David Gustavick


First Post
Written in tight, hurried script as if the writer was upset. The paper is bloched with tears and blood. The script itself looks like it may have been written in blood.

You win David. You've ruined your fathers life and by doing so ruined your mothers. I hope your happy now. Seems you'll get what you want in the end anyways......

The note is unsigned, the a small seal appears at the bottom of it, a blood red dragon....

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*stops to read what is written and frowns before sketching out his own reply*

"you just made an enemy David. if i find you in my path ever you will find just how vengful and vile i can be boy. this is your last chance to make amends for what you have done and make things right. do not let me hear one more word of your transgressions against MY family. this is not a threat, it is a statment.

Brother to family of Ruthia
Freind to Few
Enemy to more

*the post is put up quickly before the figure walks away*

The cloaked and hooded figure strode along the many messages pinned up, some ugly and others leaking beauty when she came upon this last note. With a pitying, sympathetic gaze from beneath the hood, she lowered the hood to reveal flowing red hair and sparkling, emerald-green eyes.
With a soft smile, she began to write with a flowing, perfect, script that would mark her as a cloistered scribe or scholar or a priest, rather than a traveler of sorts, as she seemed to be.

Friends, I prithee thee to halt this overwhelming anger, lest it spills over unto something which we shall all regret.

You all seem to forget the frailties of this mortal life that we all lead, and seem to, even more so, forget what awaits us at the end of all things. You seem to neglect that, in the end, we all turn to dust, fading from memory, from life, from everything.

Will you choose to shed each other's blood, over and over, again and again? Will that, really, truly, and necessarily, solve any of the conflicts which we now face? Life is short - for the Fair People, for the dragons, as well as for the human races - it is so incredibly short. Shockingly so, at the end.

At this point, a tear falls from the elf's eye to splotch on the paper.

How can you know love or trust or happiness if you do not foster those same things, and strive for those same things? Do you honestly think that, by reaching for your weapons, by threatening another's life, by yelling ... do you think that you can foster such things?
If you would know love, know trust, know happiness, I bid thee - nay, plead with thee to put down your swords and spears and axes, thrust aside hurt and pain, deny threats and promises of blood. These days, in this land - and all lands - there is already overmuch blood being spilled; thou need not add yours to the stockpile.
There is little love and understanding, however. Please, I beg thee, friends, remember this: in all things, love is the greatest gift to give.

*The note is a signed with only a single letter*

Some days after posting the first notice she pauses at it again. She reads those who have responded to it, then shakes her head. Clenching her fist her whole body trembles as she remebers the look on his face when he said David could take it all...that he cared not anymore. She hisses softly, white hot tears of anger sliding down her cheek as she suddenly feels the need, the desire, to add more...

Beware child, for you have started unleashing a monster you can not control.....

The note once again appears to be written in blood, unsigned except for this time a bloody hand print is placed below the message. Hissing in anger she looks at her bloody hand after writing the message, then mutters something that sends chills down an innocent passer byes spine

"HIS blood is what I'll use to write the next one.....HE is no longer my child....I vow from this day forth I will bath in HIS blood before this is through."

She says this as she clenches her bloody hand, her eyes blood red now as she makes this vow to herself....then she suddenly vanishes as if having never been there.

The elven woman strode along the message boards, a veil of purple gauze deceptively covering her face. As she read this newest note, she shook her head with a sigh, her eyes brimming with tears.
After a long moment, she picked up a quill, and began to write in that same flourishing script as before, though whether by emotion or illness, the script seemed more convulsive this time around, the result of the shaking of her hands.

The ground runs crimson with blood already spilled, and the gods weep that slain souls shall not have the experiences a life should have had. Why must you continue to add to the miseries of this land, and her people?

With your words and your actions, you are no better than a bloodthirsty corsair or an iron-booted tyrant. This land, and many like it, are already wrought with such monsters and demons, and the people weep for their continued existence.

Death is to be a natural process, at the end of a wonderful life or the decree of Fate herself. You are neither the end of life nor a god nor the decrees of Fate. By my lifeblood, you shall not take the life of this boy you have named. I will not allow it. You will spill my blood and end my life before you take his. Death, equivalent to murder, is not acceptable.


She pauses breifly to read the notes here, whipping sweet and tears from her face as she reads the mysterious one left by someone signing A. She frowns and shakes her head, writing up there quickly

Mysterious A,
Don't get involved in affairs you know nothing about. The man in question has already taken one life, even after being talked with to try and solve the problem. He cares not for talk, only action....and actions he will get.

