I think about D&W in two different ways.
1) As a standalone Deadpool movie, I enjoyed it. It brings the fun and the zaniness of our man the pool. It is the weakest of the three deadpools. It definately shares some of the worse traits of the recent marvel movies, completely forgettable bad guy, bloated run time, reliance on cameos over substance, even the 4th wall breaks that were more subtle and less frequent in the Og movies are ramped up to over 9000 in this movie. But all of that aside, I still enjoyed it, it was deadpool for me.
2) As a MCU movie....its terrible. I think the TVA is one of the worst parts of the MCU, bringing a scale to things so high level it just makes everything beneath it seems inconsequential. And here we learn that the entire timeline of an ENTIRE UNIVERSE (not a world, not a galaxy, but a place spanning trillions of galaxies and more life than all of the grains of sand on a trillion earths)..... can hinge on a single creature..... a creature that naturally will die. So are all timelines just doomed to die? Its so beyond ridiculous you just can't help but ignore it.
They also continue to muddy the waters of a multiverse and a variant. Is the multiverse simply variants from the sacred timeline? Why is this deadpool (who was in the sacred timeline) now a variant, was it because of the timeline sheneagans or something else? That part has continued to be vague and hard to understand, and I think it just got worse in this movie.
So yeah, I'll just pretend this is a standalone franchise, and will continue to enjoy it