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DCC#8(IC):: Mactire's Misfits


Thy wounds are healed!
The party watches Derrenil become part of the shadows as she takes the lead. The rest follow as best they can into the natural stone forest of this cavern.

After a short time traveling the party comes from out behind a column made by a stalagmite and stalactite, to see Derrenil standing near a large rock in what looks like a rumble filled clearing.

[I][COLOR=sienna]A sickly green glow illuminates a large deperssion in the cavern wall. It [/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=sienna]appears as if there were a recent cave-in, or perhaps a large creature[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=sienna] was slammed into the wall.[/COLOR][/I]

Telos grabs his head an lets his concentration drop as he neared the glowing area. The magic he detected overwhelming to the poor caster.

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Telos winced, a very soft grunt of pain escaping him as his hand seized his head, looking away from the glow. When the pain subsided slightly, the man pointed towards the glow.

"Powerful magic there indeed... I cannot even bear to look at it while magic is visible as light..." He muttered to the group, before waiting for their response to the information.


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Gar gives another of his massive shrugs, all four arms and shoulders moving in unison.

"Big chunk. But it don't matter. Let's keep moving and get to that tunnel."

The hulking human considers climbing the stalagmite and leaping from one to the next, like he's able to do in the forests and jungles on the surface. Then again, these rocks might be wet and slippery... So it would be more fun! Nah, the others would probably get squashed by a rock if he wandered off... He sighed, as though promising the climb and leaps to himself for another time, and looked at the others.

"Well, lead on."

Gar will be walking a short distance (20 feet or so) behind the lead person, if possible. He'll keep the everburning torch strapped to the side of his pack. His low-light vision helps him see farther, at least, to a range of 40 feet of bright light and 80 feet of shadowy light.

And Listen and Spot checks, figuring on Listen to help me here anything coming (since my vision is limited): (Listen, then Spot) 32 and 15

So, extremely keen hearing, but practically blind right now... Stupid nat 1s...


First Post

Seeing the others take little interest in the depression into the wall, she continues ahead, keeping about 60' or so of distance between herself and the others, as the light from the torch irritates her eyes.


Thy wounds are healed!

The ground beneath your feet starts to shake.


Little pieces of stone start to fall from the ceiling and stalagtite columns.


These shockwaves must be from something large on the move and by the way they are getting stronger, whatever it is is coming your way.

Derrenil starts to move to here postion in the front, and gets about 20ft. ahead before the quaking starts.

The rest of you are in a small group 5-10' apart from each other.

Just post what you do givin a round or two (no init.) as of yet.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Feeling the ground begin to shake, and then the shaking getting stronger, Seilg hauls his Dwarf butt into the shadows and prepares his weapons - Rapier and Punch Dagger loose in scabbards, and arrow knocked in his bow.

[sblock=OOC]Hide Check (1d20+16=26)[/sblock]


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Gar quickly runs through his options, given the surroundings. He gets behind a stalagmite, trying to put it between him and the direction the shockwaves seem to be coming from. While doing this, he stuffs his everburning torch back into his haversack.

About how large are the stalagmites around here? Would I be able to climb on them?

Just getting the image of the four-armed beastman leaping from off a stalagmite/pillar to attack... :D


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Hearing the rumble, Telos was drawn out of his musings and theories by the rumbling, and muttered softly as he gestured, small fibrous hairs forming along his skin to allow him to grip walls effortlessly.

Telos will first use his Spiderwalk invocation.
How far are the walls? If they are close enough, Telos will crawl onto the ceiling so as to avoid being trampled.[/sblock]


First Post
Derrenil quickly hugs the wall of the cavern, doing her best to blend in with the surroundings.

Once hidden, she invokes a minor prayer to aid her in the near future, along with pulling out a vial of poison from her haversack.

Cast Guidance on self, retrieve vial of Giant Wasp venom from haversack, then hide. (Hide check +10)

Spells prepared (Save DC 14 + spell level):
Domains: Drow, Time
Spells Prepared:
0 -(6) Read Magic, Detect Magic x2, Guidance, Create Water, Detect Poison
1st - (5+1) Comprehend Languages, Bless, Lesser Vigor, Deathwatch, Command, Cloak of Dark Power (D);
2nd - (4+1) Silence, Bulls Strength, Death Knell, Hold Person, Claraudience/Clairvoyance (D)
3rd - (3+1) Prayer, Magic Circle vs Evil, Dispel Magic, Haste (D)
4th - (2+1) Divination, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement (D)
Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day at CL7: Darkness, Faerie Fire, Dancing Lights



Thy wounds are healed!
As the ground starts to shake the group stands still for a single second and then splits away into the darkness. The once open area where there was four people is now deserted, and quiet. While Gar and Seilg take to hiding behind a column, Telos and Derrenil go the opposite way towards the cavern wall and ready themselves for battle. Everyone watches the open area from the dark as the shaking becomes louder and stronger, they hold their breathes as a shadow comes into view from ahead, it is humaniod and it is big.

Wasting little time the group perpares to fight should they be seen.

[sblock=ooc] No IC and my dice are at home so will do initative by modifiers this time. Also will put a map in next post so you all can get your bearings. [/sblock]

[sblock=init order]
Derrenil +8
Seilg +5
Telos +4
Gar +2
Monster -1
no surprise round and I 'm giving you one more round for power ups and such[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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