She sighs and rubs her temples before leaving

She came walking down along the postings, a purple gauzed veil hanging teasingly in front of her face. She wore exotic garb as she read this newest response; her loose clothing seemed more fitting to a desert-environment than anything.
Thanks to the veil, there were few and far between that saw the sadness reflected in her eyes.

One life is not an excuse for taking another life! I do not need to know the specifics of this confrontation to know that your intent is to take blood and take life. Two wrongs do not make all right once again! Killing this man of yours will not bring back the life already taken, nor will it magically and assuredly immediately reverse all pain which you have suffered.

Do you really think yourself elevated above morality, humility, and piety as to deceive yourself into believing that this is a “righteous” kill or a “mercy to society”? Such thoughts have been thought before, will likely be thought again, and have always ended in disaster.
Family, and bloodlines, are everything! It is the line which connects person to person, man to woman. It transcends barriers of gender, religion, and distance. It is the base upon which individuals track their roots. It is the source of all life and honor!
In dealing with such disillusioned mentalities as “justified” or “mercy” killings, you make yourself to be no more a tyrant than this “sinful” man of the family you speak of! When will your blood thirst be slaked? How many more lives must you lose or be lost of, before you realize that violence is not the correct method?”

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*She reads this new note shortly after it's posted. Shaking with anger and frusterations She pens hurriedly, the pen almost ripping the paper as she does*


So your saying I should stand by as my son takes my husbands life? As he rips appart the only thing I have left in this world? That I should humbly bow my head as once again a family member ruins what I treasure in this world! NO! I refuse to stand bye and watch my life be ripped apart yet AGAIN by a family member who refuses to listen to reason...who has a vendiate against me for no reason of my doing! I refused to be abused by yet another who I have called family and taken in with the love in my heart! Why should I stand back and have my heart dashed to pieces by my Son?

Answer that for me Ana....answer that......

*She cuses and throws her pen, walking away in extreme anger*

Not long after the newest response had been made, the woman who exuded exoticness happened by this notice - this argument, it seemed - and read the newest response. Sorrow, pity, and sympathy splayed on her expression as she read this.

Calmly, with that same flourishing script, she penned a brief reply.

I understand your angry, frustrated, and at a loss for actions. I understand that you believe this can only lead to more violence, and death. I understand that's what many perceive to be the final option. But it is not the final option.

I do not ask nor demand that anyone dies; I am steadfast in the belief that no one has to die in this struggle. Neither you nor your husband nor David nor anyone needs to die. I understand your pain as a mother, as a wife, as one condemned to be in this difficult position. I know, because my mother, I am sure, has been in the same position time and time again, with the feeling that she has no where else to turn to, that violence is the only answer.

Let me speak to your David. Let me stand as the shield between this horrible person and you and your family. Let me help you, Ruthia, friend of my mother.

*Ruthia, after spending time calming and talking to some friends, returns to reread this notice. She frowns when she spots the newest one...her hand starts shaking as she picks up a quill to write a response to this person*

you claim to know....to understand and that violence is not the answer. Yet you do not know me, you do not know my family. I have been used, beaten, chained, and abused by my own brothers, and even my own son. I have just started recovering from those horrors, as you mother well knows, and suddenly up raises David and Ormus. I had believed both dead for many years now, yet here I face them again...and as I suddenly find one hope in my life I have it dashed by David telling me he will kill his father...and that i DESERVED the abuse I have taken...And you tell me that talking is the answer? Don't you think I have tried? I do not like killing, I would rather be at peace with the one I once called son. But instead I have been thrown into a war with him....a war were there can only be one winner And if I wish to keep the man I love the winner had best not be David.

you ask me to let you face him, to confront him...yet you do not know what you are dealing with. And I will not put you, Daughter of my best and closest friend, to be placed in danger. Even if you will it so.....

*The tears spill over as she relieves the pains of her past...the days spent chained to a wall while Lioth did as he pleased. Malendor's attacking her with the intent to kill her. Serith's leading her to the jaws of a vampire, where she spent days hanging from a cieling for the vampire's pleasure. She almost falls to the ground as her blue eyes change to grey, her sorrow taking over. But somone in the tavern calls for her, asking for her help so she turns and follows that person*

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