging a little bit of spell jammer, slain a elder brain and captured a dead elder brainlet. If everyone is thoroughly explored and happy I'll do a quick wrap up over the weekend so we can move on. I'm committed to keep going as long as you guys keep posting, however I may be a bit slow as I have torn my thumb tendon on my dominant hand and unfortunately I am not ambidextrous.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
So we didn't find the brain thing or the gnome?! When you say wrap up, you mean this part, right? We still continue in the city?

OOC: Ok, if we think we've covered everything. I assume we're also bringing the dwarves back. Do we figure out along the way how long they've been down here serving the brain?


Heading back is uneventful the two dwarves are still dazed from their ordeal but over the course of the journey you do manage to ascertain that they have been gone for 60years and the last thing they remember is a squad of guardsmen was sent down into the depths to uncover some cult.

Back inside the office of the Goliath captain, a few of the older guards recognise the dwarves as you pass through. Sitting across from you at the desk the guard captain awaits your report.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Captain Bedrock, we're back from no one has returned before. And boy, do we have a tale for you. But the short version of it is: there is a whole city under you and it is temporarily safe from corruption and the stories about deep dark and madness can be laid to rest, thanks to the teachings of The Academy. And we returned some lost souls that may need reintegration into your society. Or not."

Leonan tells the story quickly but adds:
"We'll be available for details, but we would appreciate removing slime and grime of the expedition and maybe a wine or two before proceeding?"
he ends in a hopeful question.

Voidrunner's Codex

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